I know (e:Paul) and (e:libertad) have expressed interest in Allentown Athletix. This August I am going to be getting a membership there no matter what. But what about group membership?
If enough people are interested in going there I would approach them and talk about getting a group rate. If this sounds good to you post a comment.
It will be glorious.
James's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/23/2008 14:37 #44115
I have an awesome Estrip ideaCategory: gym
04/22/2008 16:22 #44102
PA fun + Crack WhoreHi,
As it turns out Clinton will nuke Iran into oblivion if they nuke Israel first. Of course, Israel has a shit load of nukes on subs so that if they are wiped off the map they can still nuke the rest of the universe. So, they really don't need our help to turn one smoldering crater into two. I am just glad she didn't go off the deep end like I thought.
Poll junkies have been making predictions about how tonights contest will end up. I am pleased to see the consensus to be consistently around 8 points for Hillary: four points closer than I thought it would be. There are even a few people who think tonight could be a major upset with a win for Obama. Seriously, I will dance in the street if he wins.
But I am still not convinced he will win by ten. One pollster said that polls are a "blunt instrument" and not the fine, sharp ones needed to get a real accurate picture. This is an extraordinary primary. With 300,000 new registered voters and unprecedented participation the only consistency between polls is a professed uncertainty in their methodology.
But enough of politics! Let's go to a blog where, from the comfort of his home, the writer sees two guys smoke crack and have sex in an ally! So horrid is it one commenter wrote "Jesus, I can almost smell that guy's cock."
As it turns out Clinton will nuke Iran into oblivion if they nuke Israel first. Of course, Israel has a shit load of nukes on subs so that if they are wiped off the map they can still nuke the rest of the universe. So, they really don't need our help to turn one smoldering crater into two. I am just glad she didn't go off the deep end like I thought.
Poll junkies have been making predictions about how tonights contest will end up. I am pleased to see the consensus to be consistently around 8 points for Hillary: four points closer than I thought it would be. There are even a few people who think tonight could be a major upset with a win for Obama. Seriously, I will dance in the street if he wins.
But I am still not convinced he will win by ten. One pollster said that polls are a "blunt instrument" and not the fine, sharp ones needed to get a real accurate picture. This is an extraordinary primary. With 300,000 new registered voters and unprecedented participation the only consistency between polls is a professed uncertainty in their methodology.
But enough of politics! Let's go to a blog where, from the comfort of his home, the writer sees two guys smoke crack and have sex in an ally! So horrid is it one commenter wrote "Jesus, I can almost smell that guy's cock."
fellyconnelly - 04/23/08 07:27
oh my god is that bobby brown?
oh my god is that bobby brown?
imk2 - 04/23/08 05:22
i think i just threw up a little in my mouth.
i think i just threw up a little in my mouth.
mike - 04/22/08 20:37
i was just thinking, what were you searching for to find that ?
i was just thinking, what were you searching for to find that ?
metalpeter - 04/22/08 20:24
I'm not saying I could really do it. But there is something that does sound kinda fun about having sex with some really hot (assuming no beer glasses on) lady in an ally. It is kinda like that wonderful animalistic wild hot hard fucking sex. Again there is something about the fact that people would watch and find it hot, not gross on nasty shit we where doing. I mean the thought, I don't know as I could ever really do it. But to be on the web in a post not so sure that would be hot. I still find it odd that the people who seemed to right it as bash kept watching and didn't say it bothered them, so i wonder if they where into it, they where at least amused .
I'm not saying I could really do it. But there is something that does sound kinda fun about having sex with some really hot (assuming no beer glasses on) lady in an ally. It is kinda like that wonderful animalistic wild hot hard fucking sex. Again there is something about the fact that people would watch and find it hot, not gross on nasty shit we where doing. I mean the thought, I don't know as I could ever really do it. But to be on the web in a post not so sure that would be hot. I still find it odd that the people who seemed to right it as bash kept watching and didn't say it bothered them, so i wonder if they where into it, they where at least amused .
james - 04/22/08 20:12
Peter: I think it is always wise to not bang anyone in an ally, lest the same fate befall you as did the two people in that blog.
Mike: It is in the blog linked. You are not crazy, but the people in it are.
Peter: I think it is always wise to not bang anyone in an ally, lest the same fate befall you as did the two people in that blog.
Mike: It is in the blog linked. You are not crazy, but the people in it are.
megan - 04/22/08 20:11
wow i can't believe that i read the whole thing...
wow i can't believe that i read the whole thing...
mike - 04/22/08 20:00
i see nothing abouit a diaper in this post? am i crazy?
i see nothing abouit a diaper in this post? am i crazy?
metalpeter - 04/22/08 19:23
As crazy as that sounds what if it was Non Gay sex, what if a women gave up her ass for crack. There is a sex for drugs trade. I heard of some lets say associates who gave a girl crack or some other heavy drug and in exchange she sucked one guy off then the next one went back to where she was and then I heard when she was done the 1st guy fucked her but not sure if that happened But drugs for sex does happen. Yeah the diaper thing is kinda weird but lets say you are homeless isn't that better then say shitting your pants. The fact that it was in an ally is kinda odd, ok no it isn't. If I was at a concert and some hot sexy lady wanted me to bang her but she wanted it be quick and go back inside I would do it in an ally but not in broad day light. But again if one of them is homeless then that isn't much of a stretch. Remember though this is a city where the Mayor got busted smoking crack and then got relected after that. I just want to add this that if anyone thinks this is really messed up and it kinda is, then answer me this. If this is so fucked up then what about the sick fucks who not only watched it all but had the time to get the camera and take pictures of it. If you notice they never say the winced or puked or stopped watching, so maybe they where kinda into it a little bit.
As crazy as that sounds what if it was Non Gay sex, what if a women gave up her ass for crack. There is a sex for drugs trade. I heard of some lets say associates who gave a girl crack or some other heavy drug and in exchange she sucked one guy off then the next one went back to where she was and then I heard when she was done the 1st guy fucked her but not sure if that happened But drugs for sex does happen. Yeah the diaper thing is kinda weird but lets say you are homeless isn't that better then say shitting your pants. The fact that it was in an ally is kinda odd, ok no it isn't. If I was at a concert and some hot sexy lady wanted me to bang her but she wanted it be quick and go back inside I would do it in an ally but not in broad day light. But again if one of them is homeless then that isn't much of a stretch. Remember though this is a city where the Mayor got busted smoking crack and then got relected after that. I just want to add this that if anyone thinks this is really messed up and it kinda is, then answer me this. If this is so fucked up then what about the sick fucks who not only watched it all but had the time to get the camera and take pictures of it. If you notice they never say the winced or puked or stopped watching, so maybe they where kinda into it a little bit.
james - 04/22/08 19:03
Tiburon: the diaper is irrelevant. Putting anything in a crack whores ass trumps everything else. Though it is an additional amusing element.
Paul: I love you.
Tiburon: the diaper is irrelevant. Putting anything in a crack whores ass trumps everything else. Though it is an additional amusing element.
Paul: I love you.
paul - 04/22/08 18:16
If only they had Byron Brown for mayor, the spy cameras would have totally prevented that.
If only they had Byron Brown for mayor, the spy cameras would have totally prevented that.
tiburon1724 - 04/22/08 17:26
lol that's disgusting! a diaper!? then he fingers his ass? oh my god to be the guy living there who came home later haha
lol that's disgusting! a diaper!? then he fingers his ass? oh my god to be the guy living there who came home later haha
04/22/2008 00:17 #44094
Has Hillary Clinton Gone Bat Shit InsaneCategory: politics
"I want the Iranians to know that if I'm the president, we will attack Iran," Clinton said. "In the next 10 years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them."
That is from a Good Morning America interview set to air this morning.

I hope that was just taken out of context, because that is absolutely insane. Like, i am scared she is even a senator, insane. Back up our ally Israel if they are attacked, fine. I am going to attack you when I am president, padded room insane.
I really hope in context she meant the former.
"I want the Iranians to know that if I'm the president, we will attack Iran," Clinton said. "In the next 10 years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them."
That is from a Good Morning America interview set to air this morning.

I hope that was just taken out of context, because that is absolutely insane. Like, i am scared she is even a senator, insane. Back up our ally Israel if they are attacked, fine. I am going to attack you when I am president, padded room insane.
I really hope in context she meant the former.
jim - 04/22/08 11:39
joshua - 04/22/08 10:21
Given the media climate I'm almost positive that was taken out of context. Clintons are too savvy for something that obviously reckless.
Given the media climate I'm almost positive that was taken out of context. Clintons are too savvy for something that obviously reckless.
fellyconnelly - 04/22/08 08:31
if such a statement is not out of context, then HRC just grew the biggest set of cajones that has come out of this presidential race.
if such a statement is not out of context, then HRC just grew the biggest set of cajones that has come out of this presidential race.
04/21/2008 16:46 #44085
Antici.......pation!Category: politics
Six weeks since the last contest in this drawn out primary. They were hitting us every week, sometimes twice there for a while. But then we have this long, long break and the suspense has been killing me.
The contest will be crazylicious. Absolutely crazy. Six weeks ago polls had HRC up by over 20 points. But that lead has been eroding steadily. Most polls have her up around 8 points and some within the margin of error. Now, I am ridiculously optimistic at times but I am not expecting an Obama win at all. I will be shocked if he loses by under ten. For one, the polls themselves are pretty dubious. Polling firms with the best track records are very mixed, most floating around ten and twelve.
What is significant about all this pre-game stuff is how ineffective HRC's strategy has been. Polls overwhelmingly show no effect to the faux-fiasco with the 'bitter' remark, or Obama's relationship with Bill Ayers, who apparently is a big evil nasty or something. The news outlets talk about the hits he is talking for this. The polls shift by a whopping 1%, and not always in her favor. In short, the kitchen sink assault of last month really was the last of her ammunition.
Well, the primary is tomorrow. I plan on spending it glued to the nets.
Six weeks since the last contest in this drawn out primary. They were hitting us every week, sometimes twice there for a while. But then we have this long, long break and the suspense has been killing me.
The contest will be crazylicious. Absolutely crazy. Six weeks ago polls had HRC up by over 20 points. But that lead has been eroding steadily. Most polls have her up around 8 points and some within the margin of error. Now, I am ridiculously optimistic at times but I am not expecting an Obama win at all. I will be shocked if he loses by under ten. For one, the polls themselves are pretty dubious. Polling firms with the best track records are very mixed, most floating around ten and twelve.
What is significant about all this pre-game stuff is how ineffective HRC's strategy has been. Polls overwhelmingly show no effect to the faux-fiasco with the 'bitter' remark, or Obama's relationship with Bill Ayers, who apparently is a big evil nasty or something. The news outlets talk about the hits he is talking for this. The polls shift by a whopping 1%, and not always in her favor. In short, the kitchen sink assault of last month really was the last of her ammunition.
Well, the primary is tomorrow. I plan on spending it glued to the nets.
james - 04/22/08 00:19
I will dance in the street if you are right Drew.
Tiny, you have music by the Scorpions? Like, at your fingertips that you can play at a moments notice? You, Ms.Pliny, are one metal chick!
I will dance in the street if you are right Drew.
Tiny, you have music by the Scorpions? Like, at your fingertips that you can play at a moments notice? You, Ms.Pliny, are one metal chick!
tinypliny - 04/21/08 19:56
That reminded me of that rocking song by the Scorpions - "Love 'em or leave 'em" (unbreakable) :)
That reminded me of that rocking song by the Scorpions - "Love 'em or leave 'em" (unbreakable) :)
- scurries off to play it*
drew - 04/21/08 17:53
I think Obama will make a strong showing, and maybe even win.
I know the demographics are against him, but Hilary ran a lousy campaign in PA, and he did great. I think an upset is in the works.
I think Obama will make a strong showing, and maybe even win.
I know the demographics are against him, but Hilary ran a lousy campaign in PA, and he did great. I think an upset is in the works.
04/17/2008 10:15 #44034
Thesis TimeCategory: school
Well, that was fast.
Apparently I have only one class and a thesis to write. Problem is I should have started looking into a topic last semester, if I was in that program. I have worked with two professors at Buff State. One of them works in a field I am not interested in, the other is on sabbatical next year.
So I spent yesterday talking to a few different professors to see if my interests and theirs match. One of them does American art history and I would love working with the guy. I have a class with him next semester, so it might work out.
But, as I am late in getting into this, I have been thinking of expanding my senior thesis. It was on the transition from a medieval mindset to a Renaissance/Humanist mindset in Northern Europe. It dealt heavily with artists like Bosch and Durer, as well as my hero Erasmus. Oh ya, I could put you folks to sleep talking about it. (begin historian/rock star voice) "Hello Buffalo! Are you ready to NAP!" (end)
There aren't many Early Modernist historians in this country. It was a period in vogue in the 70's and is due for a comeback sometime before I am dead. You can imagine my surprise to hear that one of the professor in the department not only is an Early Modernist, but also just wrote a book and my very topic but with a different focus. Jackpot!
I might actually have fun with this!
Apparently I have only one class and a thesis to write. Problem is I should have started looking into a topic last semester, if I was in that program. I have worked with two professors at Buff State. One of them works in a field I am not interested in, the other is on sabbatical next year.
So I spent yesterday talking to a few different professors to see if my interests and theirs match. One of them does American art history and I would love working with the guy. I have a class with him next semester, so it might work out.
But, as I am late in getting into this, I have been thinking of expanding my senior thesis. It was on the transition from a medieval mindset to a Renaissance/Humanist mindset in Northern Europe. It dealt heavily with artists like Bosch and Durer, as well as my hero Erasmus. Oh ya, I could put you folks to sleep talking about it. (begin historian/rock star voice) "Hello Buffalo! Are you ready to NAP!" (end)
There aren't many Early Modernist historians in this country. It was a period in vogue in the 70's and is due for a comeback sometime before I am dead. You can imagine my surprise to hear that one of the professor in the department not only is an Early Modernist, but also just wrote a book and my very topic but with a different focus. Jackpot!
I might actually have fun with this!
i would totaly do it until i was all lazy.
me too
That comment before (e:mike)'s was mine, I fixed it now.
i would totally do it prolly which i guess means not totally but really prolly
I might consider as well, assuming I am not dead by then. I bet terry and matt might too. The other option is we go home gym once Dave is gone next month. Let me talk to them.
i'm signed up with the BAC through December, but would consider switching if i could get into allentown athletix at a discount, so consider me interested