the wasteland that is Over the Top; which is greater than TS Eliot's Wasteland. I know, in those desolate planes of your childhood, this movie was on some channel people watch only when they are bored or stoned.
The plot is the very stuff of American folklore, like Johnny Apple Seed but with trucks. Sly Stalone picks his estranged son up from military school. He enters into arm wrestling matches and in the end wins not only the tournament, but also the love of his son.
The film can be sumarized in this one minute clip without missing anything. (A brief note. For all you aspiring actors. If you want to learn how to act with just your eyes, look at the man Stalone arm wrestles. He is no less than sensational.)
A light up stage? Multiple refs? A Roped ring? Over a thousand people watching and cheering? WTF?
But Stallone's character, Hawk, is no hulk. He is a samurai, calm even in the moment of striking his enemies down. For example, this scene. And ask yourself "Do you want it?"
This movie is great for so many reasons. Most of all, because it is a sad reflection on Sly. It wants to be Rocky. But instead of the drama of boxing, it is the junior high version: arm wrestling. Instead of fighting for the love of a sexy woman, he is fighting for the love of his son.
Wasn't it that Kenny Loggins song? "meet me halfway, across the sky, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah only you and I"...something like that?
That was seriously such an awesomely bad movie. I have to admit watching it more than once myself...
I think I watched this movie more then 15 times when I was younger. It was such a great movie to watch and made me want to be a trucker/arm wrestler full time. Lucky for me neither of these worked out.
I seem to remember there being some cool, catchy song. But, I guess it wasn't because I can't remember it.
that first video contains a spoiler! damn my night is ruined!
I don't know. I haven't seen this movie in over a decade because it sucks so hard.
was there a part where a chick was armwrestling? i seem to have a foggy memory of chick armwrestling matches, but that could have been me drunk at the bar...