Talk to Rush Limbaugh and he will tell you that the Clintons and Fidel Castro have been in an unholy cabal of Marxist-Leninist ideology. That was made all too apparent today when the Clinton's phoned their close friend Fidel and asked him to "drop the bomb". And drop the bomb he did.
Fidel has been waiting for the word for years. When Hillary was the inevitable candidate she had planned on visiting Cuba in her first year of the presidency and repair relations. But now that her campaign is on life support she needed to have Fidel create as big a news storm as possible. So he resigned.
But why now? Why did Hillary need Fidel to resign?
Quite simply, to obscure the most important and coveted endorsement for president of any party. The endorsement that Barack Obama got today.
- note. This post is true from here on in*
I am speaking of course of the
Ben and Jerry endorsement.
Yes, the ice cream purveyors have announced they will not just endorse Obama but campaign for him in their home state of Vermont. The Vermont primary is on March 4th. Ben and Jerry unleashed a fleet of "ObamaModibles" where they will spread the word to voters and give out scoops of "Cherries for Change" flavored ice cream.
Is there any question who the inevitable candidate is now?
yeah at one time I thought...Hillary? I might be willing to vote for her. Then of course her horrible track record regarding WNY came into play and then this pathetic smear campaign against a member of her own party...stick a knife in her, she's done!
I read an interesting article in the Washington Post yesterday... I think it was by Cal Thomas but I cannot remember. He posed the question - who has the ability to tell Hillary that its time to quit? He compared the situation to how Sen. Goldwater had to deliver the bad news to President Nixon that party support was non-existent. Circumstances aside I don't think it was a bad comparison.
I think as long as Obama avoids this kind of behavior he will be OK. I do pity her when or if she loses. I don't think she will be able to handle it. She seriously might go over the edge.
Cue Cyndi Lauper's "True Colors"