A classic.
Part of the margharita assignment challenge.
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02/29/2008 20:44 #43513
Rocket Man done rightCategory: assignment
02/27/2008 14:55 #43482
Standing Up For What MattersCategory: religion
(e:Drew). I have read the sermons posted on this site and believe you to be a good person and a fine pastor.
But buddy, you can't hold a candle to this man.
When you are out there preaching about social justice, or good community, you are just wasting your breath. You are taking soft, easy issues that please a crowd, but do not enlighten.
He is a preacher that understands that the most pressing issue of our time that only the religious community can take a stand on is the horrible blight of men sitting down while peeing.
Yes. That is what is tearing apart not just this nation, but the whole of humanity.
Listen to a REAL MAN - a man who STANDS UP WHILE PEEING - preach some gospel truth!
Acording to (e:Drew), there is a trend of men peeing sitting down. To illustrate how this is nothing short of blasphemy here is a clip
But buddy, you can't hold a candle to this man.
When you are out there preaching about social justice, or good community, you are just wasting your breath. You are taking soft, easy issues that please a crowd, but do not enlighten.
He is a preacher that understands that the most pressing issue of our time that only the religious community can take a stand on is the horrible blight of men sitting down while peeing.
Yes. That is what is tearing apart not just this nation, but the whole of humanity.
Listen to a REAL MAN - a man who STANDS UP WHILE PEEING - preach some gospel truth!
- Update***
Acording to (e:Drew), there is a trend of men peeing sitting down. To illustrate how this is nothing short of blasphemy here is a clip
jbeatty - 02/27/08 19:45
Germans pee sitting down?
Germans pee sitting down?
joshua - 02/27/08 17:50
Get it? "Standing up?" WOKKA WOKKA!
Get it? "Standing up?" WOKKA WOKKA!
drew - 02/27/08 15:20
another amazing fact. Apparently there is a growing movement of guys peeing sitting down.
another amazing fact. Apparently there is a growing movement of guys peeing sitting down.
james - 02/27/08 15:19
Dumber? Is that even possible? ^_^
Dumber? Is that even possible? ^_^
drew - 02/27/08 15:03
Wow. If you know the Bible he seems even dumber.
Wow. If you know the Bible he seems even dumber.
02/26/2008 23:08 #43477
Comic Strips are LameYa damn kids.
When I was a boy we had comics that were actually funny. The Far Side, Calvin and Hobbs, Opus. Those were actually the only three. Peanuts was a little too Christian for my tastes, but occasionally would capture the strange, befuddling awe of a simple man trying to understand an infinitely complex world. But really, more often than not comics just disappointed.
Case and point. Family Circus. The grandfather had a bit part until he died. Now he is in every fucking strip. Disappointment.
But really, I want to talk to you about the brilliance that is Garfield. Jim Davis is a sort of idiot savant. He comics are terrible. They have no crushing moral like Family Circus nor do they ironically poke fun at the genera like Boondocks. No. Garfield sucks. It is the purest insipid garbage.
But imagine Garfield in the hands of William Burroughs. Bill would take scissors to it, rearrange it, and turn crap into alchemic gold! Since he is gone, we now have to rely on machines to do that work for us, and to great effect.

Behold! The Garfield Comic Randomizer!
Now if only it could make Hagar entertaining.
When I was a boy we had comics that were actually funny. The Far Side, Calvin and Hobbs, Opus. Those were actually the only three. Peanuts was a little too Christian for my tastes, but occasionally would capture the strange, befuddling awe of a simple man trying to understand an infinitely complex world. But really, more often than not comics just disappointed.
Case and point. Family Circus. The grandfather had a bit part until he died. Now he is in every fucking strip. Disappointment.
But really, I want to talk to you about the brilliance that is Garfield. Jim Davis is a sort of idiot savant. He comics are terrible. They have no crushing moral like Family Circus nor do they ironically poke fun at the genera like Boondocks. No. Garfield sucks. It is the purest insipid garbage.
But imagine Garfield in the hands of William Burroughs. Bill would take scissors to it, rearrange it, and turn crap into alchemic gold! Since he is gone, we now have to rely on machines to do that work for us, and to great effect.

Behold! The Garfield Comic Randomizer!
Now if only it could make Hagar entertaining.
drew - 02/27/08 10:59
Amazing. This one is even better. And to think I hated the family circus.
Amazing. This one is even better. And to think I hated the family circus.
james - 02/27/08 10:20
jbeatty: wow, that made both Family Circus and Nietzsche readable! Thank you for posting
Zobar: I saw a link to that yesterday on metafilter. It is fantastic.
jbeatty: wow, that made both Family Circus and Nietzsche readable! Thank you for posting
Zobar: I saw a link to that yesterday on metafilter. It is fantastic.
zobar - 02/27/08 08:18
Maybe the problem is not that the comic strip isn't funny but that the cat isn't pulling his weight. Once you cut out the dead weight, the rest of the strip is pretty good :::link:::
- Z
Maybe the problem is not that the comic strip isn't funny but that the cat isn't pulling his weight. Once you cut out the dead weight, the rest of the strip is pretty good :::link:::
- Z
jbeatty - 02/27/08 07:18
Wow, it makes the same amount of sense. Someone once sent me this link of the Family Circus with quotes from Frederick Nietzsche. :::link::: It's much more interesting this way.
Wow, it makes the same amount of sense. Someone once sent me this link of the Family Circus with quotes from Frederick Nietzsche. :::link::: It's much more interesting this way.
mrmike - 02/27/08 06:34
That's awesome
That's awesome
02/25/2008 13:05 #43455
Clinton is a bitchCategory: politics
I have been avoiding the b-word for a while now. But now that the Clinton campaign is swirling in the bottom of the bowl and her claws are out, it seems like the only word.
Listen to this bit from the weekend.
Nice, she complains about him not paying attention to specifics (he does) and then fails to attack him on specifics but rather go into a tantrum and just call him names.
Now today we have this

Mike Drudge reports that the Clinton campaign has been circulating this photo of Obama on a diplomatic trip to Somalia in 2006. He is trying on the traditional Somali garb, something senators do on diplomatic trips.
Come on.
Listen to this bit from the weekend.
Nice, she complains about him not paying attention to specifics (he does) and then fails to attack him on specifics but rather go into a tantrum and just call him names.
Now today we have this

Mike Drudge reports that the Clinton campaign has been circulating this photo of Obama on a diplomatic trip to Somalia in 2006. He is trying on the traditional Somali garb, something senators do on diplomatic trips.
Come on.
tiburon1724 - 02/26/08 23:29
yeah at one time I thought...Hillary? I might be willing to vote for her. Then of course her horrible track record regarding WNY came into play and then this pathetic smear campaign against a member of her own party...stick a knife in her, she's done!
yeah at one time I thought...Hillary? I might be willing to vote for her. Then of course her horrible track record regarding WNY came into play and then this pathetic smear campaign against a member of her own party...stick a knife in her, she's done!
joshua - 02/26/08 09:14
I read an interesting article in the Washington Post yesterday... I think it was by Cal Thomas but I cannot remember. He posed the question - who has the ability to tell Hillary that its time to quit? He compared the situation to how Sen. Goldwater had to deliver the bad news to President Nixon that party support was non-existent. Circumstances aside I don't think it was a bad comparison.
I read an interesting article in the Washington Post yesterday... I think it was by Cal Thomas but I cannot remember. He posed the question - who has the ability to tell Hillary that its time to quit? He compared the situation to how Sen. Goldwater had to deliver the bad news to President Nixon that party support was non-existent. Circumstances aside I don't think it was a bad comparison.
libertad - 02/26/08 08:08
I think as long as Obama avoids this kind of behavior he will be OK. I do pity her when or if she loses. I don't think she will be able to handle it. She seriously might go over the edge.
I think as long as Obama avoids this kind of behavior he will be OK. I do pity her when or if she loses. I don't think she will be able to handle it. She seriously might go over the edge.
joshua - 02/25/08 13:32
Cue Cyndi Lauper's "True Colors"
Cue Cyndi Lauper's "True Colors"
02/24/2008 12:02 #43446
Jesus Ralph, Put a Sock In ItCategory: politics
Guess who is running for president!
That is right! George Bush's chief enabler Ralph fucking Nader! Ralph will be irrelevant this election as an Independent. Oh the hubris! The arrogance! God damn it man, just lay off.
That is right! George Bush's chief enabler Ralph fucking Nader! Ralph will be irrelevant this election as an Independent. Oh the hubris! The arrogance! God damn it man, just lay off.
metalpeter - 02/25/08 17:43
I guess if I had seen there video I would have known that, thanks.
I guess if I had seen there video I would have known that, thanks.
joshua - 02/25/08 11:16
Peter its a spoof of the real anonymous stuff.
Peter its a spoof of the real anonymous stuff.
metalpeter - 02/24/08 12:46
Yeah but why where Donhue's and Micheal Moore's eyes blacked out. Also is this the same Annoymus that got the protest of the Scincetologists going?
Yeah but why where Donhue's and Micheal Moore's eyes blacked out. Also is this the same Annoymus that got the protest of the Scincetologists going?
jbeatty - 02/24/08 12:11
Thats about how I felt when I read that this morning.
Thats about how I felt when I read that this morning.
Of course he isn't smoking it zobar. He doesn't want to harm those angelic vocal cords of his.
Oh my 3 shatners. It is ok it comes off kinda like a DR. Seus book but that is ok.
I saw that for the first time when I was in college, and this whole time I cherished the thought of William Shatner getting high … as a kite on the good juju all over national TV. I mean he's got the mellow, he's got the paranoia, he's got the fear, and then he's got the gigglies.
So I'm showing it to (e:dragonlady7) tonight and he's barely even started before she goes, 'it's too bad he's not really smoking it.'
- Z
oh yes i love that! It's absolutely fantastic.