What the fuck are people in government thinking? In New York, at least according to the statistics, there is no bridge that isn't scheduled for an inspection every 24 months. The worst state in comparison? Illinois, with nearly 11,000 bridges on schedules longer than 24 months. California is in third with 3,600... which to me is absolutely dangerous and inexplicable given that its such a seismically active area. Combined with a $15 billion budget deficit, I wonder how Cali manages to maintain its infrastructure at all.
Keep in mind - this sort of statistic is keeping track only the *scheduled* bridge inspections. It doesn't speak about if/when the inspections have actually occurred. Wondering about your own local commute? I sure was - I roundtrip across the southern Grand Island bridges twice a day. The problem is that even bridges your state and federal government KNOW are unsafe are not being inspected within an acceptable time frame. Want to know how the bridges on your commute rate?

The default commute is from SF, CA to San Rafael, CA - you'll have to change and tinker with the tool to have your bridges and ramps pop up. I checked my commute from Buffalo to Grand Island.
Grand Island Bridge - last inspection October 2006. Evaluation of condition - meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. Rating - structurally deficient. On average 11,000 people a day have no idea that they are crossing a structurally deficient bridge. Why hasn't it been repaired, and why is it acceptable for our government to allow citizens to use risky infrastructure? WHY IS IT THAT THEY JUST INCREASED THE TOLL FOR THIS BRIDGE KNOWING DAMN WELL THAT THE MONEY THEY ARE COLLECTING AT THE BRIDGE IS NOT BEING PRIORITIZED TO MAINTAIN IT?
190/324 interchange - December 2006. Same evaluation and rating as the GI bridge.
Rt. 33 near Grider St. - August 2006 - same story.
I would love to know who to complain to.
wow. that's pretty f'd up.
It's kinda like the thruway money. I thought they were supposed to get rid of the tolls once the road was paid for???
What, Government actually focus and spend money on the things it is actually charged to take care of? Nahhhh. Never ever ever.
Wow, this makes me feel so uncomfortable about the grand island bridge. I think I will just drive the long way down niagara falls blvd from now on. I wonder if this will come up for grand island bridge on google. We should talk about it more until someone notices. I mean wheere is all the money from the toll going?