I don't know what I'll do but the places I'm auditing this week are Chinese-owned garment makers. We had to hire a translator because none of the workers speak English, but the lady we hired seems really nice. I got my feet wet bumping around using Muni. I got my weekly pass and I'm good to go - the F line is a block away and will be my main way around until its time to go home. So, for now here is a handful of pictures... if things continue as they have I'm going to get a great picture of the Golden Gate Bridge and maybe maybe maybe I'll go to the top of Coit Tower or the bar in Sir Francis Drake Hotel for some pictures. I take all the credit for the great weather!

City Lights Bookstore - a bit of a pilgrimage for me... I draw a lot of inspiration from the Beats.

Cool and famous - me and the sign!

Haight Ashbury - the district and the corner. This is the view from my friends' front step.

710 Ashbury St. - the Grateful Dead house. I felt bad for the tourists who took pictures in front of 610 holding up peace signs.

Haight and Waller St. - and my buddy Jonas who had no idea he was going to make a cameo in my blog tonight.
I made some pretty savvy purchases as well. I went to Amoeba and got my dad a copy of a movie called "Amandla! A Revolution in Four-Part Harmony", which is a documentary about the freedom music of South Africa and how it sustained the soul of the black population during Apartheid - it won the 2002 Sundance Viewer's Choice Award and African music, which my dad loves, is at the center of the whole thing. I think it was better than getting him a blue-ray copy of The Aviator.
I also got three packs of different rolling papers, which I let my boy Jonas choose for me. I picked up a shoulder bag from the army navy surplus on Haight - the store in Buffalo is 10x the size and did not have what I wanted and this store did! I also bought three books at City Lights - a copy of a book by Simon Winchester (at the suggestion of my friend Anna's brother Andrew) called "A Crack In The Edge Of The World," which is an account of the quake and fire in 1906 and how it has impacted American history. The pictures make you realize how foolish it was for humans to have settled on this peninsula. City Lights also has its own publishing arm and I felt strongly about supporting their efforts, so I picked up a copy of The Yage Letters, which is constructed from letters between William Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg describing to each other their experiences monkeying around with strange native American drugs. Also on the suggestion of Anna, since I told her I like short stories, I picked up a copy of "The Elephant Vanishes" by Haruki Murakami.
I think one of ANtohny Bourdain's travel episodes to Peru is great as he repeats Burrow's and Ginsberg's psychadellic adventures in Machu Pichu.
You have some nice pictures there, thanks for sharing. I wish you luck with the work and with getting more cool looking shots.
Hey, welcome to SF, (e:joshua) .
I live 2 blocks from Chow ! How long are you going to be here?
Abandon all despair ye who enter here - I got a real kick out of that
Awesome, I'm jealous