My lovely spouse,
(e:Uncutsaniflush,42611) recently journaled about how incosiderate Canadians can be while here.
Working retail in this area, i have experienced the rudest people to serve have either been Canadians visiting for the purpose of shopping or suburban women, slumming it in the city. The later is an entirely different subject, best saved for another day i feel like kvetching...
There is an attitude of entitlement and expectation of superior service because "I am from CANADA"... like that is somehow going to impress me into giving them more than i could give 30 seconds ago.
Oh, if that's the case, you are Canadain, well, then, i will get out the special backstock we keep away from the Americans to save just in case a Canadian comes into the store!
Or maybe the Xmas season is getting to me more now than it ever did in the past.
See, unlike those that have office jobs and got off work on Friday to have a week or even a few days off work, us retail shlubs have to keep on keeping on... right,
At my place of employment, to top it off, we have been short staffed. The pox i wrote about,
(e:LeeTee,42588) has given me more hours... more than i wanted or could handle. Normally, we get a delivery on Tuesday and by Wednesday, it is all tagged and put away. No such luck this week. The back alley wasn't dug out from the weekend's snow soon enough, so we trudged it all box by box through the front door (the trucking company only drops off at the door, the employees have to get it to the appropriate place in the shop), all 3 skids of it. And the mopping afterwards... *shudder* Thank goodness no one slipped.
Being 2 staff members short, we barely got the chance to get to tagging and stocking. Of course, the manager complains when she comes in that all of the work should have been done. This same manager who needed a week off to recoup from whatever it was that was keeping her from working (all i know is that she was in the hospital for a day or maybe 2 then was home the rest of the week), but managed to get in on Friday to look around. I was sick, throwing up in the garbage can beside the cash register, but she still needed her regularly scheduled day off. Nice...
The light at the end of the tunnel, for me, was that my holiday plans would not be ruined. I was actually going to get to see some of my family for a short time today.
(e:Uncutsaniflush) has to work this morning, but has the afternoon free and i have an actual day off.
So, after he gets off work, we were going to hit the road to Hamilton, arrive early afternoon and hang out with my mom and dad, my brother, sister in law, their 2 kids and their new foster daughter, have dinner with them, open some gifts i have here for them....
But that was foiled. Seems someone forgot to tell someone else that someone else invited them somewhere. Would we be able to do lunch?
Nope. No can do. This afternoon is the only time i can see them this holiday.
Despite me being as clear as i could to my mom and to my sister in law via email that this is and will be the only chance for
(e:Uncutsaniflush) and i to see them, they made other plans. These plans are to go to dinner elsewhere... and this morning, i found out that they will be having dinner at that same place the next day, too.
How is that for a "fuck you", huh? Not only will we not make space to see you, but we made double the space to see the other side of the family's sister... not my brother's side of the family's sister.. aka me.
Ah, and the "fuck you" extends to my mother... who, for the record, rarely cooks. This year, she not only bought food to cook, but baked deserts and treats. All in preparation for this afternoon and tonight when their household of 2 would swell to 9....
So, it's not just Canadian strangers that are rude... it's my family, too.
wow I'd think you worked in my store from reading your post! It absolutely blows my mind what people really expect they're entitled to and/or try to get away with. I would NEVER, even before I worked retail, have the nerve to expect the things these people do! Retail will eventually turn anyone against the human race.
When I worked retail I could never get that either. Why can't the manager just pre-plan the schedule a little better. It is so frustrating.
from one retail gal to another - i understand... every phone or accessory that is returned is another serious dent in the paycheck for me.
the key is to try and really enjoy the customers that are not total douchebags. I know that sometimes they seem like few and far between - but hang in there!
I will admit I have never worked retail so I don't know what you are going through. What I will say is that the thing you said about the schedulle is pretty common in a lot of places. I can remember in the old days way before estrip when I was a stock boy some people would have to come into work to see when they where working because the last day they worked that week their new days and times weren't ready yet. It happened more with Deli and cashiers then stock boys cause you had a lot of hours to cover I think I may have had to gone into the office a couple times before the schedule was done to find out when I was working. It does make it hard to plan things out that you want to do. Maybe if you know about things a few weeks ahead for something you have to do then you can get the time off. In terms of customers a lot of them are assholes but I think most of them don't know that they are, some I'm sure do and are trying to scam the place that you work. Hopefully the return season will end soon and things will get back to normal.