Saw this film this afternoon.... fucking amazing. Even though i knew what would happen in the end, i still cried. Surprisingly, i also laughed at bits of it. I wasn't expecting that.
If you're interested, go see it before it goes away. Myself, (e:Uncutsaniflush) and 2 older people (the man said "that was shit" when the credits started rolling... i wonder what he was expecting?) were the only ones in the theatre. I don't expect it to be around for very long.
For anyone that is interested, Joy Division themselves...
Leetee's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/10/2007 19:15 #42460
Out of Control12/10/2007 09:45 #42453
Oh, Dad!Damn, that man is so hard to buy for....
It would be difficult enough if there was just the one holiday. But his birthday is January 7th, so i have always purchased 2 gifts during the holiday shopping season, since the shops are usually so picked over after x-mas.
Since i know he doesn't read this, i can say that we got him an x-mas gift already. A page a day calendar that counts down the day Bush leaves office... oh, how he will love love love that.
But what to get him for his birthday? We probably won't be able to see him because of mine and (e:Uncutsaniflush)'s work schedules... so i need to be able to send it or have it delivered.
How can the internet have run out of ideas for him!! How??!!
What to buy for the man that spends the majority of his time working for his own business or parked in front of the t.v. smoking weed?
I have already done junk food baskets and t.v. guides for him for soOOoo many years. Besides, he has high cholesterol now... so no more cheesecake of the month idea....
Oh, Daddy... i love you... but... what to get you for your birthday can be such a challenge!!!!
It would be difficult enough if there was just the one holiday. But his birthday is January 7th, so i have always purchased 2 gifts during the holiday shopping season, since the shops are usually so picked over after x-mas.
Since i know he doesn't read this, i can say that we got him an x-mas gift already. A page a day calendar that counts down the day Bush leaves office... oh, how he will love love love that.
But what to get him for his birthday? We probably won't be able to see him because of mine and (e:Uncutsaniflush)'s work schedules... so i need to be able to send it or have it delivered.
How can the internet have run out of ideas for him!! How??!!
What to buy for the man that spends the majority of his time working for his own business or parked in front of the t.v. smoking weed?
I have already done junk food baskets and t.v. guides for him for soOOoo many years. Besides, he has high cholesterol now... so no more cheesecake of the month idea....
Oh, Daddy... i love you... but... what to get you for your birthday can be such a challenge!!!!
metalpeter - 12/10/07 17:45
That monkey Idea is the best idea I have heard, that is untopable. I say cross into Canada and let him know he will get his gift late then go find him some really good weed. I have heard not sure how far it is but the best stuff is IN B.C. I have heard you can even find flavored Peach and other flavors there. How you would find that out I'm not sure does High Times have a web site or subscritions in Canada.
That monkey Idea is the best idea I have heard, that is untopable. I say cross into Canada and let him know he will get his gift late then go find him some really good weed. I have heard not sure how far it is but the best stuff is IN B.C. I have heard you can even find flavored Peach and other flavors there. How you would find that out I'm not sure does High Times have a web site or subscritions in Canada.
leetee - 12/10/07 10:00
neither of which will be easy to deliver, seeing as there are customs issues...
but amusing ideas....
neither of which will be easy to deliver, seeing as there are customs issues...
but amusing ideas....
mrmike - 12/10/07 09:54
fine smoking accessories from Terrapin Station -- The Krusty the Klown bong made me laugh
fine smoking accessories from Terrapin Station -- The Krusty the Klown bong made me laugh
ladycroft - 12/10/07 09:51
a shoulder monkey to roll his joints for him?
a shoulder monkey to roll his joints for him?
12/08/2007 17:56 #42437
Stuff On My Mutt12/03/2007 12:26 #42380
Birthday's, User Sounds and ShoppingPoor (e:Uncutsaniflush) had to work on his birthday. The only good thing about it was that i have baked him a cake as a surprise when he gets home from work. Hope to hear from him soon letting me know he is on his way home...
Happy Birthday, my wonderful husband. I love you. You rock.
I changed my user sound. To my favie xmas song. It used to be Kate Bush's December Will Be Magic Again, but since i heard it for the first time last year, it is now the Hippo Song... i just LOVE it. Thanks, (e:Uncutsaniflush) for finding and downloading it for me!
While looking at stuff online, i came across a few things i thought were amusing, but not for anyone on my list. Thought i would share....

carolinian - 12/08/07 22:35
I'm just kvelling over that meshuggenah keyboard.
I'll never buy it, though, because if I did, I'd get too preoccupied with hacking OS X to replace the cloverleafs in the menus with Star Of David symbols.
I'm just kvelling over that meshuggenah keyboard.
I'll never buy it, though, because if I did, I'd get too preoccupied with hacking OS X to replace the cloverleafs in the menus with Star Of David symbols.
museumchick - 12/03/07 21:50
Happy Birthday, Uncut!
Happy Birthday, Uncut!
libertad - 12/03/07 20:50
very cute usersound!
very cute usersound!
metalpeter - 12/03/07 17:39
Happy Birthday Uncut!!!!
Happy Birthday Uncut!!!!
ladycroft - 12/03/07 16:39
happy birthday uncut!
happy birthday uncut!
mrmike - 12/03/07 13:37
I may have to get the chosen keyboard just for the space bar sticker
I may have to get the chosen keyboard just for the space bar sticker
mike - 12/03/07 12:57
happy birthday (e:uncutsanisflus)h! I have those death row cigarettees! (e:paul) bought them for me in San Fran! I love candy cigs!
happy birthday (e:uncutsanisflus)h! I have those death row cigarettees! (e:paul) bought them for me in San Fran! I love candy cigs!
11/30/2007 00:28 #42337
Been Waiting At The Bus Stop All DayIt's funny what people will do in cars when they don't think people can see them. Standing at the corner of Elmwood and Delavan waiting for the bus to work today around 1.30pm, it was interesting to see the variety of things people were doing in their vehicles while waiting for the light to change.
A lot of men were picking their noses. Not a sly little "i need to get rid of this booger" pick, but full blown arm all the way up there. Some are even on their phones at the same time. I wonder if the person on the other end knew they were...
Quite a few women were grooming themselves. A lot of hair fixing, mostly, but the occasional makeup. Most surprising was the woman brushing her teeth while on the phone.
There were few readers. A lot of radio/music changers. Some even doing the now old school cds... maybe some ipods, too, but i couldn't tell them from radios if they were docked.
I was disappointed to see as many SUV drivers on phones... not that i am all high and mighty, but it sure does fit the stereotype, doesn't it? I supressed my urge to scream "HANG UP AND DRIVE ASSHAT!" by a thread. Who has PMS? Not me!
I saw a lot of inconsideration, too. People trying to make it through the light and ended up on a red in the middle of the intersection so the vehicles on Delavan trying to cross Elmwood had to wait for the next light.
I wonder what my next bus wait will produce....
A lot of men were picking their noses. Not a sly little "i need to get rid of this booger" pick, but full blown arm all the way up there. Some are even on their phones at the same time. I wonder if the person on the other end knew they were...
Quite a few women were grooming themselves. A lot of hair fixing, mostly, but the occasional makeup. Most surprising was the woman brushing her teeth while on the phone.
There were few readers. A lot of radio/music changers. Some even doing the now old school cds... maybe some ipods, too, but i couldn't tell them from radios if they were docked.
I was disappointed to see as many SUV drivers on phones... not that i am all high and mighty, but it sure does fit the stereotype, doesn't it? I supressed my urge to scream "HANG UP AND DRIVE ASSHAT!" by a thread. Who has PMS? Not me!
I saw a lot of inconsideration, too. People trying to make it through the light and ended up on a red in the middle of the intersection so the vehicles on Delavan trying to cross Elmwood had to wait for the next light.
I wonder what my next bus wait will produce....
museumchick - 11/30/07 13:50
I like to watch people driving by when I'm waiting for the bus, too. This post made me smile.
I like to watch people driving by when I'm waiting for the bus, too. This post made me smile.
drew - 11/30/07 10:03
Or the Violent Femmes "Waiting for the Bus"
I said, hey Mr. Driver, don't be slow,
'cause I got someplace, I gotta go.
Hey Mr. Driverman, drive that thing fast,
my precious time keeps slippin' past.
Let's call the mayor, lets complain
Look what the city's done to us again.
Looks like somebody forgot about us,
standin' on the corner, waiting for a bus!
Or the Violent Femmes "Waiting for the Bus"
I said, hey Mr. Driver, don't be slow,
'cause I got someplace, I gotta go.
Hey Mr. Driverman, drive that thing fast,
my precious time keeps slippin' past.
Let's call the mayor, lets complain
Look what the city's done to us again.
Looks like somebody forgot about us,
standin' on the corner, waiting for a bus!
fellyconnelly - 11/30/07 09:39
ah voyerism... good times
ah voyerism... good times
mrmike - 11/30/07 09:08
Not sure, but your tale has ZZ Top's "Waiting for the Bus All Day" playing on my mental IPOD. Thanks
Not sure, but your tale has ZZ Top's "Waiting for the Bus All Day" playing on my mental IPOD. Thanks
oh, i've heard about this movie. heard it was good.
mmmm. love will tear us apart. I love that song.