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12/14/2007 09:59 #42513

Minor Irritating Frustrations
Yet, i am feeling beat down. How many times can my work schedule or weather get in the way of holiday plans?

My work and (e:Uncutsaniflush)'s work schedules must have been planned... my boss and his got together and decided that every time i am working, he is not and every time he is working, i am not. Means we cannot do any holiday things together.

Ah, but just to give us false hope, we both have Sunday off, so we made plans. And now, we find out there might be a killer snow fall on Saturday night/Sunday morning, leaving us stuck for just enough time to not be able to make our plans a reality.

Then there's the times when there are parties that neither of us can attend because we are working.

It seems like the fates do not wish us to see anyone else this holiday season.

I will miss seeing my brother and sister in law and their kids, along with the new 6 year old foster child they recently took in. I will also miss seeing the extended family -- cousins and aunts and uncles. If those plans are still on... my mom hasn't mentioned them...

I am trying hard not to let this get to me, since really, in the grand sceme of things, it is just minor. Yet i am upset and frustrated.

Perhaps it is just getting used to working and having limited time again. I found it difficult enough to please everyone and be everywhere when i wasn't working, it's even more difficult now.

  • sigh*

Happy Holidays, everyone! Hope there will be pictures of the pot luck posted soon.
museumchick - 12/15/07 10:16
That's always so dissapointing when that happens. I hope that you'll have a wonderful holiday, though:).
metalpeter - 12/15/07 09:36
I will put a positive spin on things for you, not that it will help, Oh yeah positive sorry it will make all your troubles vanish. Before when you tried to see everyone is was I'm guessing impossible it was also very stress full flying around. So now you have a valid excuse, that being work. Just relax and say you can't see anyone because of work and kill all your plans it could cut out a lot of the stress. Yes family functions are fun but most peoples family stresses them out also, keep that in mind. The next time you see someone who you haven't had time to see hopefully you will be more apartative of being able to see them.

On a side note it looks like do to a memory card problem no pictures from the diner but it was still a great time.

12/12/2007 10:09 #42487

Red Fire
That's the name of this month's colour. Last month, (e:LeeTee,42112) i used Red Hot. It was good, but a bit too much of a violet base for me, since my hair tends to pull blues easily. So, this month, i thought i would try Red Fire, since it has a copper base.

(e:Uncutsaniflush) and i heard from a ex-friend in our past. Interesting that she called my phone instead of his to speak to him. Result was the same, though. He did not wish to speak to her and neither did i. Funny that, huh? That we would not want to chit chat with someone who told us she did not want to be our friend?

For another friend we adore dearly, we ordered a holiday gift from Signals. The day after we ordered it, we found out it was back ordered, due to be in stock on the 4th... then the 7th... then the 9th... then the 11th... now, the 19th. Looks like we might need to find a new gift or have a New Years gift for her instead...

Still no ideas for my dad, (e:LeeTee,42453) for his birthday. Sadly, most stuff from Tarpin Station wouldn't be that great for shipping. Besides, he can get all that stuff there... and he is a roll your own kinda guy, not a bong kinda guy. And he has enough weed to last a few... well... most people, years, him months.

Other than some odds and sods (and my dad's birthday gift), we are mostly done with our holiday shopping. I think if i continue to work retail, i want to finish shopping by 1 December next year!

Well, i best get on with chores and enjoying my day off. As is typical, i am working the evening of the (e:Strip) Holiday Pot Luck....
jason - 12/12/07 15:42
You should try (I know, seasoned citizens are set in their ways) to get him to use a vaporizer. It's healthier, and I hear more effective. It's showing your dad you care about his health!

12/10/2007 19:15 #42460

Out of Control
Saw this film this afternoon.... fucking amazing. Even though i knew what would happen in the end, i still cried. Surprisingly, i also laughed at bits of it. I wasn't expecting that.

If you're interested, go see it before it goes away. Myself, (e:Uncutsaniflush) and 2 older people (the man said "that was shit" when the credits started rolling... i wonder what he was expecting?) were the only ones in the theatre. I don't expect it to be around for very long.

For anyone that is interested, Joy Division themselves...

imk2 - 12/10/07 19:59
oh, i've heard about this movie. heard it was good.
jenks - 12/10/07 19:50
mmmm. love will tear us apart. I love that song.

12/10/2007 09:45 #42453

Oh, Dad!
Damn, that man is so hard to buy for....

It would be difficult enough if there was just the one holiday. But his birthday is January 7th, so i have always purchased 2 gifts during the holiday shopping season, since the shops are usually so picked over after x-mas.

Since i know he doesn't read this, i can say that we got him an x-mas gift already. A page a day calendar that counts down the day Bush leaves office... oh, how he will love love love that.

But what to get him for his birthday? We probably won't be able to see him because of mine and (e:Uncutsaniflush)'s work schedules... so i need to be able to send it or have it delivered.

How can the internet have run out of ideas for him!! How??!!

What to buy for the man that spends the majority of his time working for his own business or parked in front of the t.v. smoking weed?

I have already done junk food baskets and t.v. guides for him for soOOoo many years. Besides, he has high cholesterol now... so no more cheesecake of the month idea....

Oh, Daddy... i love you... but... what to get you for your birthday can be such a challenge!!!!
metalpeter - 12/10/07 17:45
That monkey Idea is the best idea I have heard, that is untopable. I say cross into Canada and let him know he will get his gift late then go find him some really good weed. I have heard not sure how far it is but the best stuff is IN B.C. I have heard you can even find flavored Peach and other flavors there. How you would find that out I'm not sure does High Times have a web site or subscritions in Canada.
leetee - 12/10/07 10:00
neither of which will be easy to deliver, seeing as there are customs issues...

but amusing ideas....
mrmike - 12/10/07 09:54
fine smoking accessories from Terrapin Station -- The Krusty the Klown bong made me laugh
ladycroft - 12/10/07 09:51
a shoulder monkey to roll his joints for him?

12/08/2007 17:56 #42437

Stuff On My Mutt
I don't actually have my own mutt... so Ava will have to do. They posted the pics i sent in of her.. tee hee hee...