It's funny what people will do in cars when they don't think people can see them. Standing at the corner of Elmwood and Delavan waiting for the bus to work today around 1.30pm, it was interesting to see the variety of things people were doing in their vehicles while waiting for the light to change.
A lot of men were picking their noses. Not a sly little "i need to get rid of this booger" pick, but full blown arm all the way up there. Some are even on their phones at the same time. I wonder if the person on the other end knew they were...
Quite a few women were grooming themselves. A lot of hair fixing, mostly, but the occasional makeup. Most surprising was the woman brushing her teeth while on the phone.
There were few readers. A lot of radio/music changers. Some even doing the now old school cds... maybe some ipods, too, but i couldn't tell them from radios if they were docked.
I was disappointed to see as many SUV drivers on phones... not that i am all high and mighty, but it sure does fit the stereotype, doesn't it? I supressed my urge to scream "HANG UP AND DRIVE ASSHAT!" by a thread. Who has PMS? Not me!
I saw a lot of inconsideration, too. People trying to make it through the light and ended up on a red in the middle of the intersection so the vehicles on Delavan trying to cross Elmwood had to wait for the next light.
I wonder what my next bus wait will produce....
Leetee's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/30/2007 00:28 #42337
Been Waiting At The Bus Stop All Day11/24/2007 10:03 #42268
Thanksgiving Pugs'Cause that's what is most important to give thanks for, right?
I have seen Kirsten in so long now that she's moved down to Little Summer. I miss having her and the pugs and her kitties a couple of doors down and being able to see them at any time.
We went out for lunch then over to her place to hang with the animals. Of course, i took a camera full of pictures. Of course i am going to share some.
The always adorable Ava

Nolan can be so hard to get a good picture of, his fur is so black and shiny

I think having kids has done to Ava what i have heard it can do to humans... pack on a few extra pounds... She used to be so svelte.

Kirsten kept one of the 7 babies Ava (and Nolan) had. She named him Taj. I can see the personalities and physical characteristics of both Ava and Nolan in him.

Then, later in the day, i made us a tofurkey... with all the typical turkey fixins -- 'taters and carrots and cranberries.

I have seen Kirsten in so long now that she's moved down to Little Summer. I miss having her and the pugs and her kitties a couple of doors down and being able to see them at any time.
We went out for lunch then over to her place to hang with the animals. Of course, i took a camera full of pictures. Of course i am going to share some.
The always adorable Ava

Nolan can be so hard to get a good picture of, his fur is so black and shiny

I think having kids has done to Ava what i have heard it can do to humans... pack on a few extra pounds... She used to be so svelte.

Kirsten kept one of the 7 babies Ava (and Nolan) had. She named him Taj. I can see the personalities and physical characteristics of both Ava and Nolan in him.

Then, later in the day, i made us a tofurkey... with all the typical turkey fixins -- 'taters and carrots and cranberries.

leetee - 11/25/07 13:27
i think pugs are so ugly they are cute.
i'm totally still speaking to you, (e:imk2) and would love to do lunch. check your email. :O)
i think pugs are so ugly they are cute.
i'm totally still speaking to you, (e:imk2) and would love to do lunch. check your email. :O)
jenks - 11/25/07 10:02
hehe, bulldogs have got to be "uglier" than pugs then- but god I love ALL the little smoosh-faced underbite dogs. :D And I missed them on the dog show on thanksgiving! dammit!
hehe, bulldogs have got to be "uglier" than pugs then- but god I love ALL the little smoosh-faced underbite dogs. :D And I missed them on the dog show on thanksgiving! dammit!
metalpeter - 11/24/07 16:10
Pugs are so strange looking. I both agree and disagree with (e:imk2) . First of all they are kinda alien looking but at the same time those big eyes and sad faces are kinda cute. I have seen some adorable pugs. About maybe a week ago I saw someone around where I live walking three of them or at least I think there where 3 of them all together I wasn't that close to them to be sure if they where all pugs or not.
Pugs are so strange looking. I both agree and disagree with (e:imk2) . First of all they are kinda alien looking but at the same time those big eyes and sad faces are kinda cute. I have seen some adorable pugs. About maybe a week ago I saw someone around where I live walking three of them or at least I think there where 3 of them all together I wasn't that close to them to be sure if they where all pugs or not.
imk2 - 11/24/07 14:06
i am sorry, even though i am a dog person, pugs are like THE ugliest dogs EVER! they look like genetic accidents that dropped out of space. (please send all the hate mail to my gmail account).
Lee, do you want to have lunch or dinner sometime this week? (if you're still speaking to me after this comment)
i am sorry, even though i am a dog person, pugs are like THE ugliest dogs EVER! they look like genetic accidents that dropped out of space. (please send all the hate mail to my gmail account).
Lee, do you want to have lunch or dinner sometime this week? (if you're still speaking to me after this comment)
paul - 11/24/07 11:28
Wow, those dogs are pretty cute and I don't even like dogs. You don't have any tofurky drumsticks in the picture? Do they not come with those anymore.
Wow, those dogs are pretty cute and I don't even like dogs. You don't have any tofurky drumsticks in the picture? Do they not come with those anymore.
11/14/2007 09:44 #42112
Red Hot -- UpdatedI woke up this morning with the thought that my hair is not red enough. So, as i write this, my hair is processing a colour called Red Hot... In about 40 minutes, i will know if it is red enough.
I have to say, i would very willingly recommend the stylist that cut my hair last week, (e:LeeTee,42043). His name is Michael and he works at Kharma on Elmwood and Breckinridge. Nice guy... heh... boy, really if i compare our ages, but that is so not relevant. Did what i wanted, listened to me. And, really seemed to know what he was doing. Fun, too, which is always a bonus. Some might think his rates are a bit high, but i don't... must be something about charging $65 for a cut in the 90's that doesn't make the $45 i paid seem so bad.
I have two whole days off work. My phone is on one bar battery wise... i assume i will not be able to answer it later as i let it run out....
Yesterday, i ran errands and worked around the house. Went to the bank, the drug store, Guercio's on foot all while the first load of laundry was washing, which happened to all happen before 11am. Then, i cleaned the house, did more laundry, made a yummie potato leek soup....
Today, well, it will be my day. To do what i want. Like the good ole days of not working. For starters, i am colouring my hair. Red Hot. Watch this space for info on how red and how hot it turns out.
I just had to add some Superdrag to this... back just before they broke up...
Since (e:Paul) mentioned wanting to see it, i thought i would share. As anyone who colours their hair red can attest to, they fade super quick, so i thought today would be the reddest my Red Hot would be, so today would be the day to take a few pics.
Granted, they are not on the same self portrait level that (e:Ladycroft) and (e:Theecarey) can get.. i just can't seem to manage the camera at arm's length method. So, i made a blurry one my new userpic...
And i am posting the ones i took of my reflection in the bathroom mirror...

I have to say, i would very willingly recommend the stylist that cut my hair last week, (e:LeeTee,42043). His name is Michael and he works at Kharma on Elmwood and Breckinridge. Nice guy... heh... boy, really if i compare our ages, but that is so not relevant. Did what i wanted, listened to me. And, really seemed to know what he was doing. Fun, too, which is always a bonus. Some might think his rates are a bit high, but i don't... must be something about charging $65 for a cut in the 90's that doesn't make the $45 i paid seem so bad.
I have two whole days off work. My phone is on one bar battery wise... i assume i will not be able to answer it later as i let it run out....
Yesterday, i ran errands and worked around the house. Went to the bank, the drug store, Guercio's on foot all while the first load of laundry was washing, which happened to all happen before 11am. Then, i cleaned the house, did more laundry, made a yummie potato leek soup....
Today, well, it will be my day. To do what i want. Like the good ole days of not working. For starters, i am colouring my hair. Red Hot. Watch this space for info on how red and how hot it turns out.
I just had to add some Superdrag to this... back just before they broke up...
Since (e:Paul) mentioned wanting to see it, i thought i would share. As anyone who colours their hair red can attest to, they fade super quick, so i thought today would be the reddest my Red Hot would be, so today would be the day to take a few pics.
Granted, they are not on the same self portrait level that (e:Ladycroft) and (e:Theecarey) can get.. i just can't seem to manage the camera at arm's length method. So, i made a blurry one my new userpic...
And i am posting the ones i took of my reflection in the bathroom mirror...

uncutsaniflush - 11/15/07 05:03
Red-leaf Lettuce is very nice this time of the year. <g> Very Lovely Lettuce.
Red-leaf Lettuce is very nice this time of the year. <g> Very Lovely Lettuce.
paul - 11/14/07 11:10
Red hot sounds like a fun color, can;t wait to see it.
Red hot sounds like a fun color, can;t wait to see it.
11/06/2007 15:32 #42008
Found On Cute Overload :)The video is kinda cute... but the song... oh, my gut hurts from laughing!
metalpeter - 11/06/07 18:06
Ok the song is anoying. The cat on the other hand is so cute. To me he looks like he knows he was comfortable but can't remember how to get in the position or spot. It also looks like he isn't a fan of the camera and tries to hide from it. I like that the horse couldn't give a shit about the cat on him.
Ok the song is anoying. The cat on the other hand is so cute. To me he looks like he knows he was comfortable but can't remember how to get in the position or spot. It also looks like he isn't a fan of the camera and tries to hide from it. I like that the horse couldn't give a shit about the cat on him.
ladycroft - 11/06/07 16:08
hey, it sounds like the same person who did the lama song! have you heard the lama song!?
hey, it sounds like the same person who did the lama song! have you heard the lama song!?
11/08/2007 10:21 #42043
Work, Cable and HairWell, i got a reprimand at work. I told the manager that although i meant no harm, i understand how my actions could be interpreted as such. I also told her that i understood how much work this incident caused for her and for that, i was sorry.
The other employee got written up as well. She and i talked. I told her i never meant any harm and was indeed sorry that i had inflicted any. That no matter what the result, me getting fired, or written up, i was sorry that my actions caused harm. She apologized for overreacting and creating the scene to begin with.
This morning, i spoke to Time Warner Cable yet again. The call i was told i would get Monday or Tuesday of course did not happen. I think Stephanie might regret giving me her extension number. I was told that there are several clients with the exact same issue and "we are trying to resolve it through trail and error". I was told to call her if i do not get NEXT month's bill because this months was already generated. *sigh* If i were not so paranoid about a minor blip on my spotless credit record, i would tell them i will only pay a bill if i get it. And i will not pay late fees.
On the up side, i managed to fiddle about with a sewing machine (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i picked up at an estate sale (e:britian) and (e:Heidismadhouse) had a long while ago. I figured out how to wind a bobbin, got it wound, and repair 3 pairs of pants. Yay! Black pants i can wear to work!
Before work, i would love love love to get a haircut. I am still hunting for the stylist of my dreams. A place without snobs who give me a "you do NOT belong here, fatty" look. A place with good hair colours. Somewhere i can walk to get to. A stylist that can use a razor well, but can do what i want with shears if need be. I want it all. I was given a recomendation for the same guy by 3 separate customers at Sally. I hope he turns out to be "the" one at "the" place!! I will call them shortly. :)
The other employee got written up as well. She and i talked. I told her i never meant any harm and was indeed sorry that i had inflicted any. That no matter what the result, me getting fired, or written up, i was sorry that my actions caused harm. She apologized for overreacting and creating the scene to begin with.
This morning, i spoke to Time Warner Cable yet again. The call i was told i would get Monday or Tuesday of course did not happen. I think Stephanie might regret giving me her extension number. I was told that there are several clients with the exact same issue and "we are trying to resolve it through trail and error". I was told to call her if i do not get NEXT month's bill because this months was already generated. *sigh* If i were not so paranoid about a minor blip on my spotless credit record, i would tell them i will only pay a bill if i get it. And i will not pay late fees.
On the up side, i managed to fiddle about with a sewing machine (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i picked up at an estate sale (e:britian) and (e:Heidismadhouse) had a long while ago. I figured out how to wind a bobbin, got it wound, and repair 3 pairs of pants. Yay! Black pants i can wear to work!
Before work, i would love love love to get a haircut. I am still hunting for the stylist of my dreams. A place without snobs who give me a "you do NOT belong here, fatty" look. A place with good hair colours. Somewhere i can walk to get to. A stylist that can use a razor well, but can do what i want with shears if need be. I want it all. I was given a recomendation for the same guy by 3 separate customers at Sally. I hope he turns out to be "the" one at "the" place!! I will call them shortly. :)
tinypliny - 11/08/07 23:24
I think the Fantastic Sam's at North-Town Plaza (?) is a good place to get a haircut. There was someone there (a tall slim lady with shoulder length hair - I forgot her name) who was very friendly and cut my hair without being a snob. It cost me $15 with taxes. The only drawback is that it is somewhat far away.
It's time for another haircut now and I think I might try out that little place across from the Rite Aid on Utica. An old gentleman runs the place. I forgot the name of the parlor, but I think it is named after him. He told me a month back that Wednesdays are the best days for him and that he would charge me $12 for a regular haircut.
I think the Fantastic Sam's at North-Town Plaza (?) is a good place to get a haircut. There was someone there (a tall slim lady with shoulder length hair - I forgot her name) who was very friendly and cut my hair without being a snob. It cost me $15 with taxes. The only drawback is that it is somewhat far away.
It's time for another haircut now and I think I might try out that little place across from the Rite Aid on Utica. An old gentleman runs the place. I forgot the name of the parlor, but I think it is named after him. He told me a month back that Wednesdays are the best days for him and that he would charge me $12 for a regular haircut.
jenks - 11/08/07 17:47
yay! I'm so glad the work stuff worked out ok.
I just got my hair cut yesterday. She cut my hair DRY. I've never had that done before. I'm still deciding what i think. And the place charges extra for styling (like $4 I think)- but the point is that if all you want is a cut, they can do it and skip the blowdry and stuff. Probably a good idea, because I always go straight home and wash it myself anyway.
I like the place though. The girls are cute, and I get the feeling they know what they're doing, and I can just trust them. I think it's $35 for wash/cut/style though.
yay! I'm so glad the work stuff worked out ok.
I just got my hair cut yesterday. She cut my hair DRY. I've never had that done before. I'm still deciding what i think. And the place charges extra for styling (like $4 I think)- but the point is that if all you want is a cut, they can do it and skip the blowdry and stuff. Probably a good idea, because I always go straight home and wash it myself anyway.
I like the place though. The girls are cute, and I get the feeling they know what they're doing, and I can just trust them. I think it's $35 for wash/cut/style though.
imk2 - 11/08/07 17:13
who's the guy?
who's the guy?
janelle - 11/08/07 11:54
I'm so glad that all ended so well with your job! I'm also glad she got a little comeuppance too. You showed a lot of compassion to this person through the process and I know it's really hard to show kindness to a person who's being a jerk to you!
Let me know how your hair cut goes. I was actually about to post a request for good hairstylists with in a reasonable price.
I'm so glad that all ended so well with your job! I'm also glad she got a little comeuppance too. You showed a lot of compassion to this person through the process and I know it's really hard to show kindness to a person who's being a jerk to you!
Let me know how your hair cut goes. I was actually about to post a request for good hairstylists with in a reasonable price.
ladycroft - 11/08/07 10:46
YAY! I'm glad that's all settled. I'm also glad she got a repricusion (how the hell do you spell that?) as well, it was deserved. happy day!
YAY! I'm glad that's all settled. I'm also glad she got a repricusion (how the hell do you spell that?) as well, it was deserved. happy day!
I like to watch people driving by when I'm waiting for the bus, too. This post made me smile.
Or the Violent Femmes "Waiting for the Bus"
I said, hey Mr. Driver, don't be slow,
'cause I got someplace, I gotta go.
Hey Mr. Driverman, drive that thing fast,
my precious time keeps slippin' past.
Let's call the mayor, lets complain
Look what the city's done to us again.
Looks like somebody forgot about us,
standin' on the corner, waiting for a bus!
ah voyerism... good times
Not sure, but your tale has ZZ Top's "Waiting for the Bus All Day" playing on my mental IPOD. Thanks