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11/08/2007 10:21 #42043

Work, Cable and Hair
Well, i got a reprimand at work. I told the manager that although i meant no harm, i understand how my actions could be interpreted as such. I also told her that i understood how much work this incident caused for her and for that, i was sorry.

The other employee got written up as well. She and i talked. I told her i never meant any harm and was indeed sorry that i had inflicted any. That no matter what the result, me getting fired, or written up, i was sorry that my actions caused harm. She apologized for overreacting and creating the scene to begin with.

This morning, i spoke to Time Warner Cable yet again. The call i was told i would get Monday or Tuesday of course did not happen. I think Stephanie might regret giving me her extension number. I was told that there are several clients with the exact same issue and "we are trying to resolve it through trail and error". I was told to call her if i do not get NEXT month's bill because this months was already generated. *sigh* If i were not so paranoid about a minor blip on my spotless credit record, i would tell them i will only pay a bill if i get it. And i will not pay late fees.

On the up side, i managed to fiddle about with a sewing machine (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i picked up at an estate sale (e:britian) and (e:Heidismadhouse) had a long while ago. I figured out how to wind a bobbin, got it wound, and repair 3 pairs of pants. Yay! Black pants i can wear to work!

Before work, i would love love love to get a haircut. I am still hunting for the stylist of my dreams. A place without snobs who give me a "you do NOT belong here, fatty" look. A place with good hair colours. Somewhere i can walk to get to. A stylist that can use a razor well, but can do what i want with shears if need be. I want it all. I was given a recomendation for the same guy by 3 separate customers at Sally. I hope he turns out to be "the" one at "the" place!! I will call them shortly. :)
tinypliny - 11/08/07 23:24
I think the Fantastic Sam's at North-Town Plaza (?) is a good place to get a haircut. There was someone there (a tall slim lady with shoulder length hair - I forgot her name) who was very friendly and cut my hair without being a snob. It cost me $15 with taxes. The only drawback is that it is somewhat far away.

It's time for another haircut now and I think I might try out that little place across from the Rite Aid on Utica. An old gentleman runs the place. I forgot the name of the parlor, but I think it is named after him. He told me a month back that Wednesdays are the best days for him and that he would charge me $12 for a regular haircut.
jenks - 11/08/07 17:47
yay! I'm so glad the work stuff worked out ok.

I just got my hair cut yesterday. She cut my hair DRY. I've never had that done before. I'm still deciding what i think. And the place charges extra for styling (like $4 I think)- but the point is that if all you want is a cut, they can do it and skip the blowdry and stuff. Probably a good idea, because I always go straight home and wash it myself anyway.

I like the place though. The girls are cute, and I get the feeling they know what they're doing, and I can just trust them. I think it's $35 for wash/cut/style though.
imk2 - 11/08/07 17:13
who's the guy?
janelle - 11/08/07 11:54
I'm so glad that all ended so well with your job! I'm also glad she got a little comeuppance too. You showed a lot of compassion to this person through the process and I know it's really hard to show kindness to a person who's being a jerk to you!
Let me know how your hair cut goes. I was actually about to post a request for good hairstylists with in a reasonable price.

ladycroft - 11/08/07 10:46
YAY! I'm glad that's all settled. I'm also glad she got a repricusion (how the hell do you spell that?) as well, it was deserved. happy day!

11/06/2007 15:32 #42008

Found On Cute Overload :)
The video is kinda cute... but the song... oh, my gut hurts from laughing!

metalpeter - 11/06/07 18:06
Ok the song is anoying. The cat on the other hand is so cute. To me he looks like he knows he was comfortable but can't remember how to get in the position or spot. It also looks like he isn't a fan of the camera and tries to hide from it. I like that the horse couldn't give a shit about the cat on him.
ladycroft - 11/06/07 16:08
hey, it sounds like the same person who did the lama song! have you heard the lama song!?

11/06/2007 11:04 #42003

NOT For e:MrMike!!
I made my monthly call to Time Warner Cable today. It brings such a light to my life to listen to bad Musak (is there such a thing as 'good' Musak) and explain the same issue over and over again...

We have been having a huge problem with our bill since... oh... May. (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i looked at their website back in May and decided to use their Pay Express feature. It was not supposed to register us for online billing, that would be something we would have to actively do. Since it worked in May, we got our paper bill in June via snail mail, we did the exact same thing in June. Then..... hey... it's late August, we just got a notice to pay our bill or it would be cut off. That infamous day of mine in which i flattened a tire and skinned my knee then hobbled a mile home (e:LeeTee,40779) ? Hey, we never got a bill. We haven't since.

Seems they have a computer glitch. That if a customer uses the one time only pay express, perhaps more than once, but no one is forthcoming with that specific information, they get kicked into online only billing, no more paper bill. BUT, we haven't been getting online notification either. So, i would say that is quite the glitch.

They tell me, every month, that they will correct it. Also, at the beginning of every conversation, argue with me that we did sign up for online billing, the computer says so. Then, they tell me to go unregister (uhn, how can i unregister for something i never registered for??). And i ask to speak to a supervisor.... and they say the supervisor is busy and they indeed will pass on the message.

This time, i REFUSED to talk to Dawn the customer service rep., i insisted on speaking to a supervisor. I told her to not be offended, but every other customer service rep has been unable to resolve this issue, so i would like to speak to a supervisor. She said she needed to know what the issue was first, so i suggested she look at the notes on her computer screen while i am on hold to speak to her supervisor, since i have been through this a dozen times with customer service and now need to speak to someone with a little bit more authority. She said "yes ma'am" and transfered me.

Stephanie, the supervisor on duty, began to tell me the same thing everyone else did. Then, i told her that back on the 11th of September, Alison told me about the computer glitch. She asked for the name again (i think that is something no one is supposed to tell customers) and told me that the computer says i am register online but she sees no online bills come to me... and that no paper ones do either... hmm... that is strange. She said she will look into it and call me back today, before 3.30pm or tomorrow. She gave me her extension. I will call it Thursday when i don't hear from her today or tomorrow....
hodown - 11/06/07 17:10
Welcome to customer Service hell.
mrmike - 11/06/07 13:29
Trash em all you want -- It ain't who I was, just what I reluctantly did

11/03/2007 21:01 #41966

Opps. I Think I Did It Again
No, sorry, (e:Mike), this isn't about Britney or any celebrity gossip. This one is about me....

Ever have one of those days that turns into something you never thought it would? How something meant as silly turns out to be a big deal? No? I do.

Looks as though i might be job hunting again....
mrmike - 11/04/07 19:31
Apply for my TW posting -- they are still looking
tinypliny - 11/04/07 12:19
<3 <3 All the best, Lee!! <3 <3
ladycroft - 11/04/07 09:46
eh?? what happened?? e-mail me!
janelle - 11/04/07 08:11
Aww...Leetee....what happened, girl? hope all is alright. will pray.
jenks - 11/03/07 22:25
aww, (((lee)))

10/30/2007 10:26 #41883

Happy Halloween
I wanted to come to the party this weekend. I really did. I was even going to bring the rice cooker for you, (e:Libertad). I totally need to call you so i can give it to you!

I probably would have dressed up as Eeyore, a bit of a copout since we have a full sized fuzzy costume. Last year i went to gay bingo with Kirsten in it... (e:LeeTee,25685).

But alas, my day, particularly my morning was one of hell that found me wandering Elmwood at 6.30am, with over 30 minutes to wait for a bus and the new information that Spot does NOT open at 6am on the weekend, despite what the giant sign says and what the moron on the phone told me the night before when i called. Sorry, venting there...

My boss was late so i was not only 40 minutes early (damn buses, i was only that early so i wouldn't be 5 minutes late!), but i waited 45 minutes for her to show up. Then, she asked me to work until 6. With someone that i might as well be working alone. Some people will never grow up.

Instead of working 5 hours as scheduled, i worked 11... and then there was the bus ride ((e:Uncutsaniflush) was working, so it would have been me only anyway, folks) home so at 7.45pm, i was finally home, 13 hours or more after my day began and exhausted.

It's been a weird series of events that has kept me from being at an (e:strip) party these days... mostly just timing. I won't let that jerk that told me i wasn't welcome from going... if i could get my shit together enough to get there, that is.

In the meantime, here's some Rowan... and one of my favorite not Mr. Bean skits... "welcome to hell".

tinypliny - 11/04/07 12:15
heheh <3 Rowan Atkinson <3
ladycroft - 11/04/07 09:47
i loooooooooooooooooooove the welcome to hell skit! "hello, i'm the devil, but you can call me tobey if you like".
leetee - 10/31/07 00:21
Nope, (e:Jenks), not anonymously. To my face. At an (e:strip) party a while ago. I think it was supposed to be some sort of fucked up joke. But all it did was make me cry and stay away for a while. But now, i realize i do not want this asshole to have any more power. So the big middle finger to that person. I will show up... someday, when i can get my shit together. ha ha ha!

I promise the rice cooker has your name on it, (e:Libertad). Heres to better days for everyone! :O)
libertad - 10/30/07 21:40
That doesn't sound like a very fun day. Don't worry, I'm not cooking much rice right now. I'll be happy to wait for whenever you might be driving by my house....just call me before you leave to see if I'm home.
jenks - 10/30/07 11:34
"I won't let that jerk that told me i wasn't welcome from going..."
Wait a minute- what???? Someone said you're not welcome? And I'd like to know exactly whom they were speaking for- since I'm sure it was done anonymously.
Would have loved to see you. :)