Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/11/2007 19:25 #42478
How time flies!Thanks for everything, peeps.
Through good times and bad times, I can count on you guys for some smartass comments to make me laugh.
And that's as sentimental as I'll get.
But a (hopefully final) note on an overly drawn out saga involving a certain boy and a certain rescue and a certain rescue forum-
Apparently the shit is hitting the fan. This is all second/third hand info (since I am banned for life)- but it sounds like his little empire is crumbling.
And finally (FINALLY) I don't care.
I tried and tried to be supportive. He couldn't care less.
But now I've moved on. The torch I've been carrying has been put out.
And it's paying off in spades.
Karma's a bitch, E, ain't it?
12/08/2007 15:07 #42434
more pixCategory: misc

Then last night went to the UB grad student xmas party. I am not technically a grad student at UB, but my post-grad training is through UB, so I have an ID, blah blah. And a bunch of my friends in different programs were going. Much to my surprise, ran into (e:terry) (e:matthew) and (e:brit). Woohoo!
Which is exactly why I decided to tell this boy about my journal. So if I'm out and someone yells 'Jenks!' I don't have any explaining to do. But so you are the first estrippers to meet him. And for the record, he liked you guys. :) He and matthew even went to the same high school- just 11 years apart. haha.
But it was a fun night. Good to see you guys. :) Wish I took more pix.

It's too bad I'm such a midget. Even in monster heels.
I want those shoes. Where did you find them?
I hope it's okay to say, but he's kind of handsome.
He's a one lucky bloke, he is. You looked great
12/05/2007 18:17 #42408
I'm a lucky girl...Category: :)
I decided to take today off. There might be a special, romantic dinner in your future.
!! Lucky me...
That's funny. I was just thinking of how lucky I am.
And on a totally unrelated note-
This is fantastic. My kind of therapy. $5 for 5 min.
it's exactly what you've wanted, i'm glad your happy!
You have a new man-friend? Good for you.
I agree with Y. It's good see you with someone who makes you happy:).
it's about time, you deserve it.
12/02/2007 14:22 #42361
overdue pixFirst, a little tribute to my mom and her Martha-ness. I really wish I had inherited more of her sense of style. And it's not about breaking the bank- just putting stuff together well.

And here's her Thanksgiving table. I think setting the table is Mom's favorite part of thanksgiving- she does it about 3 days in advance, and then keeps changing the centerpiece etc for the next 3 days.

This one is for Paul. I am not even going to try to defend it.

And the bird- it was especially delicious this year-

Then on friday, I went to "Holiday Cocktails" at this snooty old club at home... It was not especially fun.
But this letter cracks me up. They have it framed on the wall.

And since I doubt anyone can read it, it says:
Dear Mr. President,
With great regret I must tender my resignation from the Board of Governors. Time and distance do not permit my regular attendance at meetings and I should free up a slot for another young traditionalist.
I have enjoyed my tenure and hope that one may say of it that I have done what I can to thwart change, impede progress, and enshrine the status quo. I pray that under your heroically unenlightened leadership the governors will continue to follow the path of unrighteousness, outrageousness, elitism and exclusivity, stopping just shy of outright bigotry. Remember: the best way to prepare for the 21st century is to embrace the 19th.
Then I got back into town on saturday, just in time for the disco- which really was a blast. It's like Halloween all over again. The special guest was Erik Estrada, and he announced that all 7,000 tickets sold out in TWENTY MINUTES. Whoa!
This is a friend's co-worker. He grows his hair out all year long, for the disco. His afro was WAY cooler than all the afro wigs there.

And this was another friend's date, wearing her jacket and her glasses.

Ok, I am all pictured out.
Later, peeps.
11/26/2007 18:58 #42291
Important Announcements!Category: :)
I will post some thanksgiving/disco/random pix once I get them out of my camera. But in the meantime-
1: To all the roswell peeps- I am officially back at roswell. Until the end of january. And I officially already hate it. Despite JUST getting off a week of vacation (and an especially lovely day yesterday)- I am already cranky, miserable and exhausted. :( So please let's have lunch. Today I had diet mountain dew and a stale cookie for lunch. At 4:30. Ugh. And I found out that I have dec 24/25 off. YAY!!! But, they are making me work the weekend- 22/23. BOO!!!
2: Whose lame idea was it to make a work christmas party from 6-8 on a wednesday??? BOO!!!
3: Since I have no pix to post yet, I will post some lovely holiday/other sentiments from someecards. Thanks again to (e:hodown) for my favorite new website. There are so many awesome ones it was hard even to narrow it down to six. I mean seven.

4: I think I might be seeing someone. How/when did this happen?!?!? He took off work to take me to the airport. And picked me up. And then felt so badly for falling asleep and not meeting us out after the disco, that he came over sunday and made me breakfast, yada yada, and dinner. And sends me texts that say things like "you are absolutely amazing." Holds my hand at the dinner table and all of the sudden out of the blue says "you are SO beautiful". Holy crap. It's the kind of thing that makes me want to vomit- when it's other people. Somehow when it happens to me- I kinda like it. Who knew!!
Now to just decide how/if to tell him about all YOU people. ;)
Some of those cards are funny. I'm glad things are going good in your personal life. Here is my suggestion on how to tell him about the (e:peeps) find out when the next party or get to gather is and say something like there is this pot luck dinner I'm supposed to go to, are you interested. If he says yes or asks more say that there are a bunch of people you know from Buffalo and even explain that one of your friends told you about this site and now you know a lot of people from Buffalo. Or if he doesn't want to go then the next time there is a party see if he wants to at least drop in for a minute. Or another way would be to meet him for lunch have him come to Roswell and make sure to run into one of the (e:peeps) who works there and say this is my friend and I also read there blog. He may not have ever heard of (e:strip) but you could compare how people have blogs on myspace to (e:strip) but say that after that the sites don't really have much in common. Of course you know him well enough to know if these are good ideas or not.
ok, who the hell is it??? btw, i was wondering if i could borrow one of the guys that you had acquired but were not interested in, unless of course he's the one that you're dating now.
goodbye margarita. have fun on your holiday off!
I had a date saturday night, so I sort of figured it must be the dating apocalypse, so good for you.
Way to go jenks! Hope it works out. It is nice to hear someone is treating you well.
that is so cute, about the guy, not the, "pants shitting drunk card". i believe i now love that website as well...
the dating thing gives hope to those of us who seem to be "undatable"(me).
Was that you I just passed on the 2nd floor? If so, sorry for the weird stare -- I couldn't recall where I knew you from until just after I passed you. If not, just disregard this...
Good for you for movin...less chance of getting caught in the crossfire