So this video link was sent to me in mail it is of A guy as you can kinda see painting a flag and fireman. Oh wait now you won't watch it well if this works than I can do more of them. Oh yeah Wends. I"m going to see the Sabres Vs. The Blues should be a good time.
Ok that didn't work liet me try with a different coe from youtube.

Ok I admit i giv e up if any one knows hot to do it and can send simple instructions or put them on the bottom of this post that would be awesome.
Yeah I was gone by then but not sure when I really left. Would have been cool to run into someone I know there. I wonder if those two girls where still there or not. On second thought I think that one girl might have been trying to get to the bartender but not really sure. The strange thing was like a minute later she commented about how close I was to her like it was a bad thing. I did have a good time though. I have no idea what music was playing but I did like it. I like your idea of getting a stool. I thought I did see some people sitting and was kinda smashed on a beam or pole or what ever that support is called but I didn't notice an actual stool I'll have to look into that when ever I go back there again and hope that the bodies on both sides are female.
Funny I think I was @ the Pink for a hour 3am-4ish but I imagine you were gone by that time. Yea that place is nuts as a tidal wave of bodies. I just love to grab a stool by the front, strap myself in and enjoy the ride.
Cool it looks like it is up.
For anyone who read all of this and thought i wish Pete put up all his hockey pictures here is where you can find all most all of them.
In terms of Movie wise I really do still want to see "no country for old men" maybe it will happen this weekend but I doubt it. But I did see "Hitman" today and thought it was very good lots of action and a little nudity never hurts. The beging of the movie kinda reminded me of that show Dark Angel. I can't really compare the movie to the game since I never played it. But I do like that they did have a story and not just shooting.
I gave you the title of peterazzi, it should show up on your userpic in the user's online area!