So today I went to the DMV to renew my non drivers ID and after that I went to city hall and Froze. The reason I froze was that I went up to the observation deck and I think my hand went numb. These are not all the pictures I took. I"m not sure how they will look on here and how much detail the small building will have but here goes.

Here are a few pictures of the inside of City Hall

So as I'm on my way to "the medical Campus" area I got to have a fun time about 20 feet from Hyatt's. Out of no where someone calls to me. They ask me "If I'm all right" i say "i'm good" if you don't know the lingo he was asking if I want drugs. But then is where I lost the guy on lingo. He said something about him being a "Pill Popper" I don't remember what I said exactly but then he followed that up with "I'm not a pill popper either". Again very strange. Well here are some pictures from around that area (again not in exact order)

Afterwards I thought about going to the Anchor bar but didn't feel like it. One of these pictures is to show a church and a certain house some of you should know. I didn't know that stuff that grows on houses turned color I thought it was allways green I guess I was wrong.

Hopefully everyone has a great weekend. With the holidays and lots of things coming up this might be the last crazy weekend so everyone should enjoy it. Hopefully I will see Baowolf on sat. I do have a question in High School we read a story of the same name. All I remember is that it was written in really old and really hard to understand old english and only our teacher understood what was going on, is there any connection between that story and this movie? oh yeah and the graphics look amazing also.
Yeah, I'm kind of curious to see how they translate epic Old English into live-action. All I remember about beowulf is there's a monster called Grendel.
But I saw a preview for it the other day- and it looked so computer animated/enhanced I thought it was an ad for a video game. I honestly thought it was a well-drawn cartoon of angelina, not angelina herself.
awww. that's just like my base used to be (RIP hookah), i love the genie bottle bottom :)
First Of all I'm glad you like the pictures and hopefully soon I'll have them posted in order and will give a link to it.
In terms of Beowulf I saw on Regal's movie site that it is the same guy from the Epic Poem. But what I'm sorry about is that it is rated PG-13. First of all they should have made sure that it was R. I'm guessing this means that when we see Agelina we will only see her from the back and not the front. I hope they give us full frontal but I have a feeling that may not happen. when a girl has big tits the way around it is to show the boobs from the side or from the back and you can still tell the shape but you don't see nipple. I'm hoping that we get a front shot but that they don't draw in the nipple. In any event I will try to review on here in some form.
Cool Photos, thanks!
oh yeah beowulf, angelina is naked in it, right? i have to go see that too. i wonder if she got paid for that, as if she was really naked, or if she just got paid for voice acting. i would think they would have to pay her to use her image as well. and if they were showing her boobies, they should pay even more. although we've already seen her boobies in GIA.
ok, enough about angelina's boobies.
i wonder what her ass looks like?