Sabres wise they have made more "Winter Classic" Seats available. You can also buy "official" merchandise now. I could spend about $500. (e:drew) may agree or disagree with me on this since I'm not sure if you are a Hockey Fan or not but I want that Blue Crosby Jersey and I think $200 is a lot but it isn't as much as I thought it would be. I haven't seen the tie up Sabres Jersey's yet all they have is Vanek and if I get a sabres one it has to be Miller.
I thought I would share a few pictures from my trips on Elmwood. First of all yes it is the holiday season all ready even if you don't want it to be.

"Ice Bowl" as opposed to Winter Classic

Some other pictures showing off The Elmwood Area

I think they are Open and hopefully they stay open

Some more pictures of the area

I'm not sure if you can tell in the pictures but by Globe Market there is a black guy playing guitar and I guess you can give him money. If that is who I think it is again he has a rebel jacket on. I wish I where brave cause that could be a very interesting conversation.
I hope the Sabres can start wining some games. I want that Winter classic to be a great game.
Just to update a bit. That Place looks like it is open but not sure. I sure hope the Sabres do start winning more games. I have a few theories as to why they aren't. Max (won't attempt his last name) has a lot of great moves but if you play the puck not him he is stopable. The Money, both Roy and Vanek's paychecks went up a lot. Well when you get all that money they do that cause certain results are expected. You now have to play up to your level of pay. Imagine if you where working your job and Your Bosses Boss walked up and said I'm going to double your pay. First thought is awesome, second thought no thank you I'm happy with what I do now. If you where underpaid before than that is an exception. But now with that pay you would be expected to do a lot more and have a lot more resposnsiblity. Along with that comes a lot of pressure. On top of that pressure is that fact that the two guys who where a lot better then you and got all the attention are gone. So you are now the go to guy. That is a lot of pressure. Add to the fact that there may be other players on the team who are just as good if not better but aren't paid as much. For those guys it can be tough cause they think they are being screwed. Yeah I could be over analyzing but it is just a thought. I will admit I'm a big Miller fan. But I wonder if the death of his cousin is having a factor on his play or his leadership. He had his name on the back of his goalie mask and I'm sure that alone helped him pick up his game and play hungery and maybe he has lost some of that. I'm not making an excuse but it would make sense. I think the Sabres will get better and I look forward to seeing "The winter classic". I still have to decide if I want to get A Blue Penguins Jersey. I wonder if by the next sabres game I go to In about a week if they will have Sabres ones at the sabres store.
Nice elmwood pics! I hope the Sabres will win more games, too. I haven't kept up with them as much, but people tell me they aren't doing as well this season without Briere.
There's a new restaurant in sofra?! Yay! I'm so going.
I think jersey's are super expensive, but as a Pens fan I have to say that a Crosby jersey is a good choice.