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11/30/2007 18:36 #42345

TSO non exclusive
Category: concerts
So when I got to HSBC Arena they had signs all over the place about not taking pictures. The funny part was during the show they have this part where they ask everyone to bring out there cell phones, I wonder how many people thought to record that part. So I wasn't going to post pictures and just send them digitally to one person. But I thought I should share them here. One funny part was when they asked if there Night Castles CD will get finished first or will there be a McDonalds on mars it has really taken a long time. They do rock and have an amazing show some of the effects don't really transfer unless you are there so here are some pictures of the show (not in order from multi upload)


One of the things other then the music and the story telling and the talking to the crowd that I like about TSO is that there lights are part of the show. What I mean by that is at most concerts the lights change and there is pyro. But at a TSO show the metal that hold the lights move and make shapes and sometimes don't look like silver and so watching them move is part of the show. I really had a great time sorry I'm so late with pictures haven't had the time and re thought some stuff. One of the reasons I didn't put pictures up at first was because I remembered a Fan site for Metallica I used to visit that Metallica to some up said take down all the pictures or else. After some time he was able to put the pictures back up but couldn't have them label Metallica so I didn't want TSO to try and come after me but there are pictures on line and on webshots so I went for it.

11/27/2007 19:35 #42308

1st video
Category: youtube

So this video link was sent to me in mail it is of A guy as you can kinda see painting a flag and fireman. Oh wait now you won't watch it well if this works than I can do more of them. Oh yeah Wends. I"m going to see the Sabres Vs. The Blues should be a good time.

Ok that didn't work liet me try with a different coe from youtube.

Ok I admit i giv e up if any one knows hot to do it and can send simple instructions or put them on the bottom of this post that would be awesome.

11/24/2007 16:32 #42272

TSO and Busy Week
Category: events
So Sunday is the day when I watch a bunch of football and I will not see all of the Bills game or part of the 2nd game. The reason being is I'm going to see the early show of Trans Siberian Orchestra they have another show around 7 or 7:30. Yes I will admit that there show is kinda like a rock opera and they play Overly dramatic Christmas music and make it into a story but it is still so awesome.

Then next week being busy starts off with work. It is the end of the month and we busier then plus we lost some time that we couldn't make up last week from having two days of. On Wens. I'm going back to see another Sabres game that should be a great time and a lot of fun. Then on Thursday I'm going to see Warren Miller's playground at Shea's that should be a great time. I wonder if I could take pictures of the inside of Shea's as long as I don't take any pictures of the movie. Sometimes at the end of the week I don't have the energy (sometimes it is more emotional where I just feel like chilin) But on Friday there are some bands I want to see at the showplace that I learned about through Myspace, if I can make that it would be great but if not oh well.I hope everyone's weekend has been good and I hope everyone enjoys the rest of it.

11/23/2007 10:03 #42257

Thanks & eve Sabres (long post)
Category: holiday
Before I get into what I want to talk about and show pictures of I found something kinda interesting for you football fans or you who hate Time Warner.

Hopefully that show up as a link but if not the general Jist of it is that Jerry Jones the owner of the Cowboys isn't happy that his game vs. Greenbay won't be seen in Dallas since Time Warner doesn't have NFL Network and he is saying that people should drop them and go with AT&T who have some kind of dish program. I will admit I didn't think things could get uglier then it did before but this one takes the cake. I will admit I want to see that But I'm not going to drop cable service over one station besides I'll be at a sabres game I'm pretty sure.

Right now there are lots of people who are all ready done with "Black Friday" those people are intense they really are. I changed my user picture this tree was bought at walgreens last night I'm sure they have them at lots of other places. I figured since Thanksgiving is over go with the Tree as the user picture for now.

Thanksgiving Eve

So I started out by going to the Sabres game and it was a great game and had a lot of fun. Part of that might have been that the first 4 goals where at my end of the ice. Those pictures will be later on so as not to bore anyone who isn't into hockey (should I do this the other way since that would be for me and not the reader In tv this is called breaking the 3rd wall I think). I still had a great time even though I was cold.

I will admit I was very close to not going to Club Diablo but I did wind up going for the 1st time. There where some very sexy girls there but it wasn't very crowded but maybe that was just because there wasn't a band and it was still early. I don't go to very many bars so I have nothing to compare it to. But I love the decor and the pinball game. Here are some pictures (not in order but you get what it looks like).

I admit the video is hard to see but it was an Art & Body video of someone getting a Tattoo the screen is kinda behind a stage and at one point there was a lady dancing up there. I tried this energy drink called Daiblo that was very good and very fruity. I forgot to add that the female bartender seemed awesome she really did.

So walking from Diablo to the "Old Pink" or would that be the New "lightning Snowstorm" wasn't as bad as I thought. So I wound up losing my second bar virginity of the night. The chip strip was crazy packed I wasn't dressed right for any of those places, and I won't wait in line to get in and listen to dance music.
There is no sense of trying to put up the one of the huge Black limo cause on line you will never see, even in a printed picture it would be dark. So here are the pictures from "old pink" I think I should have stayed longer but it was so packed.

There is a little story about that Elvis picture. When it is so crowed it is tough to get a picture of your self but I almost got the best picture ever As I go take that picture this really hot thin tall tanned (if memory serves correct) tells me to take a picture of Elvis so I do. I was going to and in the process so I do and she then kisses me on my check and as she does takes a picture. To bad it didn't come out with her it just came out as my hoddie and a crowd. This girl seemed really trashed but in a good way. She was kinda dancing rubbing on her friend and then she was lifting her self up with her arms over the bar and pushing her tits towards the bar tender it was really hot. Not to mention a few min before we where all crunched up at the bar it was very tight between a few ladies, guys freak me out a bit being smusmed by ladies is kinda fun. The reason I left was after I used the bathroom I wanted another drink but couldn't see how to get back to the bar it was just to packed.

I will either edit this and ad more or make a part two in a few minutes my sis is balling her head off and when I go see what she wants it will be something very stupid. Ok this time I was wrong it wasn't stupid they where showing stuff from a mall on the news, but the reason she called was to get the cat from its little bed and to give it to her in her bed so that is ok so back to the post. So to sum up I did like "The old Pink" and hopefully will return there soon or atleast again.

Thanksgiving was kinda weird watched my sis run in the turkey trot. Some of the costumes people came up with where interesting. It sure was cold I noticed what seemed like a lot of ladies as Pochontis or at least as Indian Girls, very nice most of them where cute. I think it is cool to dress up. There where a couple people who ran with a shopping cart with a person in it.


I will admit I saw a lot of great getups that I didn't get pictures of. Thanksgiving was different in that we just had a lunch and didn't visit anyone.


Of course I did watch some football and had a good time watching it. I was sleeping through some of the second game. But I did wake up and have some Dinner at my place.

What an exciting dinner but it was good. It was a good day. Oh yeah and the tree we got.


If anyone is still reading this then wow. Well I guess it isn't really to long just seems like a lot of stuff to me. This is where if you are not a hockey fan it gets kinda dull. When it gets to hockey pictures it is allways tough cause I'm not sure how many to put up and what ones will look good so I guess I'll go with a few groups of them.


I think that is enough of the game, I kinda lost what pictures I put up and what ones I didn't. I do have to share one funny thing. When they annouced the the scaracthes they said Emery I was like you can't do that cause then there is no back up to the goalie and then Emery played, I was surprised. Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend.
metalpeter - 11/23/07 23:53
Yeah I was gone by then but not sure when I really left. Would have been cool to run into someone I know there. I wonder if those two girls where still there or not. On second thought I think that one girl might have been trying to get to the bartender but not really sure. The strange thing was like a minute later she commented about how close I was to her like it was a bad thing. I did have a good time though. I have no idea what music was playing but I did like it. I like your idea of getting a stool. I thought I did see some people sitting and was kinda smashed on a beam or pole or what ever that support is called but I didn't notice an actual stool I'll have to look into that when ever I go back there again and hope that the bodies on both sides are female.
vincent - 11/23/07 18:59
Funny I think I was @ the Pink for a hour 3am-4ish but I imagine you were gone by that time. Yea that place is nuts as a tidal wave of bodies. I just love to grab a stool by the front, strap myself in and enjoy the ride.
metalpeter - 11/23/07 16:47
Cool it looks like it is up.

For anyone who read all of this and thought i wish Pete put up all his hockey pictures here is where you can find all most all of them.

In terms of Movie wise I really do still want to see "no country for old men" maybe it will happen this weekend but I doubt it. But I did see "Hitman" today and thought it was very good lots of action and a little nudity never hurts. The beging of the movie kinda reminded me of that show Dark Angel. I can't really compare the movie to the game since I never played it. But I do like that they did have a story and not just shooting.
paul - 11/23/07 12:38
I gave you the title of peterazzi, it should show up on your userpic in the user's online area!

11/22/2007 23:44 #42253

Quick Thanksgiving
I will hopefully do a full post with pictures of the game and the couple clubs I went to and my thanksgiving lunch and dinner once I download the pictures. This is just to say that I hope everyone had a great holiday and that they enjoy (ed) "Black Friday" . I also hope that everyone has a great long weekend. Not sure what I'm going to do. I kinda might want to look into sabres tickets but I think I'll just watch the game at home on Friday and go see Hitman (never played the game but the movie looks pretty sweet. The other movies I want to see is that one called "no country for old men" it looks awesome I hope it goes to the regal elmwood but hopefully I don't miss it like I did with "Across the universe" I also want to see "enchanted" that is the Disney movie where the storytale charachters come into the real world. I don't think it opens yet but I'm also looking forward to seeing that golden compass movie that looks really good. Ok i guess this is were I end my quick little post.
theecarey - 11/23/07 12:01
"No Country for Old Men", in my opinion, was fantastic. Go see it! Coen brothers really impressed me with this one. I aim to read Cormac McCarthy's book of the same title since the movie left me with many questions and intrigue. Javier Bardem as Chigurh is down right amazing in his role. I dont know who he is, but he's perfect. Good stuff, but pay attention. There is depth and the story line isnt spoon-fed, if you know what I mean.
metalpeter - 11/23/07 10:10
No country... does look like it will be very good. When I reread the movies I did see that it is at a regal not just the elmwood one so Hopefully that means it will get there at some point.
jenks - 11/23/07 10:01
I hear no country for old men is awesome. I might have to check it out.
ladycroft - 11/23/07 03:46
The Hitman series are GREAT games. I love that you can choose several different routes and ways to complete your missions. Let's hope "47" looks as good on the big screen! Let me know.
tinypliny - 11/23/07 01:02
OOOOh. I want to see "Enchanted" too. Just my kind of movie. Happy. Fascinating. But mostly happy happy! :)