One of the things other then the music and the story telling and the talking to the crowd that I like about TSO is that there lights are part of the show. What I mean by that is at most concerts the lights change and there is pyro. But at a TSO show the metal that hold the lights move and make shapes and sometimes don't look like silver and so watching them move is part of the show. I really had a great time sorry I'm so late with pictures haven't had the time and re thought some stuff. One of the reasons I didn't put pictures up at first was because I remembered a Fan site for Metallica I used to visit that Metallica to some up said take down all the pictures or else. After some time he was able to put the pictures back up but couldn't have them label Metallica so I didn't want TSO to try and come after me but there are pictures on line and on webshots so I went for it.
Yeah I was gone by then but not sure when I really left. Would have been cool to run into someone I know there. I wonder if those two girls where still there or not. On second thought I think that one girl might have been trying to get to the bartender but not really sure. The strange thing was like a minute later she commented about how close I was to her like it was a bad thing. I did have a good time though. I have no idea what music was playing but I did like it. I like your idea of getting a stool. I thought I did see some people sitting and was kinda smashed on a beam or pole or what ever that support is called but I didn't notice an actual stool I'll have to look into that when ever I go back there again and hope that the bodies on both sides are female.
Funny I think I was @ the Pink for a hour 3am-4ish but I imagine you were gone by that time. Yea that place is nuts as a tidal wave of bodies. I just love to grab a stool by the front, strap myself in and enjoy the ride.
Cool it looks like it is up.
For anyone who read all of this and thought i wish Pete put up all his hockey pictures here is where you can find all most all of them.
In terms of Movie wise I really do still want to see "no country for old men" maybe it will happen this weekend but I doubt it. But I did see "Hitman" today and thought it was very good lots of action and a little nudity never hurts. The beging of the movie kinda reminded me of that show Dark Angel. I can't really compare the movie to the game since I never played it. But I do like that they did have a story and not just shooting.
I gave you the title of peterazzi, it should show up on your userpic in the user's online area!