Ok, so this is the first time I have had a digital camera at an (e:strip) party. I do not take quite the extensive amount of pictures as others and as you will see I mostly take pictures of a)myself b) people with me c) random pics of the floor (ok i won't post those) I serioulsy have pics of very few people but here's what I got kiddos.
P.S. Does anyone know why I always end up scrapped up , cut up and bruised the day after an (e:strip) party. I think it had something to do with a certain zebra!I hope everyone had fun, enjoy!
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/29/2007 00:23 #41853
Finally Some Party Pics10/29/2007 00:22 #41852
Finally Some Party PicsOk, so this is the first time I have had a digital camera at an (e:strip) party. I do not take quite the extensive amount of pictures as others and as you will see I mostly take pictures of a)myself b) people with me c) random pics of the floor (ok i won't post those) I serioulsy have pics of very few people but here's what I got kiddos.
P.S. Does anyone know why I always end up scrapped up , cut up and bruised the day after an (e:strip) party. I think it had something to do with a certain zebra!I hope everyone had fun, enjoy!

P.S. Does anyone know why I always end up scrapped up , cut up and bruised the day after an (e:strip) party. I think it had something to do with a certain zebra!I hope everyone had fun, enjoy!

10/27/2007 16:26 #41839
Most Wanted UnicornHas anyone seen this unicorn? He is on the lam evading police as we speak....he has been spotted around the elmwood area causing havoc and looking sexy!!!! Any info would be greatly appreciated...

what a badass unicorn!

Has he no respect!?!

Even rebels have to wait for the bus sometimes!

He is so angry with corporate america he is taking back the streets!

He caused quite a scene outside Hardcore with others taking pictures and a mascot offer!

Please If You See This Unicorn: REPORT IT ASAP

what a badass unicorn!

Has he no respect!?!

Even rebels have to wait for the bus sometimes!

He is so angry with corporate america he is taking back the streets!

He caused quite a scene outside Hardcore with others taking pictures and a mascot offer!

Please If You See This Unicorn: REPORT IT ASAP
10/25/2007 12:09 #41795
What to be? What to be?- Halloween editiSo seriously me and (e:jill) have no idea what to be for halloween this year. We don't always go as things together like one year it was Captain Planet and the girl from the Royal Tennenbaums but we def plan it and find the stuff we need together. Sometimes we do coordinated like last years Starlight Express. But seriuosly we have been talking about it and thinking aobu tit nonstop and have come up with nothing! (e:mk) occassionally gets involved in the action too. We only have a few requirements, mainly that is glittery and if possible involves short shorts or underwear, is that too much to ask? Todya is our last chnace to day to find something though really we always come up with it wihthin like 3 hours of the first haloween party and it is usually pretty fab. Lets take a look back at the last few years for inspiration:

sexy starlight express with cigarette haha 2006

the starlight express chain is about to take off 2006

captain planet- sure he saves the planet but who doesn't love a fur coat with your super hero outfit? 2004

Looks like someone is about to take crime and pollution down to 0. 2004

I couldn't find a better picture of my fraggle costume. I know somehwere there is a picture of me as a fraggle hunched over the toilet from way too much drinking but I can't find it... 2005

wind up doll and cymbal playing monkey. That was very last minute. I actually worked til like 8 pm that night and had to put most of it together right before the party. I had to buy a huge stuffed monkey we had at work and cut off its head for a mask. It was very sad and traumatizing. My mom restuffed and sewed it though and I gave it to charity but ti was so sad to see it sitting there dead. 2003

You know what they say. Nothing is classier than a drunken monkey. 2003
Thank you to many different people whose journals I took these pictures from...now off to Amvets

sexy starlight express with cigarette haha 2006

the starlight express chain is about to take off 2006

captain planet- sure he saves the planet but who doesn't love a fur coat with your super hero outfit? 2004

Looks like someone is about to take crime and pollution down to 0. 2004

I couldn't find a better picture of my fraggle costume. I know somehwere there is a picture of me as a fraggle hunched over the toilet from way too much drinking but I can't find it... 2005

wind up doll and cymbal playing monkey. That was very last minute. I actually worked til like 8 pm that night and had to put most of it together right before the party. I had to buy a huge stuffed monkey we had at work and cut off its head for a mask. It was very sad and traumatizing. My mom restuffed and sewed it though and I gave it to charity but ti was so sad to see it sitting there dead. 2003

You know what they say. Nothing is classier than a drunken monkey. 2003
Thank you to many different people whose journals I took these pictures from...now off to Amvets
lilho - 10/25/07 23:06
YOU ARE MY HERO. THE REASON I CHOOSE TO KEEP LIVING... you're the meaning in my life, you're the inspiration... and super sexay!
YOU ARE MY HERO. THE REASON I CHOOSE TO KEEP LIVING... you're the meaning in my life, you're the inspiration... and super sexay!
anne - 10/25/07 14:17
How about rockin girl groups of the late 20th century...the supremes, dream girls, the spice girls, the possibilities for glitter are ENDLESS. You could both be madonna, 1 pre and 1 post baby. I'm sure we can steal some traffic cones for your bra.
How about rockin girl groups of the late 20th century...the supremes, dream girls, the spice girls, the possibilities for glitter are ENDLESS. You could both be madonna, 1 pre and 1 post baby. I'm sure we can steal some traffic cones for your bra.
hodown - 10/25/07 13:58
Mike you win best costume for every year since 2003. This year I think you should be an American Apparel Model. Why? #1 Because me and my friends are doing it, so you'd kinda be with us in spirit and more importantly #2 You have the option to wear gold lame leggings, turquoise stirrup pants or duo colored tights in fuschia and yellow.
Mike you win best costume for every year since 2003. This year I think you should be an American Apparel Model. Why? #1 Because me and my friends are doing it, so you'd kinda be with us in spirit and more importantly #2 You have the option to wear gold lame leggings, turquoise stirrup pants or duo colored tights in fuschia and yellow.
james - 10/25/07 12:43
The drunken monkey photo is A+ awesome!
The drunken monkey photo is A+ awesome!
ladycroft - 10/25/07 12:38
i heart gobo! i really loved the starlight express troup, you were the talk of the party. you should go as the ladies from ABBA. yeah! get some wigs and flashy bell bottoms. then you can run around singing dancing queen all night :)
i heart gobo! i really loved the starlight express troup, you were the talk of the party. you should go as the ladies from ABBA. yeah! get some wigs and flashy bell bottoms. then you can run around singing dancing queen all night :)
jbeatty - 10/25/07 12:12
I love the cymbal monkey costume!
I love the cymbal monkey costume!
10/23/2007 19:58 #41767
Update PCATs and Holly HunterSo I took my PCAT's and I think I royally screwed up the Math and Chemistry sections. Chemistry has always been my lowest strength but math is usually my best, like I almost got perfect like on all the practice tests and on the SAT's I did really good on math. But I got stuck on some stupid calculus problems at the beginning of the test and all of a sudden they were like " 5 minutes left" and I still had like 15 questions to go. They were all questions I could have answered if i had the time and, i just kinda had to guess on them, but hopeefully i got most of them right! It takes 6 weeks to find out your score. Considering it is mostly scantron with two two page essays that seems ridiculously long! I just want to know so I can know if I have to take them in january. I don't think I can sit through them again! It was 5 hours of pure long and uncomfortable torutre. LIke even the seats were super uncomfortable and in those 5 hours we only got 1 ten minute break! ugh!
Maybe it is time to think of a backup career. Like professional slot machine player?
And now on to Holly Hunter. Someone just posted on my youtube video about how stupid my video is and that Holly will never see it and they can't believe they bothered turning their head to watch it? Um who is the dumb one in this situation? What kind of greatness was he expecting from a sideways turned close up of my face called I love Holly Hunter .I love that people get so angry about things like that! Hilar!
Maybe it is time to think of a backup career. Like professional slot machine player?
And now on to Holly Hunter. Someone just posted on my youtube video about how stupid my video is and that Holly will never see it and they can't believe they bothered turning their head to watch it? Um who is the dumb one in this situation? What kind of greatness was he expecting from a sideways turned close up of my face called I love Holly Hunter .I love that people get so angry about things like that! Hilar!
lilho - 10/25/07 23:09
ok. i am now all for challenging those you hate to a duel. why not duke it out in white suits with swords????
ok. i am now all for challenging those you hate to a duel. why not duke it out in white suits with swords????
ladycroft - 10/24/07 04:13
hahahaha! i remember that! honestly though, some people live dull little lives and have nothing to look forward to except talking shit to someone they'll never meet. sad, but entertaining!
hahahaha! i remember that! honestly though, some people live dull little lives and have nothing to look forward to except talking shit to someone they'll never meet. sad, but entertaining!
imk2 - 10/24/07 01:43
yeah, that's just like when our amazing race video got nasty comments saying we should just throw ourselves into niagara falls.
yeah, that's just like when our amazing race video got nasty comments saying we should just throw ourselves into niagara falls.
jim - 10/23/07 22:23
libertad - 10/23/07 22:11
just like when someone asked me what the point of my video was. So annoying. Can't we post things for our own amusement?
just like when someone asked me what the point of my video was. So annoying. Can't we post things for our own amusement?
omg! this is so great, and i will tell you once again, you are my hero! sexy ass bitch! love you peach!
You are such a star! A baddass one at that!
Miss you : (
hahahaha OMG i can't wait to see you later.