I downloaded a bunch of recipes, packed them all together and uploaded them here:
I know. I know. I should probably have typed out the recipes. But hey, I am lazy. Deal with it. Besides, my recipes change everyday and the results are as varied as the tropical vegetation in the Amazon. I am also chronically challenged when I am asked to use butter/ghee/sugar in a recipe and have a lot of trouble bringing myself to accept the cold plain fact that things taste better with butter. I am against all "replacement" products so I end up not making the dish or taking the non-buttered bumpy highway.
Getting back to the point, the archive is in the .7z format. It opens and extracts with this OUTSTANDING opensource program:

Ditch those stupid winzip/winrar programs; they are no good.
If you are having trouble figuring out what the hell the recipé³ are talking about, let me know. I have to admit that I haven't really tried all of them, but I did read through a few and they sounded fine.
Oh, and when they say "oil", it means
PEANUT OIL (or in rare cases, Sesame oil). Don't ever use any of the other crazy oils out there for Indian cooking. They just don't make the cut. I can't emphasize this point enough. If you are thinking, "Oh, maybe I could substitute with vegetable/corn/canola/soybean/rape seed/olive, STOP. STRANGLE and KILL that thought right now. In fact, even if the recipé ³ays "vegetable oil", you will get infinitely better results cooking with Peanut oil. FYI, Peanut oil is called Groundnut oil in India.
As a general rule, you may want to tone down the butter and and the ghee and the sugar and the cream and the coconut. None of them are particularly good for you. You could subsitute butter for ghee, but you cannot substitute "I can't believe its not butter" or any non-belief short-changed product for any of the above.
Here is a lentil list for reference:
Happy Cooking! :)
PS: I also like this site:

However, some of the recipé³ on there are non-traditional with equally unreliable results. Try with caution and use your discretion about the saturated fat content.
I love your fraggle rock icon.
microwave pizza? i dont know. the microwave is always a last resort for me.
looks good!
Same thing works in the oven, too, if you want a crispy crust. Preheat while prepping. Just put it straight onto the oven rack for about 5 - 10 minutes.
With 1000% more happiness, how could one possibly be upset about the 75% fat loss?