What fun,
I have two tests on Monday and a ten page paper due. That material isn't difficult and I should do well. And that is a big problem.
Unless I am into the material or find it challenging I can't care. I have had this essay for three weeks now but it is just busy work, so I naturally put it off to the weekend before. I will do a good job, but I have so struggle to stay focused.
That is how I get things done, by making an assignment challenging, by putting dozens of roadblocks in my way. Right now I am listening to a new album by one of my favorite bands. Piano, two guitar lines, some flutes, and three part vocal harmony demands that I listen to is closely.
Then, just to make things easier, I go out and get a new video game, Halo 3. Oh lord! All that running around and shooting things until their explodey death. Great fun. Today I wanted to write six pages, and in my five hours of work time today I have a page banged out. The distraction is great, a black hole in the living room sucking all energy and matter towards it.
This can only mean that I will have to double up my efforts tomorrow.
OH crap! I have another paper due tuesday for a book I have only read a quarter of. Sounds like I need something really distracting to get me through this; like an uncomfortable genital piercing, or a new pet cockatiel.
now if you will excuse me, I need to bathe in digital gore.
James's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/29/2007 20:31 #41408
Bideo Games09/27/2007 12:26 #41355
Cat and Girl(e:zobar) just posted something from them, which was the first time I had ever heard of this comic.
Being bored at work (again if you can believe it) i started browsing through them. Several times I nearly wet myself laughing. you should all check out Cat and Girl
But this one, there is no holding back the stream of urine from a laugh battered bladder. So frickin' hilarious

enjoy, I need a change of pants.
so, you can't really read that, but it is hilarious. Go here to read the full thing, you will be glad you did.
Being bored at work (again if you can believe it) i started browsing through them. Several times I nearly wet myself laughing. you should all check out Cat and Girl
But this one, there is no holding back the stream of urine from a laugh battered bladder. So frickin' hilarious

enjoy, I need a change of pants.
- edit*
so, you can't really read that, but it is hilarious. Go here to read the full thing, you will be glad you did.
lilho - 09/27/07 14:02
i like the "hott" and "fug" comment. funny!
i like the "hott" and "fug" comment. funny!
09/26/2007 15:49 #41341
Buff State: Clean Up That Shit. Part 2Category: gym
To catch you up if needed, two posts ago I wrote about the human feces which littered the men's locker room at the Buff State Gym.
Well, I wrote an email to the facilities director to let him now he needs to have a chat with the custodial staff. I got a reply back in a few minutes letting me know that the matter would be taken care of immediately. Awesome. Then, an hour later I get another email from him. He would like to meet. um, ok.
So, I show up at his office. He is a nice guy. He takes me on a little walk to show me that the mess has been cleaned up. He then offers alternate substances. Perhaps it was mud. Perhaps it was chewing tobacco.
Chewing tobacco?
Iowa Earl's Chewing Tobacco. Now with corn!
seriously. There was a nut or something in the mix. I am not entirely convinced. But the mess was cleaned up, so I let it go.
He reassures me that the staff has been informed to be more watchful for messes. He thanks me for opening up new channels of communication with his staff. And finally he thanks me for not telling everyone and their mother that there is shit all over the place.
oops, too late.
To catch you up if needed, two posts ago I wrote about the human feces which littered the men's locker room at the Buff State Gym.
Well, I wrote an email to the facilities director to let him now he needs to have a chat with the custodial staff. I got a reply back in a few minutes letting me know that the matter would be taken care of immediately. Awesome. Then, an hour later I get another email from him. He would like to meet. um, ok.
So, I show up at his office. He is a nice guy. He takes me on a little walk to show me that the mess has been cleaned up. He then offers alternate substances. Perhaps it was mud. Perhaps it was chewing tobacco.
Chewing tobacco?
Iowa Earl's Chewing Tobacco. Now with corn!
seriously. There was a nut or something in the mix. I am not entirely convinced. But the mess was cleaned up, so I let it go.
He reassures me that the staff has been informed to be more watchful for messes. He thanks me for opening up new channels of communication with his staff. And finally he thanks me for not telling everyone and their mother that there is shit all over the place.
oops, too late.
- update* I was told that if it was feces that they would have to clean the room with a haz-mat suit. After a decade of hanging on the wall I don't think it harbors anything we don't all already have.
fellyconnelly - 09/26/07 22:04
you have saved the lives of Coprophobiacs everywhere!
you have saved the lives of Coprophobiacs everywhere!
james - 09/26/07 19:22
Nope, that isn't the guy. He works out of an office across the hall from the gym. He is like 6'4 and looks like a foot ball player.
Also, I noticed that the brown flow on the locker wall was still there....
Nope, that isn't the guy. He works out of an office across the hall from the gym. He is like 6'4 and looks like a foot ball player.
Also, I noticed that the brown flow on the locker wall was still there....
libertad - 09/26/07 18:24
Wow! good for you for complaining. I was kind of scared they would smear it in my face for saying I thought it was disgusting. I can't believe he tried to pull it off as something other than feces. Actually, I can't believe he wanted to meet with you personally. Is he the shorter (my height) guy with dark hair? He seems like a good enough guy. That locker room needs a little attention once in a while. I mean once and a while things that attract rodents should be removed.
Wow! good for you for complaining. I was kind of scared they would smear it in my face for saying I thought it was disgusting. I can't believe he tried to pull it off as something other than feces. Actually, I can't believe he wanted to meet with you personally. Is he the shorter (my height) guy with dark hair? He seems like a good enough guy. That locker room needs a little attention once in a while. I mean once and a while things that attract rodents should be removed.
09/25/2007 13:56 #41321
Furries vs. KlingonsSince man first stood upright and developed the brain to ponder the great questions of the universe one question has plagued him particularly over others. Perhaps in our brain's simian past we recalled the fear of lightning, the terror of the dark, and now as a thinking creature our own deep seated fears dare not find the answer to that single question. But an intreppid band, and helpless bystandards, will find out once and for all.
Will mankind be the same after uncovering what lurks underneath the shadows of existence?
Will mankind be the same after knowing who is the better bowler: Furries or Klingons?

We shall find out soon enough.
Will mankind be the same after uncovering what lurks underneath the shadows of existence?
Will mankind be the same after knowing who is the better bowler: Furries or Klingons?

We shall find out soon enough.
james - 09/26/07 17:36
Drew: I am hoping there will be some cultural misunderstanding and the klingons loose... oh, and Data makes us realize something about our own emotions. You know, standard Star Trek fare.
Peter: You bring up several good points. Actual Klingons would win, hands down! But these are just people who watch too much Trek and dressed up like Klingons. That evens the playing field a bit, but the problem of the furry paw is still there... I will just assume there is some weird and mildly creepy way around it in Furry lore that I am sadly unaware of.
Drew: I am hoping there will be some cultural misunderstanding and the klingons loose... oh, and Data makes us realize something about our own emotions. You know, standard Star Trek fare.
Peter: You bring up several good points. Actual Klingons would win, hands down! But these are just people who watch too much Trek and dressed up like Klingons. That evens the playing field a bit, but the problem of the furry paw is still there... I will just assume there is some weird and mildly creepy way around it in Furry lore that I am sadly unaware of.
metalpeter - 09/26/07 17:33
The real problem is if the klingons lose then they will murder all the furies they might do that just for the fun of it so the furies lose either way. With those fury paws and no fingers how can they bowl they have no chance.
The real problem is if the klingons lose then they will murder all the furies they might do that just for the fun of it so the furies lose either way. With those fury paws and no fingers how can they bowl they have no chance.
drew - 09/25/07 22:24
My money is on the Klingons.
My money is on the Klingons.
09/24/2007 14:28 #41290
Dear Buff State: Clean Up That ShitCategory: gym
Dear Buffalo State,
I have given you a lot of money over the years. Why, you nearly even denied me financial aid this year because my graduate program is considered an undergraduate program. But we fixed everything and I forgave you. Then, I gave you money to use your gym. It is free to undergrads, but I am not an undergrad even though the financial aid office says I am. But, this was just a bureaucratic technicality, and I didn't begrudge you when I gave you my hard earned money. But I draw the line at human feces.
You see, the men's locker room at the gym should be a meditative space. Where one takes off the atire of the outside, academic world and transforms oneself to perform a new roll. And then again shower off the sweat of your labors and return again to the outside. But the tranquility required for that needed transformation is spoiled when the aesthetics of the locker room are spoiled by shit smeared on the walls and on the benches.
When I first noticed it I thought 'my, someone really must have been ill to launch filth so high up against the walls. I hope they are feeling better, and that this mess is cleaned up.' One month later and it is still there, hardened like cement. It isn't like it is hard to notice, or hidden in a locker. It is, allow me to say it again, shit smeared on the walls and on a bench! How can you miss it? But, I guess they aren't cleaning at all.
What do I do? Who should I talk to? Should I talk to one of dozens of full time program directors? Perhaps one of the legions of student workers? How about the faculty that is getting paid by me to sit in the rehab room just feet away from the offending stains?
College kids are gross and inconsiderate. I can understand grabbing a turd and getting all Jackson Pollock on the locker room. You are stupid and egocentric, how could I be upset at you, oh large child. But the staff that walks around there, the cleaning people who work in that building. It is implied that part of your job is to keep the cascading human crap to a minimum. How hard is that? HOW HARD IS THAT?
I hate this veil of tears of a world.
I have given you a lot of money over the years. Why, you nearly even denied me financial aid this year because my graduate program is considered an undergraduate program. But we fixed everything and I forgave you. Then, I gave you money to use your gym. It is free to undergrads, but I am not an undergrad even though the financial aid office says I am. But, this was just a bureaucratic technicality, and I didn't begrudge you when I gave you my hard earned money. But I draw the line at human feces.
You see, the men's locker room at the gym should be a meditative space. Where one takes off the atire of the outside, academic world and transforms oneself to perform a new roll. And then again shower off the sweat of your labors and return again to the outside. But the tranquility required for that needed transformation is spoiled when the aesthetics of the locker room are spoiled by shit smeared on the walls and on the benches.
When I first noticed it I thought 'my, someone really must have been ill to launch filth so high up against the walls. I hope they are feeling better, and that this mess is cleaned up.' One month later and it is still there, hardened like cement. It isn't like it is hard to notice, or hidden in a locker. It is, allow me to say it again, shit smeared on the walls and on a bench! How can you miss it? But, I guess they aren't cleaning at all.
What do I do? Who should I talk to? Should I talk to one of dozens of full time program directors? Perhaps one of the legions of student workers? How about the faculty that is getting paid by me to sit in the rehab room just feet away from the offending stains?
College kids are gross and inconsiderate. I can understand grabbing a turd and getting all Jackson Pollock on the locker room. You are stupid and egocentric, how could I be upset at you, oh large child. But the staff that walks around there, the cleaning people who work in that building. It is implied that part of your job is to keep the cascading human crap to a minimum. How hard is that? HOW HARD IS THAT?
I hate this veil of tears of a world.
james - 09/25/07 12:19
I actually am going to meet with the head of the athletic center tomorrow to talk about this.... I sent an email last night and I thought it would be self explanatory, but the guy wants to meet.
Updates to follow.
I actually am going to meet with the head of the athletic center tomorrow to talk about this.... I sent an email last night and I thought it would be self explanatory, but the guy wants to meet.
Updates to follow.
museumchick - 09/25/07 12:10
Sadly, Buff State will most likely never clean it up... they'll just build a new gym instead.
Sadly, Buff State will most likely never clean it up... they'll just build a new gym instead.
fellyconnelly - 09/24/07 23:03
see this is why i just don't work out. too much poo to consider.
see this is why i just don't work out. too much poo to consider.
james - 09/24/07 18:07
Peter - I am sure there is another human side to that story. But shit is shit. And when I nearly sat in it a few weeks ago... that is just wrong.
Libertad - Years? YEARS? That has been there for years? god damn it! The offending bench is the second row in from the shower/bathroom at the end furthest from the entrance.
The video was taken in Australia. So we are safe from the mouse plague... for now.
Peter - I am sure there is another human side to that story. But shit is shit. And when I nearly sat in it a few weeks ago... that is just wrong.
Libertad - Years? YEARS? That has been there for years? god damn it! The offending bench is the second row in from the shower/bathroom at the end furthest from the entrance.
The video was taken in Australia. So we are safe from the mouse plague... for now.
libertad - 09/24/07 18:05
The same shit has been there for years. I kind of forgot that it was there. One the bench? Really? Where...I didn't see that! I don't want to sit on it.
That video in your previous post is the strangest thing I have ever seen. Where was that? I missed it because i was in shock.
The same shit has been there for years. I kind of forgot that it was there. One the bench? Really? Where...I didn't see that! I don't want to sit on it.
That video in your previous post is the strangest thing I have ever seen. Where was that? I missed it because i was in shock.
metalpeter - 09/24/07 17:52
I will admit something like that should be cleaned. But I'm guessing who ever has the job to keep that place clean said fuck that I'm not here to clean human shit. I know if I was some work study kid and was told to clean it I would say fuck you and quit or make them fire me. If they use professional jainitors then you would think they would clean it up and would know how. I don't know if Buff state is like this but some places you have to have first aid training and know Universal Precautions to clean up any body fluid or anything that contains them and that would include shit. I'm not saying that it is ok to be on the wall but who in their right mind who cleans would really want to do that and I'm guessing you would have to do that and close of a big section of the locker room before the cleaning so no one uses that area. I'm not defending them really at all but just giving a little insight to possibly there side of the story.
I will admit something like that should be cleaned. But I'm guessing who ever has the job to keep that place clean said fuck that I'm not here to clean human shit. I know if I was some work study kid and was told to clean it I would say fuck you and quit or make them fire me. If they use professional jainitors then you would think they would clean it up and would know how. I don't know if Buff state is like this but some places you have to have first aid training and know Universal Precautions to clean up any body fluid or anything that contains them and that would include shit. I'm not saying that it is ok to be on the wall but who in their right mind who cleans would really want to do that and I'm guessing you would have to do that and close of a big section of the locker room before the cleaning so no one uses that area. I'm not defending them really at all but just giving a little insight to possibly there side of the story.
when i read the title of your post all i could think of is a child with a cold and a flair for the dramatic asking to stay home from school so he could play halo3.
Welcome to the ODES club! Where its fun to dodge into the 13th hour.
(O.bsessive D.eadline E.scapism S.yndrome)