(e:Janelle) has been journaling about the Sims, that video game where you... uh... simulate humans? You know, soup to nuts. From planing out their home and rise in a simulated capitalist economy to the micromanagement of sending them off to pee. And at a time-laps pitch it is oddly addicting.
Well, I played the Sims once, when it was a new game. Like Janelle I started off modestly. But mostly because I didn't read the instructions and just moved into the first shack I came across. Well, living in a miserable tiny apartment with room mates I wanted to axe murder I thought I would play out my childish fantasies. So, two guys move in and I try to get them to fall in love.
Now, this isn't a one-who-got-away sort of story. At the beginning they didn't like when I made them hug. But they kind of liked it when one bought a gift for the other. They could joke and pall around, but if I made them flirt. Yikes! It was uncomfortable.
But, I was persistent and my fantasy couple got together. One was an artists, because that sounded much more exciting than the waiter I was at the time. The other was in the military. Oh, everyone knew about his boyfriend, but it was never talked about on the base because our man was such a good soldier.
One morning, the military man wakes up early and sneaks downstairs to make the other breakfast in bed. A few weeks earlier they bought a grill for their anniversary. He starts cooking on the grill as the other gently slept and then.... BOOM!
Military man was engulfed in flames and died. A little tomb stone stood among the chard remains of the grill. The other sim would spend all day weeping beside it. He lost his job because he spent all day grieving.
Occasionally military man's ghost would appear and try to hug his lover. But the living sim would get frightened and run away. Then, when the ghost would disappear hugless the other would just return to the tomb and cry some more.
I was taking a Modern Russian history class at the time. The Albany winter was especially cold that year and reading the Gulag Archipelago for class should have been a harrowing experience. But the death and suffering of thousands was less depressing than my one and only game of the Sims.
James's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/07/2007 17:16 #41540
Sims broke my heart.Category: video games
10/03/2007 13:20 #41472
The Most Disgusting Food Gift EverCategory: food
You know how you get a song in your head, in this case Last Dance With Mary Jane by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, and then you read a little on wikipedia then 30 minutes later you have followed a giant trail of vaguely related items and find yourself reading about sausage casing?
Well, that happened just now. And check out what treasure was unearthed

That is right! From a large distributor you can order sausage casing in the shape of a beer bottle! And this isn't a skimpy little sausage. Oh no, this is 1 1/4 pounds of summer sausage fun my friend.
Think of the hilarity as you whip this bad boy out on your next fishing trip. All your friends will be pawing for a bit of your beer bottle sausage. Hey there fellers, there is more than enough sausage to go around!
Order yours now from the mouthwateringly named Mid-Western Research and Supply Inc.
You know how you get a song in your head, in this case Last Dance With Mary Jane by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, and then you read a little on wikipedia then 30 minutes later you have followed a giant trail of vaguely related items and find yourself reading about sausage casing?
Well, that happened just now. And check out what treasure was unearthed

That is right! From a large distributor you can order sausage casing in the shape of a beer bottle! And this isn't a skimpy little sausage. Oh no, this is 1 1/4 pounds of summer sausage fun my friend.
Think of the hilarity as you whip this bad boy out on your next fishing trip. All your friends will be pawing for a bit of your beer bottle sausage. Hey there fellers, there is more than enough sausage to go around!
Order yours now from the mouthwateringly named Mid-Western Research and Supply Inc.
jbeatty - 10/03/07 23:18
I don't know about most disgusting ever. I think those hickory farms gift packs may be ahead if it.
I don't know about most disgusting ever. I think those hickory farms gift packs may be ahead if it.
fellyconnelly - 10/03/07 21:40
you make my mouth water.
you make my mouth water.
jason - 10/03/07 14:50
Oh man, I get sucked into Wiki-surfing alll the time. The other day I started off somewhere, who knows where, and ended up looking up info on King Ludwig III of Bavaria and the German Emperor Wilhelm II. Eventually that led to information about Audrey Hepburn. Damn you, Wikipedia!!
Oh man, I get sucked into Wiki-surfing alll the time. The other day I started off somewhere, who knows where, and ended up looking up info on King Ludwig III of Bavaria and the German Emperor Wilhelm II. Eventually that led to information about Audrey Hepburn. Damn you, Wikipedia!!
10/02/2007 12:01 #41452
The Big DisapointmentCategory: buffalo
Ya, the big, big, big, big news is out.
We made it on the top ten list after all. I am happy for Buffalo, but after all that hype I wouldn't have been happy with anything short of a five-story H&M
Here is the Buffalo News story.
Yup, that's the big, big, big, big news.
Which reminds me...
I will never tire of that song or video.
We made it on the top ten list after all. I am happy for Buffalo, but after all that hype I wouldn't have been happy with anything short of a five-story H&M
Here is the Buffalo News story.
Yup, that's the big, big, big, big news.
Which reminds me...
I will never tire of that song or video.
james - 10/02/07 23:05
except so much more awesome!
except so much more awesome!
fellyconnelly - 10/02/07 22:57
this is like that annoying gerbil hamster song that used to waft from cubicle to cubicle.
this is like that annoying gerbil hamster song that used to waft from cubicle to cubicle.
james - 10/02/07 19:15
oh ya, they did a lot of work (I think, at least) and deserve credit. But after the hooopla, mixed with the fact that this was a national news story days before, really made me think it would be something... better.
If I just found the news story and we didn't have this secretive press conference I would have been really happy about the whole situation. Instead I feel a little left out in the rain.
oh ya, they did a lot of work (I think, at least) and deserve credit. But after the hooopla, mixed with the fact that this was a national news story days before, really made me think it would be something... better.
If I just found the news story and we didn't have this secretive press conference I would have been really happy about the whole situation. Instead I feel a little left out in the rain.
dcoffee - 10/02/07 19:09
That was my thought too. Maybe I just don't know jack about the APA, there must be a lot of neighborhoods in the country, millions I guess, it's a definite honor to be in the top ten. They must have been super excited to create all this hoopla, and they deserve some praise for their hard work. But I did expect something different. Do we get any Cash for that honor?
That was my thought too. Maybe I just don't know jack about the APA, there must be a lot of neighborhoods in the country, millions I guess, it's a definite honor to be in the top ten. They must have been super excited to create all this hoopla, and they deserve some praise for their hard work. But I did expect something different. Do we get any Cash for that honor?
10/02/2007 11:35 #41448
Big Buffalo NewsCategory: buffalo
It has been an hour since the big ass Buffalo news was unveiled at Glove market by the Elmwood Association.
yet, why can't I find any info about this? This was supposed to be HUGE frickin news. But, go to the Elmwood Village Association web site there isn't a bit of news. The last news entry is from January...
I have gone to other sites looking for some info
Buffalo Rising
Buffalo News
Craig's List
Buffalo Geek
Buffalo Pundit
All Things Buffalo
All Thing Jennifer
ugh! Did we just get on some stupid top ten list or is something big actually happening? A little moral booster isn't big news, it is nice fuzzy news that makes us feel good for a little while when outsides make fun of us for living in Buffalo.
It has been an hour since the big ass Buffalo news was unveiled at Glove market by the Elmwood Association.
yet, why can't I find any info about this? This was supposed to be HUGE frickin news. But, go to the Elmwood Village Association web site there isn't a bit of news. The last news entry is from January...
I have gone to other sites looking for some info
Buffalo Rising
Buffalo News
Craig's List
Buffalo Geek
Buffalo Pundit
All Things Buffalo
All Thing Jennifer
ugh! Did we just get on some stupid top ten list or is something big actually happening? A little moral booster isn't big news, it is nice fuzzy news that makes us feel good for a little while when outsides make fun of us for living in Buffalo.
joshua - 10/02/07 12:35
Eh, I can understand why EVA would have such a hard-on - its a marketing tool.
Eh, I can understand why EVA would have such a hard-on - its a marketing tool.
zobar - 10/02/07 11:57
Sorry, guys, Top Ten is all it is. Bizarrely, the press conference is/was supposed to be in front of the now-vacant New World Record.
- Z
Sorry, guys, Top Ten is all it is. Bizarrely, the press conference is/was supposed to be in front of the now-vacant New World Record.
- Z
james - 10/02/07 11:54
ya, i have been checking the comments on BR all morning. (Have I mentioned my job is ridiculous and mindless?) The Top Ten looks like it is it, but I am holding out for something more substantial.
ya, i have been checking the comments on BR all morning. (Have I mentioned my job is ridiculous and mindless?) The Top Ten looks like it is it, but I am holding out for something more substantial.
jenks - 10/02/07 11:41
Sadly james, you are right. I googled it, and found an article in Buffalo Rising from yesterday- but nothing newer. But in the comments to the BR article they give it away, and yes, it's just a top ten list. Hopefully we're wrong, and it really WILL be the amazing most wonderful thing ever that they are billing it as.
BR article: :::link:::
The big news: :::link:::
(buffalo is at the end where they list the "other nine")
Sadly james, you are right. I googled it, and found an article in Buffalo Rising from yesterday- but nothing newer. But in the comments to the BR article they give it away, and yes, it's just a top ten list. Hopefully we're wrong, and it really WILL be the amazing most wonderful thing ever that they are billing it as.
BR article: :::link:::
The big news: :::link:::
(buffalo is at the end where they list the "other nine")
james - 10/02/07 11:41
updates on my frustration finding out what the fuck happened every hour on the half hour.
updates on my frustration finding out what the fuck happened every hour on the half hour.
joshua - 10/02/07 11:38
So much for "big" news. Ha!
So much for "big" news. Ha!
10/01/2007 20:17 #41441
A Private MatterCategory: politics
There is a private discussion involving an online hit job around here.
It made me think about my favorite such hit job online that is amazingly NSFW.
It was also a great coincidence that the target of said hit job, former senator Rick "god hates fags, jews, liberals, and uh people that don't vote for me and oh by the way I LOVE my family in a profound way that you mere human could never begin to comprehend" Santorum may be running for Governor of PA next time around.
Check him out,
Rick Santorum
just a hint now of what to do.
It made me think about my favorite such hit job online that is amazingly NSFW.
It was also a great coincidence that the target of said hit job, former senator Rick "god hates fags, jews, liberals, and uh people that don't vote for me and oh by the way I LOVE my family in a profound way that you mere human could never begin to comprehend" Santorum may be running for Governor of PA next time around.
Check him out,
Rick Santorum
just a hint now of what to do.
jenks - 10/03/07 22:46
hehe, I just clicked the link. Oops! double-post! sorry! I assumed it was a REAL political website.
hehe, I just clicked the link. Oops! double-post! sorry! I assumed it was a REAL political website.
james - 10/02/07 11:48
jenks: the linked site is the one that started it all
Joshua: I don't mind one bit good sir. And congrats on Halo. If you see an exploded bit of torso that is me.
jenks: the linked site is the one that started it all
Joshua: I don't mind one bit good sir. And congrats on Halo. If you see an exploded bit of torso that is me.
joshua - 10/02/07 11:46
Oh, BTW - we just got Halo 3. Fortunately for me, college is over so I don't have projects to interrupt the carnage.
Oh, BTW - we just got Halo 3. Fortunately for me, college is over so I don't have projects to interrupt the carnage.
joshua - 10/02/07 11:43
I know that James; I was having a little cheeky fun at the expense of Santorum anyway. I didn't think you'd mind!
I know that James; I was having a little cheeky fun at the expense of Santorum anyway. I didn't think you'd mind!
jenks - 10/02/07 10:43
does anyone remember that bit a couple years ago- that "Santorum" is the word for the frothy shit/lube mixture created during vigorous anal sex? that is ALL I can ever think when I hear his name.
does anyone remember that bit a couple years ago- that "Santorum" is the word for the frothy shit/lube mixture created during vigorous anal sex? that is ALL I can ever think when I hear his name.
james - 10/02/07 10:21
paul: I was protecting something....
Jason: oraganic? chicken wings taste better when they are hormone injected ^_~
Joshua: The hint was not for Santorum. It was for the squatter.
paul: I was protecting something....
Jason: oraganic? chicken wings taste better when they are hormone injected ^_~
Joshua: The hint was not for Santorum. It was for the squatter.
joshua - 10/02/07 09:55
You fucking vote for him, thats what you do!
Wow that site was a tad off the deep end.
You fucking vote for him, thats what you do!
Wow that site was a tad off the deep end.
jason - 10/02/07 07:47
Lol. I hear that, I hear that. Remind me not to piss you guys off, or if I do, stop by with a bag of organic goodies.
Lol. I hear that, I hear that. Remind me not to piss you guys off, or if I do, stop by with a bag of organic goodies.
paul - 10/02/07 00:27
No clickyness, I was just suggesting knocking off the squatter and (e:james) was trying to protect my reputation as an upstanding citizen, lol.
No clickyness, I was just suggesting knocking off the squatter and (e:james) was trying to protect my reputation as an upstanding citizen, lol.
james - 10/02/07 00:17
It was a conversation outside of estrip involving non-estrip people. I just didn't feel comfortable mentioning specifics because I was unsure if i had permission to. estrip is still one big happy family.
Sadly there isn't a politician lined up to get it. Conservative or liberal doesn't come into it, douche-baggery is the target. If anything worth sharing with the class comes of it you can count on it being posted here.
It was a conversation outside of estrip involving non-estrip people. I just didn't feel comfortable mentioning specifics because I was unsure if i had permission to. estrip is still one big happy family.
Sadly there isn't a politician lined up to get it. Conservative or liberal doesn't come into it, douche-baggery is the target. If anything worth sharing with the class comes of it you can count on it being posted here.
jason - 10/01/07 23:58
Fantastic. So what arch-conservative politician in WNY is going to get it? And why are there cliques on e-strip???
Anyhow, really funny site.
Fantastic. So what arch-conservative politician in WNY is going to get it? And why are there cliques on e-strip???
Anyhow, really funny site.
all this talk of sims made me play rise of nations. which is not the sims. nor really anything like the sims. but it was a great way to waste a day.
the end.
Jenks: I do that to everything. Our houseplants, kitchen appliances, novelty pens.
Drew: First the Sims, then the children!
Apparently, the conservatives were right about the "radical homosexual agenda."
are you serious? You 'made' your sims gay?! That is so awesome.
Felly: That is how I want to loose my job
Drew: People get desperate with love and very well could get to like each other if they spend enough time together. But training them to have full fledge mental illness? That is a lofty goal and it was a noble try.
Set the bar a little lower next time. Like, with Alzheimer's you just have to have them forget to do things, like go to work. Easy. Or if you want them to develop a physical problem may I suggest incontinence? So easy, and so rewarding.
I tried sims and started to get tired of it, but curiosity made me ask, "Could I make a Sim lose its mind?"
My hypothesis said that if I told a sim to behave in a mentally ill way, eventually, said sim would become mentally ill.
So I spent all of my time telling my sim to wash his hands. I let him do nothing else. His thought bubbles would let me know that he was hungry, or sleepy, or needed to use the toilet. I didn't care. I told him to keep washing his hands.
I was a little bit dissapointed that doing this never led to thought bubbles filled with guilt that would never wash away.
Eventually, my sim would pass out and wet himself. When he woke up, it was back to handwashing.
Eventually he passed out and never woke up.
my sims would lose their jobs because they were doing it all day.