Dear Buffalo State,
I have given you a lot of money over the years. Why, you nearly even denied me financial aid this year because my graduate program is considered an undergraduate program. But we fixed everything and I forgave you. Then, I gave you money to use your gym. It is free to undergrads, but I am not an undergrad even though the financial aid office says I am. But, this was just a bureaucratic technicality, and I didn't begrudge you when I gave you my hard earned money. But I draw the line at human feces.
You see, the men's locker room at the gym should be a meditative space. Where one takes off the atire of the outside, academic world and transforms oneself to perform a new roll. And then again shower off the sweat of your labors and return again to the outside. But the tranquility required for that needed transformation is spoiled when the aesthetics of the locker room are spoiled by shit smeared on the walls and on the benches.
When I first noticed it I thought 'my, someone really must have been ill to launch filth so high up against the walls. I hope they are feeling better, and that this mess is cleaned up.' One month later and it is still there, hardened like cement. It isn't like it is hard to notice, or hidden in a locker. It is, allow me to say it again, shit smeared on the walls and on a bench! How can you miss it? But, I guess they aren't cleaning at all.
What do I do? Who should I talk to? Should I talk to one of dozens of full time program directors? Perhaps one of the legions of student workers? How about the faculty that is getting paid by me to sit in the rehab room just feet away from the offending stains?
College kids are gross and inconsiderate. I can understand grabbing a turd and getting all Jackson Pollock on the locker room. You are stupid and egocentric, how could I be upset at you, oh large child. But the staff that walks around there, the cleaning people who work in that building. It is implied that part of your job is to keep the cascading human crap to a minimum. How hard is that? HOW HARD IS THAT?
I hate this veil of tears of a world.
James's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/24/2007 14:28 #41290
Dear Buff State: Clean Up That ShitCategory: gym
09/23/2007 12:32 #41263
Disappointing State of Whore ScholarshipCategory: school
Two posts ago I mentioned an insanely boring class in which we have to write papers and present them. And my desire to liven up the class by talking about something sexy like prostitution or opium. But sadly everyone is against me.
The only requirement for the research was that it had to do with the Chinese Qing dynasty. Which should be super easy since that was from 1644-1911. A huge swath of time in which I whores should figure prominently.
But no.
I now bemoan the state of whore scholarship. There is nothing written about it in this time period. Nothing. Zilch. Damn it! What the hell are you scholars working on? Oh ya, exciting crap like transforming local economies if fishing villages. Wow. Do you talk about that stuff at parties? The only thing fishy I want to hear about is whore vag!
So instead I am writing about the bubonic plague in southern China in the late 19th century.... ya, disease is kind of cool. But the only reason I picked it is because that is how I feel. I feel like I am infected with a dull malaise that will slowly drag me to an untimely death. A death I try to imagine as a great release during the waste of a class.
So come on academics of the world! Tell me about Manchu brothels!
Here is a video about an unbelievable large infestation of mice. It is creepy.
The only requirement for the research was that it had to do with the Chinese Qing dynasty. Which should be super easy since that was from 1644-1911. A huge swath of time in which I whores should figure prominently.
But no.
I now bemoan the state of whore scholarship. There is nothing written about it in this time period. Nothing. Zilch. Damn it! What the hell are you scholars working on? Oh ya, exciting crap like transforming local economies if fishing villages. Wow. Do you talk about that stuff at parties? The only thing fishy I want to hear about is whore vag!
So instead I am writing about the bubonic plague in southern China in the late 19th century.... ya, disease is kind of cool. But the only reason I picked it is because that is how I feel. I feel like I am infected with a dull malaise that will slowly drag me to an untimely death. A death I try to imagine as a great release during the waste of a class.
So come on academics of the world! Tell me about Manchu brothels!
Here is a video about an unbelievable large infestation of mice. It is creepy.
jenks - 09/26/07 16:10
omg! After she had to walk in that room, and I'm sure step on them and squish them, I had to take a break.
omg! After she had to walk in that room, and I'm sure step on them and squish them, I had to take a break.
09/21/2007 15:39 #41238
Why I Want to TeachIn high school, I was king dork of nerd mountain
You see, not having a social life, not touching vice, and having the social skills of a lifeless golem I could devote considerable time of the best years of my life to the accumulation of useless trivia. History was one such area where I could be especially insufferable. Ask (e:Jim) who was forced to sit through the movie 300 while I pointed historical inaccuracies both major and dully minor.
The first teacher I had who appreciated me eccentricities was Mr.Mahar. He was so much more than a social studies teacher. He attended conferences. His name was attached to research he helped conduct. He had a sense of humor. In retrospect he used a lot of teaching methods that I really admire and plan to use myself. But most importantly, he drank like a fish.
Teachers exist in a moral limbo. They are adults but are expected to be saints because they are models for kids, where as parents can fuck up as much as they choose. This bothers me. Teachers see kids for 40 minutes, five days a week. And they are busy doing a thousand things you have no idea what sort of adult they are. Mr.Mahar was different. We all smelled the whiskey on his breath. We all knew what he put in his coffee. But the man was one hell of a teacher. He got his shit done and he was much better than all the sober ones.
Though I never will drink at work, or actually have a little habit to attend to, I would like to have my insufferable personality spill over. To be an eccentric coot not afraid to curse or shave on a regular basis but do one hell of a job. Darn it! If kids don't learn about Stalin's love of musical comedies who will? WHO WILL?
happy friday
You see, not having a social life, not touching vice, and having the social skills of a lifeless golem I could devote considerable time of the best years of my life to the accumulation of useless trivia. History was one such area where I could be especially insufferable. Ask (e:Jim) who was forced to sit through the movie 300 while I pointed historical inaccuracies both major and dully minor.
The first teacher I had who appreciated me eccentricities was Mr.Mahar. He was so much more than a social studies teacher. He attended conferences. His name was attached to research he helped conduct. He had a sense of humor. In retrospect he used a lot of teaching methods that I really admire and plan to use myself. But most importantly, he drank like a fish.
Teachers exist in a moral limbo. They are adults but are expected to be saints because they are models for kids, where as parents can fuck up as much as they choose. This bothers me. Teachers see kids for 40 minutes, five days a week. And they are busy doing a thousand things you have no idea what sort of adult they are. Mr.Mahar was different. We all smelled the whiskey on his breath. We all knew what he put in his coffee. But the man was one hell of a teacher. He got his shit done and he was much better than all the sober ones.
Though I never will drink at work, or actually have a little habit to attend to, I would like to have my insufferable personality spill over. To be an eccentric coot not afraid to curse or shave on a regular basis but do one hell of a job. Darn it! If kids don't learn about Stalin's love of musical comedies who will? WHO WILL?
happy friday
fellyconnelly - 09/23/07 12:19
tenth grade social studies teacher. Ms babcock. she was a crazy lady and i did everything that i could to get a 100 percent on my regents exam because i enjoyed her class so much.
i got a 99.
that was the perfect example of why you should always check your work. i circled the correct answer on the paper and filled in the dot for a different answer on the sheet. you know i'm still kicking myself for that?????
tenth grade social studies teacher. Ms babcock. she was a crazy lady and i did everything that i could to get a 100 percent on my regents exam because i enjoyed her class so much.
i got a 99.
that was the perfect example of why you should always check your work. i circled the correct answer on the paper and filled in the dot for a different answer on the sheet. you know i'm still kicking myself for that?????
drew - 09/21/07 17:27
I was a big nerd with a cool history teacher, too. But I don't think he drank at work. Plenty of other teachers did though.
I was a big nerd with a cool history teacher, too. But I don't think he drank at work. Plenty of other teachers did though.
09/20/2007 21:37 #41223
This Class Sucks. Bring Me WHORES!Category: school
My Thursday night class sucks.
It is indescribably bad! But just as Dante described the indescribable torments of hell (and the indescribably boring followups on purgatory and heaven) then so too must I!
It is on Chinese and Japanese modern history, from the 16th century to the present. The professor is a Chinese historian, and so he spends about 15 minutes of our 3 hour long class talking about Japan. Even our textbooks are weighted. Chinese history: 876 pages + 100 images and maps. Japanese history: 600, no images. I don't know why he tacked Japan on when he doesn't care.
A graduate history class works like this, usually. We all read a book. Then during class we discuss that book. The professor might guide our discussion along, but generally just keeps us on task. It is a great way to run a class.
This class works like this, we read, we get a five question quiz to see if we read, he summarizes what we read and then we look at holiday snaps he took last time he was in China. Fine in a 50 minute class, torture in a three hour class.
Well, we were informed today that he would no longer be lecturing to us. And that we would be presenting research papers we have been working on. Well, no one has started their paper since it is only needs one journal article source and should be 5-6 pages long.
So I decided I am responsible not only for my own amusement and sanity in that class, but am responsible for everyones'!
Right now I have a dozen articles on Prostitution, Opium, Homosexuality, everything. If I don't use the term "hot chinese ass fucking" at least twice in my presentation I am giving myself an F. There will be descriptions of various specialty blow jobs. There will be little boys bent over the Emperor's bed. And it wont be all talk! Oh no! We will have graphic images. Ming wall scrolls of anal penetration will adorn my presentation like cherubs.

There wont be a dry seat in the house!
It is indescribably bad! But just as Dante described the indescribable torments of hell (and the indescribably boring followups on purgatory and heaven) then so too must I!
It is on Chinese and Japanese modern history, from the 16th century to the present. The professor is a Chinese historian, and so he spends about 15 minutes of our 3 hour long class talking about Japan. Even our textbooks are weighted. Chinese history: 876 pages + 100 images and maps. Japanese history: 600, no images. I don't know why he tacked Japan on when he doesn't care.
A graduate history class works like this, usually. We all read a book. Then during class we discuss that book. The professor might guide our discussion along, but generally just keeps us on task. It is a great way to run a class.
This class works like this, we read, we get a five question quiz to see if we read, he summarizes what we read and then we look at holiday snaps he took last time he was in China. Fine in a 50 minute class, torture in a three hour class.
Well, we were informed today that he would no longer be lecturing to us. And that we would be presenting research papers we have been working on. Well, no one has started their paper since it is only needs one journal article source and should be 5-6 pages long.
So I decided I am responsible not only for my own amusement and sanity in that class, but am responsible for everyones'!
Right now I have a dozen articles on Prostitution, Opium, Homosexuality, everything. If I don't use the term "hot chinese ass fucking" at least twice in my presentation I am giving myself an F. There will be descriptions of various specialty blow jobs. There will be little boys bent over the Emperor's bed. And it wont be all talk! Oh no! We will have graphic images. Ming wall scrolls of anal penetration will adorn my presentation like cherubs.

There wont be a dry seat in the house!
fellyconnelly - 09/23/07 12:21
james you don't understand. lauren loves dry academic exercises with breezy quips. especially if they involve hot chinese ass fucking.
james you don't understand. lauren loves dry academic exercises with breezy quips. especially if they involve hot chinese ass fucking.
james - 09/21/07 14:26
Lauren: It wont actually be fun. It will be a dry academic exercise with breezy quips for commentary.
Libertad: I am so sorry you wasted time with that man. But I am very pleased that you have survived at are still sane (mostly).
Lauren: It wont actually be fun. It will be a dry academic exercise with breezy quips for commentary.
Libertad: I am so sorry you wasted time with that man. But I am very pleased that you have survived at are still sane (mostly).
libertad - 09/21/07 11:49
I had that guy. I hated those stupid did you read questions in the beginning of class. Way to spice it up.
I had that guy. I hated those stupid did you read questions in the beginning of class. Way to spice it up.
lauren - 09/21/07 11:02
Oh man I wish I could be there to see that!
Oh man I wish I could be there to see that!
09/20/2007 11:18 #41213
Peer-Reviewed ReligionCategory: religion
I was listening to Sam Harris give a lecture yesterday.
It wasn't in person, he gave it at the Aspen Ideas festival and it was rebroadcast on Word for Word. You can listen to it here . If you don't know Sam Harris he is of the recent wave of published, vocal atheists. He is down with science but isn't as big an ass hole as Richard Dawkins
Also, he is also the hottest of the best selling atheists.

I would want to get drunk with Chris Hitchens, but I would want to get Sam Harris drunk. If you catch the drift. (sincere apologies to (e:Jim))
Anyway! Back on topic. In the lecture he said that god is primarily an author of books. That is, he chooses to speak to his creation not through TV spots or telemundo soaps; rather, god wrote the Hebrew bible, added the New testament bit, and then completed the trilogy with the Koran.
He said that science submits its material to peer-reviewed journals to weed out biased research. So, religious texts should do the same thing.
I had a good chuckle. Imagining Christ and Thor(see (e:drew)'s journal) browsing through Dianetics, suppressing a chuckle at each page turn.
"Hey Quetziquatil, you have to check this shit out! It is hilarious!"
"I can't guys, Dionysus is throwing up wine again. I have to mop the bathroom up."
So, I am not actually suggesting anything. Just giving you a little glimpse into the silliness which is getting me through my Thursday.
Oh! Here is an awesome They Might Be Giants video
It wasn't in person, he gave it at the Aspen Ideas festival and it was rebroadcast on Word for Word. You can listen to it here . If you don't know Sam Harris he is of the recent wave of published, vocal atheists. He is down with science but isn't as big an ass hole as Richard Dawkins
Also, he is also the hottest of the best selling atheists.

I would want to get drunk with Chris Hitchens, but I would want to get Sam Harris drunk. If you catch the drift. (sincere apologies to (e:Jim))
Anyway! Back on topic. In the lecture he said that god is primarily an author of books. That is, he chooses to speak to his creation not through TV spots or telemundo soaps; rather, god wrote the Hebrew bible, added the New testament bit, and then completed the trilogy with the Koran.
He said that science submits its material to peer-reviewed journals to weed out biased research. So, religious texts should do the same thing.
I had a good chuckle. Imagining Christ and Thor(see (e:drew)'s journal) browsing through Dianetics, suppressing a chuckle at each page turn.
"Hey Quetziquatil, you have to check this shit out! It is hilarious!"
"I can't guys, Dionysus is throwing up wine again. I have to mop the bathroom up."
So, I am not actually suggesting anything. Just giving you a little glimpse into the silliness which is getting me through my Thursday.
Oh! Here is an awesome They Might Be Giants video
drew - 09/20/07 18:09
"I'm interested in things. I'm not a real doctor, but I am a real worm, I am an actual worm."
"I'm interested in things. I'm not a real doctor, but I am a real worm, I am an actual worm."
carolinian - 09/20/07 18:03
"He wants a shoehorn, the kind with teeth (ding). People should be beat up for stating their beliefs..."
"He wants a shoehorn, the kind with teeth (ding). People should be beat up for stating their beliefs..."
jason - 09/20/07 16:16
Haha. If it's a day that ends in a y we can be sure Hitchens has been saturated with double manhattans.
Haha. If it's a day that ends in a y we can be sure Hitchens has been saturated with double manhattans.
james - 09/20/07 11:54
I got that video on VHS from their mail order service in the early 90's. Now I can just look it up on youtube. What a crazy world.
"The ultimate test of Christianity is how it treats its non-adherents."
I think that would be an excellent test for any belief system. Well done.
I got that video on VHS from their mail order service in the early 90's. Now I can just look it up on youtube. What a crazy world.
"The ultimate test of Christianity is how it treats its non-adherents."
I think that would be an excellent test for any belief system. Well done.
drew - 09/20/07 11:34
That is an awesome video. I can't wait for the show. TMBG turns me into an even bigger geek than I am.
A line from this Sunday's upcoming sermon:
"The ultimate test of Christianity is how it treats its non-adherents." Not quite the same as God being "peer reviewed," but wouldn't it be cool if communities of faith could be peer reviewed with out it degenerating into something horrible? (I think it maybe would, sadly)
That is an awesome video. I can't wait for the show. TMBG turns me into an even bigger geek than I am.
A line from this Sunday's upcoming sermon:
"The ultimate test of Christianity is how it treats its non-adherents." Not quite the same as God being "peer reviewed," but wouldn't it be cool if communities of faith could be peer reviewed with out it degenerating into something horrible? (I think it maybe would, sadly)
I actually am going to meet with the head of the athletic center tomorrow to talk about this.... I sent an email last night and I thought it would be self explanatory, but the guy wants to meet.
Updates to follow.
Sadly, Buff State will most likely never clean it up... they'll just build a new gym instead.
see this is why i just don't work out. too much poo to consider.
Peter - I am sure there is another human side to that story. But shit is shit. And when I nearly sat in it a few weeks ago... that is just wrong.
Libertad - Years? YEARS? That has been there for years? god damn it! The offending bench is the second row in from the shower/bathroom at the end furthest from the entrance.
The video was taken in Australia. So we are safe from the mouse plague... for now.
The same shit has been there for years. I kind of forgot that it was there. One the bench? Really? Where...I didn't see that! I don't want to sit on it.
That video in your previous post is the strangest thing I have ever seen. Where was that? I missed it because i was in shock.
I will admit something like that should be cleaned. But I'm guessing who ever has the job to keep that place clean said fuck that I'm not here to clean human shit. I know if I was some work study kid and was told to clean it I would say fuck you and quit or make them fire me. If they use professional jainitors then you would think they would clean it up and would know how. I don't know if Buff state is like this but some places you have to have first aid training and know Universal Precautions to clean up any body fluid or anything that contains them and that would include shit. I'm not saying that it is ok to be on the wall but who in their right mind who cleans would really want to do that and I'm guessing you would have to do that and close of a big section of the locker room before the cleaning so no one uses that area. I'm not defending them really at all but just giving a little insight to possibly there side of the story.