It wasn't in person, he gave it at the Aspen Ideas festival and it was rebroadcast on Word for Word. You can listen to it here . If you don't know Sam Harris he is of the recent wave of published, vocal atheists. He is down with science but isn't as big an ass hole as Richard Dawkins
Also, he is also the hottest of the best selling atheists.

I would want to get drunk with Chris Hitchens, but I would want to get Sam Harris drunk. If you catch the drift. (sincere apologies to (e:Jim))
Anyway! Back on topic. In the lecture he said that god is primarily an author of books. That is, he chooses to speak to his creation not through TV spots or telemundo soaps; rather, god wrote the Hebrew bible, added the New testament bit, and then completed the trilogy with the Koran.
He said that science submits its material to peer-reviewed journals to weed out biased research. So, religious texts should do the same thing.
I had a good chuckle. Imagining Christ and Thor(see (e:drew)'s journal) browsing through Dianetics, suppressing a chuckle at each page turn.
"Hey Quetziquatil, you have to check this shit out! It is hilarious!"
"I can't guys, Dionysus is throwing up wine again. I have to mop the bathroom up."
So, I am not actually suggesting anything. Just giving you a little glimpse into the silliness which is getting me through my Thursday.
Oh! Here is an awesome They Might Be Giants video
Gentelmen, never have finer comments been posted.
I thank you.
"I'm interested in things. I'm not a real doctor, but I am a real worm, I am an actual worm."
"He wants a shoehorn, the kind with teeth (ding). People should be beat up for stating their beliefs..."
Haha. If it's a day that ends in a y we can be sure Hitchens has been saturated with double manhattans.
I got that video on VHS from their mail order service in the early 90's. Now I can just look it up on youtube. What a crazy world.
"The ultimate test of Christianity is how it treats its non-adherents."
I think that would be an excellent test for any belief system. Well done.
That is an awesome video. I can't wait for the show. TMBG turns me into an even bigger geek than I am.
A line from this Sunday's upcoming sermon:
"The ultimate test of Christianity is how it treats its non-adherents." Not quite the same as God being "peer reviewed," but wouldn't it be cool if communities of faith could be peer reviewed with out it degenerating into something horrible? (I think it maybe would, sadly)