It has been an hour since the big ass Buffalo news was unveiled at Glove market by the Elmwood Association.
yet, why can't I find any info about this? This was supposed to be HUGE frickin news. But, go to the Elmwood Village Association web site there isn't a bit of news. The last news entry is from January...
I have gone to other sites looking for some info
Buffalo Rising
Buffalo News
Craig's List
Buffalo Geek
Buffalo Pundit
All Things Buffalo
All Thing Jennifer
ugh! Did we just get on some stupid top ten list or is something big actually happening? A little moral booster isn't big news, it is nice fuzzy news that makes us feel good for a little while when outsides make fun of us for living in Buffalo.
James's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/02/2007 11:35 #41448
Big Buffalo NewsCategory: buffalo
10/01/2007 20:17 #41441
A Private MatterCategory: politics
There is a private discussion involving an online hit job around here.
It made me think about my favorite such hit job online that is amazingly NSFW.
It was also a great coincidence that the target of said hit job, former senator Rick "god hates fags, jews, liberals, and uh people that don't vote for me and oh by the way I LOVE my family in a profound way that you mere human could never begin to comprehend" Santorum may be running for Governor of PA next time around.
Check him out,
Rick Santorum
just a hint now of what to do.
It made me think about my favorite such hit job online that is amazingly NSFW.
It was also a great coincidence that the target of said hit job, former senator Rick "god hates fags, jews, liberals, and uh people that don't vote for me and oh by the way I LOVE my family in a profound way that you mere human could never begin to comprehend" Santorum may be running for Governor of PA next time around.
Check him out,
Rick Santorum
just a hint now of what to do.
jenks - 10/03/07 22:46
hehe, I just clicked the link. Oops! double-post! sorry! I assumed it was a REAL political website.
hehe, I just clicked the link. Oops! double-post! sorry! I assumed it was a REAL political website.
james - 10/02/07 11:48
jenks: the linked site is the one that started it all
Joshua: I don't mind one bit good sir. And congrats on Halo. If you see an exploded bit of torso that is me.
jenks: the linked site is the one that started it all
Joshua: I don't mind one bit good sir. And congrats on Halo. If you see an exploded bit of torso that is me.
joshua - 10/02/07 11:46
Oh, BTW - we just got Halo 3. Fortunately for me, college is over so I don't have projects to interrupt the carnage.
Oh, BTW - we just got Halo 3. Fortunately for me, college is over so I don't have projects to interrupt the carnage.
joshua - 10/02/07 11:43
I know that James; I was having a little cheeky fun at the expense of Santorum anyway. I didn't think you'd mind!
I know that James; I was having a little cheeky fun at the expense of Santorum anyway. I didn't think you'd mind!
jenks - 10/02/07 10:43
does anyone remember that bit a couple years ago- that "Santorum" is the word for the frothy shit/lube mixture created during vigorous anal sex? that is ALL I can ever think when I hear his name.
does anyone remember that bit a couple years ago- that "Santorum" is the word for the frothy shit/lube mixture created during vigorous anal sex? that is ALL I can ever think when I hear his name.
james - 10/02/07 10:21
paul: I was protecting something....
Jason: oraganic? chicken wings taste better when they are hormone injected ^_~
Joshua: The hint was not for Santorum. It was for the squatter.
paul: I was protecting something....
Jason: oraganic? chicken wings taste better when they are hormone injected ^_~
Joshua: The hint was not for Santorum. It was for the squatter.
joshua - 10/02/07 09:55
You fucking vote for him, thats what you do!
Wow that site was a tad off the deep end.
You fucking vote for him, thats what you do!
Wow that site was a tad off the deep end.
jason - 10/02/07 07:47
Lol. I hear that, I hear that. Remind me not to piss you guys off, or if I do, stop by with a bag of organic goodies.
Lol. I hear that, I hear that. Remind me not to piss you guys off, or if I do, stop by with a bag of organic goodies.
paul - 10/02/07 00:27
No clickyness, I was just suggesting knocking off the squatter and (e:james) was trying to protect my reputation as an upstanding citizen, lol.
No clickyness, I was just suggesting knocking off the squatter and (e:james) was trying to protect my reputation as an upstanding citizen, lol.
james - 10/02/07 00:17
It was a conversation outside of estrip involving non-estrip people. I just didn't feel comfortable mentioning specifics because I was unsure if i had permission to. estrip is still one big happy family.
Sadly there isn't a politician lined up to get it. Conservative or liberal doesn't come into it, douche-baggery is the target. If anything worth sharing with the class comes of it you can count on it being posted here.
It was a conversation outside of estrip involving non-estrip people. I just didn't feel comfortable mentioning specifics because I was unsure if i had permission to. estrip is still one big happy family.
Sadly there isn't a politician lined up to get it. Conservative or liberal doesn't come into it, douche-baggery is the target. If anything worth sharing with the class comes of it you can count on it being posted here.
jason - 10/01/07 23:58
Fantastic. So what arch-conservative politician in WNY is going to get it? And why are there cliques on e-strip???
Anyhow, really funny site.
Fantastic. So what arch-conservative politician in WNY is going to get it? And why are there cliques on e-strip???
Anyhow, really funny site.
09/29/2007 20:31 #41408
Bideo GamesWhat fun,
I have two tests on Monday and a ten page paper due. That material isn't difficult and I should do well. And that is a big problem.
Unless I am into the material or find it challenging I can't care. I have had this essay for three weeks now but it is just busy work, so I naturally put it off to the weekend before. I will do a good job, but I have so struggle to stay focused.
That is how I get things done, by making an assignment challenging, by putting dozens of roadblocks in my way. Right now I am listening to a new album by one of my favorite bands. Piano, two guitar lines, some flutes, and three part vocal harmony demands that I listen to is closely.
Then, just to make things easier, I go out and get a new video game, Halo 3. Oh lord! All that running around and shooting things until their explodey death. Great fun. Today I wanted to write six pages, and in my five hours of work time today I have a page banged out. The distraction is great, a black hole in the living room sucking all energy and matter towards it.
This can only mean that I will have to double up my efforts tomorrow.
OH crap! I have another paper due tuesday for a book I have only read a quarter of. Sounds like I need something really distracting to get me through this; like an uncomfortable genital piercing, or a new pet cockatiel.
now if you will excuse me, I need to bathe in digital gore.
I have two tests on Monday and a ten page paper due. That material isn't difficult and I should do well. And that is a big problem.
Unless I am into the material or find it challenging I can't care. I have had this essay for three weeks now but it is just busy work, so I naturally put it off to the weekend before. I will do a good job, but I have so struggle to stay focused.
That is how I get things done, by making an assignment challenging, by putting dozens of roadblocks in my way. Right now I am listening to a new album by one of my favorite bands. Piano, two guitar lines, some flutes, and three part vocal harmony demands that I listen to is closely.
Then, just to make things easier, I go out and get a new video game, Halo 3. Oh lord! All that running around and shooting things until their explodey death. Great fun. Today I wanted to write six pages, and in my five hours of work time today I have a page banged out. The distraction is great, a black hole in the living room sucking all energy and matter towards it.
This can only mean that I will have to double up my efforts tomorrow.
OH crap! I have another paper due tuesday for a book I have only read a quarter of. Sounds like I need something really distracting to get me through this; like an uncomfortable genital piercing, or a new pet cockatiel.
now if you will excuse me, I need to bathe in digital gore.
fellyconnelly - 09/30/07 09:57
when i read the title of your post all i could think of is a child with a cold and a flair for the dramatic asking to stay home from school so he could play halo3.
when i read the title of your post all i could think of is a child with a cold and a flair for the dramatic asking to stay home from school so he could play halo3.
tinypliny - 09/29/07 21:52
Welcome to the ODES club! Where its fun to dodge into the 13th hour.
(O.bsessive D.eadline E.scapism S.yndrome)
Welcome to the ODES club! Where its fun to dodge into the 13th hour.
(O.bsessive D.eadline E.scapism S.yndrome)
09/27/2007 12:26 #41355
Cat and Girl(e:zobar) just posted something from them, which was the first time I had ever heard of this comic.
Being bored at work (again if you can believe it) i started browsing through them. Several times I nearly wet myself laughing. you should all check out Cat and Girl
But this one, there is no holding back the stream of urine from a laugh battered bladder. So frickin' hilarious

enjoy, I need a change of pants.
so, you can't really read that, but it is hilarious. Go here to read the full thing, you will be glad you did.
Being bored at work (again if you can believe it) i started browsing through them. Several times I nearly wet myself laughing. you should all check out Cat and Girl
But this one, there is no holding back the stream of urine from a laugh battered bladder. So frickin' hilarious

enjoy, I need a change of pants.
- edit*
so, you can't really read that, but it is hilarious. Go here to read the full thing, you will be glad you did.
lilho - 09/27/07 14:02
i like the "hott" and "fug" comment. funny!
i like the "hott" and "fug" comment. funny!
09/26/2007 15:49 #41341
Buff State: Clean Up That Shit. Part 2Category: gym
To catch you up if needed, two posts ago I wrote about the human feces which littered the men's locker room at the Buff State Gym.
Well, I wrote an email to the facilities director to let him now he needs to have a chat with the custodial staff. I got a reply back in a few minutes letting me know that the matter would be taken care of immediately. Awesome. Then, an hour later I get another email from him. He would like to meet. um, ok.
So, I show up at his office. He is a nice guy. He takes me on a little walk to show me that the mess has been cleaned up. He then offers alternate substances. Perhaps it was mud. Perhaps it was chewing tobacco.
Chewing tobacco?
Iowa Earl's Chewing Tobacco. Now with corn!
seriously. There was a nut or something in the mix. I am not entirely convinced. But the mess was cleaned up, so I let it go.
He reassures me that the staff has been informed to be more watchful for messes. He thanks me for opening up new channels of communication with his staff. And finally he thanks me for not telling everyone and their mother that there is shit all over the place.
oops, too late.
To catch you up if needed, two posts ago I wrote about the human feces which littered the men's locker room at the Buff State Gym.
Well, I wrote an email to the facilities director to let him now he needs to have a chat with the custodial staff. I got a reply back in a few minutes letting me know that the matter would be taken care of immediately. Awesome. Then, an hour later I get another email from him. He would like to meet. um, ok.
So, I show up at his office. He is a nice guy. He takes me on a little walk to show me that the mess has been cleaned up. He then offers alternate substances. Perhaps it was mud. Perhaps it was chewing tobacco.
Chewing tobacco?
Iowa Earl's Chewing Tobacco. Now with corn!
seriously. There was a nut or something in the mix. I am not entirely convinced. But the mess was cleaned up, so I let it go.
He reassures me that the staff has been informed to be more watchful for messes. He thanks me for opening up new channels of communication with his staff. And finally he thanks me for not telling everyone and their mother that there is shit all over the place.
oops, too late.
- update* I was told that if it was feces that they would have to clean the room with a haz-mat suit. After a decade of hanging on the wall I don't think it harbors anything we don't all already have.
fellyconnelly - 09/26/07 22:04
you have saved the lives of Coprophobiacs everywhere!
you have saved the lives of Coprophobiacs everywhere!
james - 09/26/07 19:22
Nope, that isn't the guy. He works out of an office across the hall from the gym. He is like 6'4 and looks like a foot ball player.
Also, I noticed that the brown flow on the locker wall was still there....
Nope, that isn't the guy. He works out of an office across the hall from the gym. He is like 6'4 and looks like a foot ball player.
Also, I noticed that the brown flow on the locker wall was still there....
libertad - 09/26/07 18:24
Wow! good for you for complaining. I was kind of scared they would smear it in my face for saying I thought it was disgusting. I can't believe he tried to pull it off as something other than feces. Actually, I can't believe he wanted to meet with you personally. Is he the shorter (my height) guy with dark hair? He seems like a good enough guy. That locker room needs a little attention once in a while. I mean once and a while things that attract rodents should be removed.
Wow! good for you for complaining. I was kind of scared they would smear it in my face for saying I thought it was disgusting. I can't believe he tried to pull it off as something other than feces. Actually, I can't believe he wanted to meet with you personally. Is he the shorter (my height) guy with dark hair? He seems like a good enough guy. That locker room needs a little attention once in a while. I mean once and a while things that attract rodents should be removed.
Eh, I can understand why EVA would have such a hard-on - its a marketing tool.
Sorry, guys, Top Ten is all it is. Bizarrely, the press conference is/was supposed to be in front of the now-vacant New World Record.
- Z
ya, i have been checking the comments on BR all morning. (Have I mentioned my job is ridiculous and mindless?) The Top Ten looks like it is it, but I am holding out for something more substantial.
Sadly james, you are right. I googled it, and found an article in Buffalo Rising from yesterday- but nothing newer. But in the comments to the BR article they give it away, and yes, it's just a top ten list. Hopefully we're wrong, and it really WILL be the amazing most wonderful thing ever that they are billing it as.
BR article: :::link:::
The big news: :::link:::
(buffalo is at the end where they list the "other nine")
updates on my frustration finding out what the fuck happened every hour on the half hour.
So much for "big" news. Ha!