Ok, so I'm in a bit of estrip withdrawal, since I basically haven't been online at all since friday.
AND, my email went down.
Didn't get any messages friday. Didn't get any messages saturday. Started to think "this is weird... usually I at least get some spam..."
Sent myself a test message- it didn't come through.
Sent the email server people a message...
Sunday got a couple messages dated friday...
Finally heard back from the email people "yeah, you're right, you weren't getting your mail. It's fixed now."
I asked "what about all the mail I didn't get?"
Their unsettling reply 'sorry, no way to get that back. The senders should have gotten bounce messages though'. Like that helps.
But to my point...
Now that my mom is gone, I can get back online, and play with the geek toy she brought me-
A heavily hacked/modified A ppleTV- courtesy of my dad and my computer genius friend at home.
Now A-TV is SUPPOSED to just play movies you own. And not ANY movie you own- just what you've bought from the itunes store. Which makes it of limited utility, as far as I'm concerned.
Well, someone figured a way around that- so it's now hooked to a 500gb drive, that contains 300+ full length movies.
All of the james bond movies, all of the harry potter movies... a bunch of HD stuff... and tons more I haven't even looked at yet. And I can add anything I want, more or less.
This is pretty sweet.
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/25/2007 15:46 #41325
holy crap!09/21/2007 14:49 #41234
girl crushOk... so I went out last night (with the intentions of coming home early to clean my house since my mom is coming to day. Hmph. That only sort of happened.)
But I saw my Rock Star Boyfriend. A pleasure as always. I got to feel very VIP and hang out 'backstage'. Where another band member (who is married with kids if I'm not mistaken) was drunk and flirting with me, insisting that he knows me from somewhere. I was like 'um, yeah, your shows?' but then he insisted that I'm a bartender and THAT is why he knows me. Haha. I had my hair straight. Must have thrown him off. ;)
But part of the reason I got to be so VIP is b/c I was hanging out with RSB's girlfriend. (We are now like totally BFF b/c she cuts my hair. (which is, incidentally, quite short as of wednesday afternoon. Like barely to my shoulders).) So that means that when we saw her, we got to go 'backstage' and got winked at by the band and all. Now, I have always had a bit of a harmless crush on this guy. I mean, he's just so damn cool! and he's like REALLY a rockstar! So I would sort of expect to hate his girlfriend (out of jealousy)...
But... instead I realized last night, that if I were to have a crush on a girl, it would be on her. Or someone like her. She's just so damn CUTE! And she has lots of super cool tattoos, including one of an Alexander Calder mobile on the inside of her upper arm. She looks like a little pixie. And, she has great (though I suspect fake) boobs. Which she managed to flash to the entire (crazily huge!) crowd last night- since when she gave me a hug her top totally fell down.
I think really I just wish I could be that cool and stylish and ride a vespa and dare to have crazy tattoos and a funky haircut and wild makeup and wear sexy little tube tops that I made myself my from my boyfriend's band's tshirts... Not to mention HAVE a boyfriend in a band with tshirts that can be used to make clothes.
Anyway, it was fun. then to the 'after party'. The dropkicks were invited. Not sure if they ever made it, since I left early-ish to go home and mom-proof the house. But that would have been pretty cool if they showed.
Today sucks at work. Boooo. I want to go home!
Looking forward to seeing my mama. All she wants to do is eat at good restaurants, and buy me stuff. (she is horrified by my rickety coffee table that I have to re-glue about once a week.) haha! i'm not complaining....

But I saw my Rock Star Boyfriend. A pleasure as always. I got to feel very VIP and hang out 'backstage'. Where another band member (who is married with kids if I'm not mistaken) was drunk and flirting with me, insisting that he knows me from somewhere. I was like 'um, yeah, your shows?' but then he insisted that I'm a bartender and THAT is why he knows me. Haha. I had my hair straight. Must have thrown him off. ;)
But part of the reason I got to be so VIP is b/c I was hanging out with RSB's girlfriend. (We are now like totally BFF b/c she cuts my hair. (which is, incidentally, quite short as of wednesday afternoon. Like barely to my shoulders).) So that means that when we saw her, we got to go 'backstage' and got winked at by the band and all. Now, I have always had a bit of a harmless crush on this guy. I mean, he's just so damn cool! and he's like REALLY a rockstar! So I would sort of expect to hate his girlfriend (out of jealousy)...
But... instead I realized last night, that if I were to have a crush on a girl, it would be on her. Or someone like her. She's just so damn CUTE! And she has lots of super cool tattoos, including one of an Alexander Calder mobile on the inside of her upper arm. She looks like a little pixie. And, she has great (though I suspect fake) boobs. Which she managed to flash to the entire (crazily huge!) crowd last night- since when she gave me a hug her top totally fell down.
I think really I just wish I could be that cool and stylish and ride a vespa and dare to have crazy tattoos and a funky haircut and wild makeup and wear sexy little tube tops that I made myself my from my boyfriend's band's tshirts... Not to mention HAVE a boyfriend in a band with tshirts that can be used to make clothes.
Anyway, it was fun. then to the 'after party'. The dropkicks were invited. Not sure if they ever made it, since I left early-ish to go home and mom-proof the house. But that would have been pretty cool if they showed.
Today sucks at work. Boooo. I want to go home!
Looking forward to seeing my mama. All she wants to do is eat at good restaurants, and buy me stuff. (she is horrified by my rickety coffee table that I have to re-glue about once a week.) haha! i'm not complaining....

jenks - 09/26/07 11:42
It's a Calder mobile.
It's a Calder mobile.
tinypliny - 09/26/07 00:34
So to ask the obvious question no one did, what is the picture about??
So to ask the obvious question no one did, what is the picture about??
ladycroft - 09/22/07 04:29
no,no - i was just asking you to confirm that it wasn't holly.
no,no - i was just asking you to confirm that it wasn't holly.
metalpeter - 09/21/07 19:36
I thought I saw him from a distance walking through the crowd before they went on stage with this tall sexy girl and then (I look around a lot) and then during the show she was behind the baricade. Then during the show there was this hot blonde with a brown shirt and huge tits taking pictures from around the stage area. I didn't see any flashing at all though. Glad you had a good time, oh yeah they where good and the dropkick murpheys were great to.
I thought I saw him from a distance walking through the crowd before they went on stage with this tall sexy girl and then (I look around a lot) and then during the show she was behind the baricade. Then during the show there was this hot blonde with a brown shirt and huge tits taking pictures from around the stage area. I didn't see any flashing at all though. Glad you had a good time, oh yeah they where good and the dropkick murpheys were great to.
jenks - 09/21/07 18:57
Jenks? as in me? Ha, don't I wish.... But no, not me. And not Holly either...
Jenks? as in me? Ha, don't I wish.... But no, not me. And not Holly either...
ladycroft - 09/21/07 18:23
David does have a girlfriend, but I don't think it's Holly? Is it Jenks?
David does have a girlfriend, but I don't think it's Holly? Is it Jenks?
zobar - 09/21/07 15:58
I think I know who you're talking about. She's his roommate, not his girlfriend.
- Z
I think I know who you're talking about. She's his roommate, not his girlfriend.
- Z
hodown - 09/21/07 14:58
Awesome. Everyone should have a girl crush :)
Awesome. Everyone should have a girl crush :)
09/17/2007 00:04 #41144
equally randomSuperbad is so funny I have a headache from laughing.
Seriously. Everyone go see it. I command you.
p.s. i really miss Arrested Development. RIP, Best Show Ever.
Seriously. Everyone go see it. I command you.
p.s. i really miss Arrested Development. RIP, Best Show Ever.
drew - 09/26/07 00:26
May I reccomend 30rock?
May I reccomend 30rock?
tinypliny - 09/26/07 00:16
Another Arrested Development fan. We should shoot ice cream cone missiles at the ridiculous executives who didn't know any better.
Another Arrested Development fan. We should shoot ice cream cone missiles at the ridiculous executives who didn't know any better.
mrmike - 09/17/07 12:05
HD Net and G4 show Arrested Development reruns if you need a fix
HD Net and G4 show Arrested Development reruns if you need a fix
lilho - 09/17/07 12:04
totally agree! so good, and superbad!
totally agree! so good, and superbad!
09/15/2007 19:18 #41122
Quickie.How strangely awesome is Shatner?!
That is all.
[I was going to update my user sound, but it's not an mp3 so I can't.]
That is all.
[I was going to update my user sound, but it's not an mp3 so I can't.]
metalpeter - 09/16/07 10:37
Not sure if he is or spader is better in Boston Legal, they play off each other so well. Then there is that price line ad where Nimoy takes his spot that is a classic. I admit I only know one of his songs it is "Mr Taborene Man" it is really great and he goes out of his mind in it.
Not sure if he is or spader is better in Boston Legal, they play off each other so well. Then there is that price line ad where Nimoy takes his spot that is a classic. I admit I only know one of his songs it is "Mr Taborene Man" it is really great and he goes out of his mind in it.
museumchick - 09/15/07 23:38
Gotta love Shatner...
Gotta love Shatner...
jim - 09/15/07 22:00
OK, if it is protected you can burn it to cd, then rip the cd to MP3 :)
OK, if it is protected you can burn it to cd, then rip the cd to MP3 :)
jim - 09/15/07 21:47
iTunes: Advanced > Convert Selection to MP3
iTunes: Advanced > Convert Selection to MP3
paul - 09/15/07 21:30
Can't you convert stuff to mp3 with itunes?
Can't you convert stuff to mp3 with itunes?
leetee - 09/15/07 20:13
In Boston Legal, he rules...
In Boston Legal, he rules...
09/14/2007 18:49 #41099
showing offCategory: pix
I went to get my mail this afternoon, and I had a package!!!
How exciting!
It was from my friend, whose wedding I was in back in July.
She sent me a cute glittery thank you note, and a framed picture. And then another unframed one (which got all glittery from the card) since she couldn't decide.
In any case, they're pix of me that I don't hate, so I'm posting them! So there! Glitter and all. (and since I don't have a scanner, they're pix of pix, so there are stupid flash reflections.)

I went to get my mail this afternoon, and I had a package!!!
How exciting!
It was from my friend, whose wedding I was in back in July.
She sent me a cute glittery thank you note, and a framed picture. And then another unframed one (which got all glittery from the card) since she couldn't decide.
In any case, they're pix of me that I don't hate, so I'm posting them! So there! Glitter and all. (and since I don't have a scanner, they're pix of pix, so there are stupid flash reflections.)

tinypliny - 09/26/07 00:20
I think I may have run into you at Wegmans!! You are beautiful. :)
I think I may have run into you at Wegmans!! You are beautiful. :)
mike - 09/15/07 17:16
those are so pretty and model like!
those are so pretty and model like!
jbeatty - 09/15/07 14:36
ajay - 09/15/07 12:51
[insert wolf whistle]
[insert wolf whistle]
mrmike - 09/14/07 20:47
You look stunning.
You look stunning.
lilho - 09/14/07 20:28
you look so pretty!
you look so pretty!
jim - 09/14/07 19:07
I love the last one!
I love the last one!
paul - 09/14/07 18:57
You look so pretty in those pics.
You look so pretty in those pics.
Hey speaking of emails... I hope it was okay that I sent you one (from jess1982@gmail.com).
that is soo cool! tres jealous over here
Que sera Que Sera
sorry i already got to the mac, mike :(
What did you do with your old appleTV?
Ah, new gizmos are fun. I hope with my new gig I can swing a toy or two. If yvonne doesn't take your mac, I might be able to swing it now -- or at least fewer installments