In terms of the fire pictures it looks like most of them came out or will come out good. The thing is that if you use a flash and are able to make it bright enough to see the people good than that most of the time makes it bright so you can't really see the fire. The above pictures where in order but these fire pictures won't be.

Some group shots?

Very soon the fire was going to get very hot when you get to the pictures with the high flame you will know what I mean.

When we first arrived we heard that later on the donkey would be braught out hey it was a mexican theme we thought we would get to see or maybe even partake in a donkey show but it turned out to be A pinata. After the pictures I got there was some fun had with a donkey head I can't wait to see how those pictures of I think (e:theecarey)'s camera but here are my pictures.

Those above should have been in order. Once the donkey got smashed opened it was determined that there was stuff still in there so it got kinda put back together and destroyed more. Here is what should be the last set of pictures from Carey's Birthday Bonfire Party.

Sorry (e:ladycroft) to mention how one thing reminds me about something about you again. But this party did a little bit. Of course the fire part did and your graduation party. But it also reminded me of how at both parties there where kinda these two groups of people there that generaly didn't interact with each other that much. But that is kinda natural when you have two groups who know the people in the own group and socialise with each other naturally. I'm not saying that the groups didn't interact at all. I also think that it is more common then people realise. That being said I had a great time and can't wait to see some more pictures from the party online. Hope you all enjoyed my pictures and didn't get tired of all the fire ones.
LOL @ the donkey piƱata comment!
Wonderful pictures, as always!
Thanks for sharing some of your thoughts about religion on my recent post. I've still been thinking a lot about what you said, and appreciated your comment.
Those were really good shots.
ps he's not only the documenter, he's the "Peterazzi"
awesome job Peter!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking all of those pics. It was great to see you in my neck of the woods. Its great to see more of what was going on than what was taken with my camera (that I didnt use, but others used)
You are totally right though.. at all of the parties.. there is always a divide. But its natural. As long as people have a good time.
Wow, that is a lot of pictures. What would we do without you peter. You are the documentor.