If the above link works correctly (sometimes I have trouble with it) it will take you to my Sabres pictures on my webshots page. There is no way I'm going to post all of them here. Saturday I had a good time. Plus the sabres won. There was hot blond behind me and a Lady with nice boobs to my right. I wasn't trying to look but when play went to my left it was kinda tough not to see them. Even though the Sabres won I wish the Penguins would have let Crosby play. Friday the season starts and they are having that Party at the plaza before the game, I may go but guessing I'll just watch it on TV.
New Score Board

Warm Ups (in No order really)

Game On: (not in order really)

Sabres Win:

Miller Autographs:

It seems that around this time of the year things get very busy and there are lots of things to do and lots of Shows returning to TV and then cool new shows to watch. With all the stuff going on I still have 3 more Hockey Games I'm going to. I wouldn't mind taking a road trip to go see a game somewhere but I doubt that is going to happen. But hopefully as I see more games I can give highlights of the pictures I take. Hopefully these ones where good ones to pick sometimes viewing them small it is hard to tell.
I read "aw, crap, it's hockey season again already??" in my e-mail and started laughing. I won't lie I wish it was still summer my self. But once summer ends it turns to hockey season very quickly. So that you know not to watch MSG the first game is Friday for the Sabres.
aw, crap, it's hockey season again already??
First of all Hockey is fun to watch on TV and glad it is hockey season again. That also means that soon that it will be Bandits season also. The Sabres had a great year last year and I thought where good enough to at least make it to the finals. But I don't think they played their best hockey. I also think they where Jinxed. Every one in Buffalo knew they where going to do great in the playoffs and thought this was the year they could win it all. That thought and arogence lead to the curse. People made up their own Stanly Cups and even had them on Buildings. The other thing is New Era had a countdown of how many wins they needed. Well what they forget is all you need is 3 loses and the other team wins and you are gone. I do believe that even if the jinx didn't work, that attitude sliped into the players heads. In any event what ever happens looking forward to the new season.
Ok now I'm going to defend the bills. Both last year and this year I knew the Bills really didn't have much of a chance unless Tom Brady was in a hospital bed. Same thing was true for who ever was in The Colts Division there was no one in those divisions who where even a threat to win the division (not including getting a set of bad injuries). So that means everyone else was really playing to be the wild card. I will hold off on saying that this new QB Edwards is good untill after next week. If he plays like he did this week when we play the cowboys in prime time then I say the Bills maybe have an outside chance of getting to the playoffs with this kid.
Oh yes. The Sabres are back. Maybe they can numb the pain caused by the Bills, Chelsea FC, and the U of Michigan.