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09/23/2007 17:04 #41270

Jackdaw and Dropkick
Category: music
In my previous post I mentioned that one of the things that made me reflect back to other recent events was the Jackdaw and dropkick murphey's show. At the time I hadn't downloaded my pictures yet. So I thought I would put them up here. Not sure how good they will be do to the distance and light but here they are.


These are the pictures from the Drop Kick Murpheys


Not sure how good or bad any of those pictures are but I had a good time other then getting crushed by the expanding pit. It was also fun to watch all the crowd surfing to.
tinypliny - 09/26/07 02:18
I like the one where you snapped via a glass! :)

09/22/2007 18:36 #41256

The past repeats itstelf thoughts
Category: reflection
I will admit I have been thinking about the recent past lately. It isn't that I have been deep thinking or any thing it just that a few events make me remember other events in the past. It is kinda odd that all the events tie back to (e:ladycroft). When I was at the square it dawned on me that I think the last time I saw Jackdaw seems like a long time ago and I think it was a year ago St. Patrick's Day when I ran into (e:ladycroft) and (e:Jenks), I remember it was a good time I'm not positive that my memory is correct but that is what my mind believes anyway. Then as The Dropkick Murphey's are playing and everything is nuts and I'm get squished by people because the pit got huge and I wasn't in it but was still effected by it I thought back to how I tried to avoid them years ago before (e:strip) at warped tour. Last week I heard an Ad for Trans-sibieran Orchestra and thought back to how fun it was last year and how great a concert it was. Then I thought maybe I should go again and remembered that it would make it 3 years in a row thanks to the awesome ticket (e:ladycroft) gave me since she couldn't go. The third thing is that coming up in October I'm going to see Henry Rollins at the Town Ballroom, that brought up the memories of when I went and picked the wrong side of the stage. See I have this thing where I have this area I like and I pick either right or left and I picked left and then picked a spot in a chair on the floor. But if I would have picked right then I would have been in the same Area as (e:Jason), (e:Theecarey), and (e:ladycroft). I still had a good time and everything but that would have been so much cooler. I kid you not I was just outside on the porch with my sisters cat and the thought hit me that I'm going to some hockey games this year and didn't go to any last year but I could have sworn the year before One of the games I went to was the same game (e:ladycroft) went to with "her Kids" that is if memory serves me right. I don't really like to look backwards I think nostegila can be dangerous and if you think about the good things then that can bring up bad things and things you want to forget. But the thing that is odd is these thoughts are just coming to me, like out of no where. I'm not saying that they are bad thoughts, just something that doesn't happen for me. In any even for anyone who reads this sorry for the long paragraph form and any bad grammar is bad spelling, hope everyone has/had a great weekend.
metalpeter - 09/23/07 11:52
TSO is doing the double show thing and I'm going to the 3:00pm should be a good time, Wish I had a video camera and that I could sneak it in and record the entire show for ya. Spoken word is to me a new and kinda strange thing when I first went didn't know what to expect and hopefully this time will be just as good as if not better then the last time he was here. I doubt I will get to meet him but if I do I will mention it.
ladycroft - 09/23/07 03:45
awwwwww! i know you wrote that for you peter, but that was a sweet trip down memory lane :) i'm jealous you get to see rollins again! -and tso -and hockey! write a nice review for me. and if you run into henry tell him to get his ass to qatar- it's still waiting to be conquered by his wonderfully dark humor!

09/19/2007 17:58 #41197

Kid Nation Kitchen
Category: tv
I know that a lot of people think that reality TV is garbage. There is some truth to that. I know some people say the camera men effect stuff and might even interfear and that might be true. But tonight at 8pm on CBS Ch. 4 there is a show that looks like it will be pretty cool called kid nation. This is what I know 40 days, 40 kids and no adults. I guess the kids have to start or run a town. If I had even seen the movie "lord of the flies" I'm sure I would really be into this. But I think this show could be very entertaining and insightful if they do it right and just let the science experimant fly and film it.

For those of you who like Kitchen stuff, or Chef that famous guy from Hell's Kitchen has his new show on fox tonight. If I had ever worked in a resturent I would watch it but I'll be watching Last comic standing. I have no idea how the final is going to take 2 hours but it should be interesting. That reminds me for you fans of Heroes it starts back up on Monday I think but not sure.
jason - 09/19/07 18:45
Gordon Ramsay - he can definitely cook. Gordon Ramsay Chelsea is consistently one of the top British restaurants. He is a perfectionist, but I always like the advice he gives to people - keep it simple, and keep it fresh and made to order.

Of course, he bollocks people constantly, but part of that is TV entertainment, as well as his method of getting the most out of people and pushing them to perform to their limit. I don't know if I could work for a guy who uses this tactic, but it seems to get results.
metalpeter - 09/19/07 18:44
I admit that I don't know if he can cook either. But I do know that when his first show was on FOX they used some term like famous chef or world renounned. I'm not sure if that was because he was famous or if it was because he was an amazing chef. What looks so interesting about this new show is that he is going to go to real places that sell food and it looks like he is going to rip people a new ass hole for poor kitchen conditions.
jbeatty - 09/19/07 18:37
Gordon Ramsey rules! I have never seen Hells Kitchen but I want to see this new show. As far as whether he can cook? I'm assuming the Michelin Guide doesn't give out 3 stars to any old schmo in clogs and checks.
mrmike - 09/19/07 18:32
I'm looking forward to the Hell's Kitchen guy. He does the same show on the BBC and it is fun to watch. No idea if he can actually cook, but it is a hoot to watch him screech at somebody about gravy texture.

09/18/2007 19:16 #41182

Tila..Love me
Category: sex
For those of you who like those Love shows like Flavor of love, or Bret Michaels there is a new one starting on MTV that really looks interesting. I think it starts October 9th. Tila Tequila (don't know what her real last name is) is bisexual and claims the show is kinda her coming out. She invited 16 strate guys and 16 lesbians. But the kicker is that neither the guys nor girls knew about each other. I think that there should be a way to watch the stuff that is to hot for TV but that is just me.

There is this new show on HBO about couples called "Tell me you love Me". Yes it is really about relationships. The first week there was a lot of sex lets see tits, ass, balls, a hand job from a distance. I watched the 2nd episode and there wasn't as much sex in it. I think that with HBO in demand you can watch episodes a week early cause it listed another episode I haven't seen yet. Hopefully this next one will have heavy sex in it again. Even the one that wasn't that graphic had a nice heavy warning before it, and it should cause the show is still about sex and relationships. So far all the couples seem like there own story lines I don't know if their stories will overlap or if any of the people will be connected. I don't remember when but I did see an add for HBO Real sex , those are all ways very interesting.

This post is really more about sex then TV so that is why I went with the sex topic instead of TV. That reminds me Californication is really a great show to and is good because I like it I guess. Yeah it does have some great sex in it, but it is more then that, there is a story about love and family. Oh Yeah and Hank is great to he "Blogs" and in one episode bashed LOL and BRB and how it dumbs us down. Plus there is a hot Suicide Girl the episodes.

I guess what the point I'm saying is that these are all shows that look like they are hot and have to do with sex but that on like a porn or a late night max movie (or stars) you don't watch it to get off and getting off is the goal and maybe if you are still horny you go back and try to get off again. You watch the show and enjoy the sexual aspects of it and if you or you and your partner do decide to get it on when that is over you go back and get back into the story. Well this is where I shut up.

metalpeter - 09/19/07 17:50
That Sounds like a good idea, but should I include pictures ?HA, seriously that would be gross. The only problem is who would want to hear about 20 minutes or is that seconds of a movie, at a time, HA!!
Seriously though Before the "Janet Jackson Thing" and the Radio crackdown that it caused Shredd & Regan used to have a porn review once a week that was interesting. I don't remember who brought them videos in but they would talk to the person and then pick next weeks video. They couldn't get to graphic but you could still get a very good sense of the movie. That being said it would give me a legit reason to go out and buy movies and watch them. I wonder what would happen if I walked into a store and said I was starting to review porn and if the guy could suggest any good ones.
If I do ever decide to it I promise I won't just steal the ones from Fox, I'll do my own. On a side note fox is such a dirty magazine and is very graphic in a good way. Just thought Of one other thing my crazy out of control myspace page has some porn stars as friends on it maybe there is some way to order movies through them. None of them are in my top friends that is only for people I know and local stuff and two bands I really like.
ladycroft - 09/19/07 03:44
peter, maybe you should start a porn review :)

09/15/2007 19:13 #41121

Shoot Em Up
Category: movies
So today I saw Shoot Em Up starting Clive Owen. I thought it was very good. Yes it was funny, not sure if it was meant to be or not. Oh yeah plus there was some boobs in it not a lot but a little bit. It is a movie with lots of shooting guns in it and a couple of the scenes where really amazing but I don't want to give anything away.

Ok I'm going to give away to amazing scenes so If you haven't seen it yet don't read this part.
He is having sex with the girl he is protecting and then "the bad guys" storm in and they get into a great shoot out as he spins with her it really is good. I think that ends with A great scene of him going down a rope and taking out a bunch of guys. Then there is a scene in where they jump out of a plane and have a shoot out that was really cool and a lot of fun and the movie moved quickly.