So I have been a little, Ok a lot behind keeping up with
(e:strip) between being sick, going out, my sis's whiny cat. But I'm finally kinda caught up today and to my welcome surprise there are sex pictures and a boob in another journal. Maybe this is a new trend I'm not sure but it looks like people have been having a lot more fun then I have lately. Tuesday I was all ready to join in the fun and go out for Pizza and go to the 24. That is until I had a slice of Pizza for lunch and it did some bad things to my throat it was burning and I could taste the pizza in my throat it was gross. It looks like everyone had a great time and I'm glad they did. I think was out cold by about 9pm. The other thing that tired me out was seeing henry Rollins the night before here is a quick recap.
I went to see Henry Rollins spoken word at the Town Ballroom and had a great time. It is hard to sum up 3 hours in a blog really but I will try to hit some key talking points. Henry really jumps around in his stories but it still tottally makes sense. He is funny even though I don't know if he allways means it that way.
-there are a couple times that he mentions that he was in a place where he was more into the documenting what was going on then just doing it and it was like he was outside his body watching what was going on (I found that interesting)
-There was something he said about Comi-con and a few people cheered and then he joked about the people and about how they don't have girlfriends and that was a nice little bit.
-Talks about how he does shows here because of how awesome the manager is and how he has bailed him out of deep snow even in Albany
- He talks about how the tour get named and that he thinks it shouldn't have to have one and gets into why it is called Provoked
- He talked about playing with this group he really liked when they had a Benifit for them Called the Ruts we found out that when we came in the music playing was them. During this story someones pnone went off. I thought he would jump of the stage but instead he started acting out the phone call on stage then went right back into story, that was so funny I almost died right there. That was a long story but it was pretty intersting to see how someone can battle through the pain to play a benifit show
-He flew from Bruit to San Fran just to see Nick Cave and it was tottaly worth it
-He bashes people who won't think and just stay in their ideas some of this was based on people who write him
-When he goes to Lebonon he sees a lot of american type places but then finds some cool places to see
-He went to both dubai and Syria. As long as you don't get a stamp from Isreale you can go to syria . and the serian's were surprised he was there and if you come from there you get extra questions But rollins wanted more then they gave him.
-I forget the country but he gets a iraqi cab driver, he allways talks to cabies by the way. The gist is that when America undid the army they made a mistake and the general crazzyness in iraq. Both guys are sorry that america will never leave the country. Rollins goes into a great example of being on fox news to prove that just because you work someplace and have a boss doesn't mean that you like them, like how the army and iraqis didn't like saddam and where glad when they got rid of him
-Talks about how Bush talks and that runs into a great one about how He meet Christopher Walken that was very funny
-He starts a story about how an aligator tried to eat some crack head and then expands that to how it would be cool to have some predators in the city and how it would change things if when you went to your car you might have to outrace a puma.
-He also talks about how the private sector is going to help the vets because the military says some of these guys where allready messed up.
-Tells eveyone to vote and that he doesn't care who you vote for
- He jokes a few times about how long the show will be and maybe it might be even 5 hours and at the end says 3 hrs 1 min.
I know it doesn't really sound funny, but it is one of those things you kinda have to be there for. It was great and the time flew by.
First of all thanks for the well wishes. I am feeling better then I was but am still sick. I will still have a good time listening to Henry Rollins. I just have to hope that laughter doesn't still cause coughing then, if it does I can work around it maybe, I'll still have a good time.
I hope you'll feel better, and that you'll enjoy the show!
I am jealous! I want to go to the Rollins show. My brother went a couple weeks ago in FL and said it was great. Have a good time.
sorry to hear you're sick peter. get better!
i really hope you make it to rollins, i was counting on your report since i can't go!
you tell him qatar says, "fuck you henry, you ain't been here yet!" ;)