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09/12/2007 19:22 #41065

Food Porn
In a successful attempt to avoid my studying this evening I decided to make one of my favorite dinners. Balsamic Chicken with Swiss Chard. Ok so admittedly, it isn't quite the caliber of "food porn" but it sure does taste freaking good.

Missing Image ;(

james - 09/12/07 21:40
The swiss chard wilting in my crisper is envious it didn't die in such a glorious meal.

09/10/2007 16:27 #41036

An open letter to my transient neighbor
Dear Asshole,

Thank you very much for the 3:30am wake up call this morning. I don't normally set my own alarm for this time due to the fact that I usually like to continue to sleep till 6:30am. I found your wake up call (starting your Cousin Eddie like death trap of an RV outside of window) actually more effective than my normal means of starting the day. I may have slept right through had you not revved the engine for what seemed to be about a minute. I'm not certain which part I enjoyed more, the sudden heart attack inducing scare at 3:30am or the smell of your exhaust that poured into my apartment and prevented me from sleeping for the next half hour. The part I really like though is you didn't start your vehicle for the reason of moving it. No you just went ahead and shut it off when you were all done. I'm not sure how long we will be neighbors for since you only moved in Friday night. I also don't know whose power supply you were hooked up to on the outside of my building either. In any case I will be certain to reciprocate if indeed we are still residing in the same neighborhood at 3:30am tomorrow.


ladycroft - 09/10/07 16:37
i DARE you....

short robe, pilot's cap, cigar, beer.....


09/09/2007 22:07 #41022

The Cav
Ok so my car is a piece of shit. But the fact that it still runs is reason enough to not purchase a new one. I have a goal of getting it to at least 200,000 miles before I replace it. I'm not sure if that will happen considering the Cavalier I had in high school died at 120,000. But my friend who has helped me fix it more times than he cares to remember sent me a link with the message "this is totally your car". It's pretty accurate right down to the door and perpetual domelight.

lizabeth - 09/11/07 02:01
Ha! I only hope I can run my car that far into the ground before I am forced to get rid of her. I will be very sad if Lucy is not with me until I am at least 35.
jenks - 09/10/07 21:13
haha, that was awesome! (and I usually won't watch a youtube video that's more than about 30 seconds long.)
hodown - 09/10/07 17:25
seriously funny
anne - 09/10/07 10:14
hahaha i forgot about this life as a comic series. this is probably my favorite episode.

09/08/2007 15:24 #41006

I really miss having a dishwasher. This is the first apartment I have had in 7 years that doesn't have one. I think if I were allowed to give up one domestic duty for life it would definitely be washing dishes, although laundry would come in a close second.
lizabeth - 09/11/07 01:43
The "laundry" of which they speak is what I am probably going to be doing on Wednesday, just FYI. I'll take any quarters you care to contribute to the cause.

Also, I'm going to cry if the next place we move into doesn't have a dishwasher.
john - 09/11/07 00:00
What is this "iron" of which you speak?

And for that matter, what is this "laundry" of which you speak?

tinypliny - 09/09/07 14:35
Hehe. @libertad: Even if you iron wrinkles in, the shirt or whatever "looks" ironed. I like to believe that its the thought that counts. The ironing thought.
tinypliny - 09/09/07 14:33
And I like laundry days - I guess because I love the smell of detergents in the apartment and clean clothes and bedding. I also like ironing - though I rarely wear ironed clothes. I am just lazy.
tinypliny - 09/09/07 14:31
Wow. I never had a dishwasher and I somehow don't like the idea of waiting for the dishes to be washed by a water-gobbling machine. Washing dishes by hand is much much quicker and it gives me time to collect my thoughts or listen to radio.
libertad - 09/08/07 21:17
your air quality should be better because most dishwasher detergents cause a dangerous vapor that stays in the house for hours.
I hate ironing, but love laundry. Ironing to me is so frustrating. Usually I end up ironing wrinkles into the clothes and it takes forever to get them out. I suppose it is an art and i jsut havne't gotten it yet.
fellyconnelly - 09/08/07 20:56
um. half the time i cook AND do the dishes. but that is beside the point... :)
jenks - 09/08/07 17:28
yeah, a dishwasher is the only thing my apt doesn't have that I wish it did. But like Lauren said- even when I DID have one- it often was used more as a dish-storage-cabinet. I do hate doing dishes though. And i hate laundry probably even more.
lilho - 09/08/07 17:28
ive done laundry maybe three times in the last three months. i go until i run out of clean underwear and then sometimes, i use is as an excuse to go buy new ones, so i can prolong the laundry even more. id much rather do dishes...
carolinian - 09/08/07 16:17
I've never lived in an apartment with a dishwasher, so I'm used to it. I don't know what I'm missing, and that's probably a good thing. I think a dishwasher has been on my list of things to get "when I make it big.".

Although having my own washer and dryer and not having to run to the laundromat far surpases dishwashers on the priority scale.
lauren - 09/08/07 16:09
Yeah ok...try this. We HAVE a dishwasher, but don't use it because it takes us too long to fill it up to the point where I would feel justified in running all that water. And so, Felly cooks, and I do the dishes and place them neatly in my dishwasher to dry.

09/07/2007 00:00 #40980

The Honeymoon is over
In my years of being a waiter I have noticed certain traits amongst my coworkers. Wait staff tend to be alcoholics, have children, or they're drug addicts. Sometimes it's a combination of all three. This evening I finally figured out exactly whom I do not like to work with. Which out of 15 wait staff its only 3 thankfully. Surprisingly enough it's almost never the people who fit into these narrow generalizations that tend to piss me off the most. I have yet to figure out why this is however. I think Anthony Bourdain says it best; maybe these people have just never been "fucked properly" in their lives. Whatever the case may be I find it totally unacceptable to talk down to people you feel are below you. Why do some people have this urge to feel superior to others by insulting them and treating them like crap? What on earth could they possibly be compensating for? It's just a job, Schmooze your tables, make some cash, and go home! It really is that simple. The sad thing is it's not even me that I'm referring to, hell I've been called worse by better, I can take it. But what really irritates me is that the scumbags think that I agree with them. I guess I'm supposed to be in this club of talking shit about my less experienced coworkers. God I love restaurants.
jbeatty - 09/08/07 14:57
Not as well as I had planned :(
metalpeter - 09/07/07 18:40
I will admit I have never worked in that field but I have known a few people who did But I didn't learn anything at all about any of that from them. But maybe if you have not all ready seen it you should watch "waiting". I don't find it the type of funny where your on the floor laughing but it really is a great movie. Now in terms of the talking down to people I don't really have an answer but what I can say is that maybe it has something to do with the higheracry of places are set up. Or maybe it is that the new people are kinda initiated not sure really.
lauren - 09/07/07 10:59
Perhaps it is because servers are often seen as unskilled (although obviously are not) and perhaps those, and especially those who have made it a career rather than supplementary to other aspirations, take that stigma to heart and therefore have to prove themsleves to themselves by making others feel like shit.
Just a thought.
PS How goes the nasty habit?
lizabeth - 09/07/07 03:56
Well, like you said: "It's just a job, Schmooze your tables, make some cash, and go home!" If you've got some co-workers who are assholes, ignore them as best you can, or tell them to shut up if you're feeling ballsy.

Illegitimi non carborundum and all that mess.