Even (e:lilho) was able to attend the event via video chat, where she and Nameless Bitch discussed her many Craig's List conquests.
Namless Bitch managed to spill beer all over the house. I am glad she lives somewhere else now, lol.
Thanks Namless Bitch for spilling a 40 into my couch. Next time you can only have a sippy cup like the kids.
Missing Image ;(
(e:mike) got a hicky from this girl.

He also managed to do a live porn magazine reading
We took good ole jim up on the roof to party. Not (e:jim) but Jim Beam. There is nothing like having drunk people 4 stories up on you 2 story roof.

When we were shopping earlier for the party I saw these new 3D gummi candies. I just don't get it. Has anyone even sen a 2D or 1D gummi candy. Now that would be radical.

I saw this kids cartoon that looked like me if I was a cartoon and hadn't shaved my head.

These flowers at Wegmans are a little over the top in the color department.

excellant time, excellant house, excellant peoples! thanks for the invite!
hey paul, some reason videos seem to be freezing about 5 seconds in... Hmm...
jaysus! I thought I only spilled a little, I guess my sense of proportion was all fucked up...sorry
At one of these parties I need to make it up on the roof, don't think I would want to be up and drinking though. I didn't see the hicky but I did hear about it. If that is who I think she is she was kinda cute (bad wording I know) In terms of you taking pictures I'm not sure who else took them but I know I like to see other peoples views so I'm glad you still took pictures.