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09/09/2007 12:10 #41015

Foods, the good and the bad
Category: food
The Winner - Ambrosia's Calamari on Elmwood
The winner is definately, the Calamari at Ambrosia. It is my favorite in the city and I have eaten just about every ethnic style and variety of calamari.


The Loser - Zhang's Chinese Buffet on Union
One of my co-workers suggested we all go to Zhang's Chinese Buffet on Union in Cheektowaga. I would give the place a 10 out of 10 for presentation and selection and about a 0.6/10 for food quality. To me it tasted so disgusting, which is weird because it looked so good. (e:enknot) would not even touch his food. (e:jim,40968) got a pic of the wall decoration of a cat, made of cat hair - in a chinese restaurant - a little creepy.

They have this fancy floor to ceiling fountain wall, chandelier, and tons of food choices, every one of which I tried was bad.


This dumpling looked delicious but the red bean paste inside was really sub par.

I tried some vegtables, which I might add, they had very few of compared to their extreme meat selection.

Here is another plate, (e:enknot)'s maybe? THe bacon wrapped fake crab looked lik it would be good but I can tell you it wasn't and that is as a seafood and bacon affectionado. It actually made me throw up in my mouth a little bit.

Kuni's - The runner up
(e:mrdeadlier) loved Zhang's for some reason - I think it was because you could eat an endless amount of sushi. I really did not like the Sushi. The next day, even wanted to go back but instead I convinved him that we should get he bento box at Kunis, which was as usual - extremely delicious.


What are these things, are they waterchesnuts or lotus roots?
mrdeadlier - 09/19/07 20:26
Don't be a hater. Mediocre endless sushi beats out "one and done" every time. ;)
james - 09/09/07 18:17
Those are lotus root. I have tried cooking the damn things at least 20 times. Boil, broiled, grilled, no matter how I do them they are still hard as a rock.
tinypliny - 09/09/07 13:50
Those do look like lotus roots. They are yummy when dipped in yoghurt, dried and then shallow fried. I miss them. :(
leetee - 09/09/07 13:12
i like Zhang's... then again, i usually get stuff made to order at the stir fry grill. That way, i can get all kinds of veg. And i like the miso soup.
libertad - 09/09/07 12:18
that might not make sense unless you saw my journal :::link:::
libertad - 09/09/07 12:17
Did you come to my house just to vomit on my bed after eating this?

09/05/2007 20:15 #40959

[age] => 30.6202
Category: work
Oh my freakin' god. Today was such a great work and programming day. First, we had our man shower for (e:enknot). At least that is what my co-worker called it.

(e:enknot) and I hooked up our new fancy user server program to our new programs, (e:jim) presented some fun MVC stuff at our team meeting and I did some crazy ass javascripting with surebert.

Work is just fun recently as we are all kind of vibing off each other.

Getting Old In Fractions
Then when (e:enknot) and I were testing serving users off the user server I was examining the packets and realized that I was 30.6202 years old! That is closer to 31.00 years old. Oh how time flies. It seems like only yesterday I turned 30.00 years old. We should set retirement timers.
jason - 09/06/07 15:53
Cool. I wish we had more time here to explore some of the frameworks available - it would be really, really useful in our web apps. Sadly, we do not have the resources to do R&D AND do all of the production for the week. Kind of have to sneak it in.
mrdeadlier - 09/06/07 08:26
yeah, "man shower" was probably *the* worst term i could have used.

09/03/2007 13:45 #40910

Lilho with bandwidth leprosy
Category: peeptalk
(e:lilho)'s beauty melted away when I saw he teeth melting out of her head and her lips falling off. It is so freaky to see your friend breaking up into a million pixels.

it started around her lips getting all droopy and her teeth falling out.

Then she got full blown bandwidth leprosy.
lilho - 09/03/07 15:47
thanx paul.

09/02/2007 14:15 #40893

At Mike Visco and Terry Mickelson's Bday
Category: birthdays
I didn't take so many pictures at the party yesterday because I knew (e:jim,40889) and (e:metalpeter,40890) each were taking hundreds. Needless to say, the event proved to be a success. We even managed to give away like 20 of the porn magazines (e:paul,40612)

Even (e:lilho) was able to attend the event via video chat, where she and Nameless Bitch discussed her many Craig's List conquests.

::Download Flash Video::

Namless Bitch managed to spill beer all over the house. I am glad she lives somewhere else now, lol.

Thanks Namless Bitch for spilling a 40 into my couch. Next time you can only have a sippy cup like the kids.

Missing Image ;(

(e:mike) got a hicky from this girl.

He also managed to do a live porn magazine reading

::Download Flash Video::

We took good ole jim up on the roof to party. Not (e:jim) but Jim Beam. There is nothing like having drunk people 4 stories up on you 2 story roof.

When we were shopping earlier for the party I saw these new 3D gummi candies. I just don't get it. Has anyone even sen a 2D or 1D gummi candy. Now that would be radical.

I saw this kids cartoon that looked like me if I was a cartoon and hadn't shaved my head.

These flowers at Wegmans are a little over the top in the color department.
fellyconnelly - 09/03/07 15:45
excellant time, excellant house, excellant peoples! thanks for the invite!
jenks - 09/03/07 09:57
hey paul, some reason videos seem to be freezing about 5 seconds in... Hmm...
brit - 09/02/07 14:46
jaysus! I thought I only spilled a little, I guess my sense of proportion was all fucked up...sorry
metalpeter - 09/02/07 14:43
At one of these parties I need to make it up on the roof, don't think I would want to be up and drinking though. I didn't see the hicky but I did hear about it. If that is who I think she is she was kinda cute (bad wording I know) In terms of you taking pictures I'm not sure who else took them but I know I like to see other peoples views so I'm glad you still took pictures.

09/01/2007 12:07 #40879

The Viking Lobster Company
Category: food
For (e:mike) 's birthday dinner last night we went to The Viking Lobster Company which he refers to here (e:mike,40877)

This is what it looks like from the outside

And here is their menu

It was really hard to decide what to eat. Last night The Viking Lobster Company had a lobster bake special which was corn on the cob, clams, mussels and a 1 1/4 lb lobster for $29. My mom, (e:matthew) and I got that. (e:terry) got fish fry, my brother got steak and shrimp and my dad got baked fish.

The food was delicious, including the clam chowder and The Viking Lobster Company clam infused house salad dressing I had on the house salad.

Here is a pic of the special with flash and without. I couldn't decide which one to post because the flash one had richer colors but the lobster was hidden. So you get to see both.

My only complaint was that it was not as piping hot as I would have liked. My fries were kind of cold. Other than that it was totally awesome.

Afterwards, we went to my mothers for dessert and to open gifts.


My mother is obsessed with her lamination machine. Every cake has custom laminations these days.

(e:matthew) even got a gluten free treat

Here is (e:mike) vigorously cutting the cake.
leetee - 09/02/07 09:25
where is it? the outside looks familiar. (e:Uncutsaniflush) loves seafood, so maybe i should take him there for a celebratory dinner! I wonder if they have anything i could eat.....
jenks - 09/01/07 18:17
i went there a while ago- isn't it cool? looks like a shithole, but has good lobster/seafood, for pretty cheap!
libertad - 09/01/07 14:28
wow that looks like it was fun.
lilho - 09/01/07 12:39
awww. my four fav boys having fun! umm, i think when i come visist we will have to go to the lobster place. who got a lobster in the back???- you will only know what that means if you know about fruits basket!