The winner is definately, the Calamari at Ambrosia. It is my favorite in the city and I have eaten just about every ethnic style and variety of calamari.

The Loser - Zhang's Chinese Buffet on Union
One of my co-workers suggested we all go to Zhang's Chinese Buffet on Union in Cheektowaga. I would give the place a 10 out of 10 for presentation and selection and about a 0.6/10 for food quality. To me it tasted so disgusting, which is weird because it looked so good. (e:enknot) would not even touch his food. (e:jim,40968) got a pic of the wall decoration of a cat, made of cat hair - in a chinese restaurant - a little creepy.
They have this fancy floor to ceiling fountain wall, chandelier, and tons of food choices, every one of which I tried was bad.

This dumpling looked delicious but the red bean paste inside was really sub par.

I tried some vegtables, which I might add, they had very few of compared to their extreme meat selection.

Here is another plate, (e:enknot)'s maybe? THe bacon wrapped fake crab looked lik it would be good but I can tell you it wasn't and that is as a seafood and bacon affectionado. It actually made me throw up in my mouth a little bit.

Kuni's - The runner up
(e:mrdeadlier) loved Zhang's for some reason - I think it was because you could eat an endless amount of sushi. I really did not like the Sushi. The next day, even wanted to go back but instead I convinved him that we should get he bento box at Kunis, which was as usual - extremely delicious.

What are these things, are they waterchesnuts or lotus roots?

Don't be a hater. Mediocre endless sushi beats out "one and done" every time. ;)
Those are lotus root. I have tried cooking the damn things at least 20 times. Boil, broiled, grilled, no matter how I do them they are still hard as a rock.
Those do look like lotus roots. They are yummy when dipped in yoghurt, dried and then shallow fried. I miss them. :(
i like Zhang's... then again, i usually get stuff made to order at the stir fry grill. That way, i can get all kinds of veg. And i like the miso soup.
that might not make sense unless you saw my journal :::link:::
Did you come to my house just to vomit on my bed after eating this?