Today was my first day back,
We still have a 1/3 of Summer left but my fall semester has already begun. School should not be in Summer. Summer is for being naked outside, contributing sweaty skin to the Earth's albedo. Instead I will be packed into a tiny room with smelly undergrads, wondering if trapped in that room for days how long it would take for someone to snap. I am sure 50 minute class is something approaching the answer.
I take only three classes during the day and have to graduate classes at night. My first two classes of the day are stupid. I am taking them just because the school tells me I will not be an effective teacher if I don't take "Intro to Microeconomics" or "Geography of Asia". Looking at the syllabus I can already tell I will have no use for the textbook and wont have to take notes to do well. But my third class is a pedagogy class, and one that directly relates to my profession. And of course that is the one I looked like an ass in.
I have four classmates. And we were having some innocent get-to-know-you chatter with the instructor before class began when I get a text message. I take a look and (e:Jim) was kind enough to inform me that Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez has resigned.
Well, upon reading this I let out a huge gasping laugh/snort. Like, an embarrassing sort of laugh where, if the sun is shining at the right angle, you can see a spray discharge from the nose; leaving a little bit of droll at the corner of the mouth. Yes, short of actually peeing my pants it was the most embarrassing and personal laugh possible, and not one meant for a sober 11AM public.
"Is everything ok?" The instructor asks, half curious half concerned she has a psycho in her class.
"Oh ya, I just got a text about Alberto Gonzalez. He resigned!" I say with a giant smile, as if the joy in those words is self-evident. The warm euphoria chills a little and the wide eyed stare I am getting from a room of people kills it. They looked as if I had been telling a funny story for 20 minutes and just now realized none of them spoke English.
"Oh, that is... nice." The instructor says, seeing me hang there off a silly meat-hook.
I felt ridiculous. But seriously, these kids want to teach social studies, shouldn't they know who Fredo is? No? eh.. it is going to be a long semester. Just wait until they find out Michael 'ZOMG KATRINA WTF" Chertoff is a possible nominee to fill the position.
James's Journal
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08/27/2007 13:56 #40756
First Day of School08/25/2007 16:00 #40729
Tepid ChicksOn our way back from the Elmwood art fest the giant plate of clams I had at Merlin's was on my mind. I was playing a game with Jim's cousin's two kids, age 6 and 4, where I described the clams dying thought before being steamed. I play the best game with kids.
But the trip back was determined to take a turn for the religious. And what happier sign of it than (e:Drew) standing out in front of his church handing out lemonade.
But by the time I got to Bidwell park the happy god who loves lemonade turned into another, darker deity.
A man and a woman with disquieting smiles on their face were handing out literature about their little church. I passed the gentleman's but my eyes widened when I saw the woman's. YES! She had a Jack Chick track!
I smiled and asked excitedly "Is that a Chick's tract?!" as I happily grabbed one. "I love him, he is absolutely disgusting!" Jack draws and writes these little comic strips in which Buddhists burn in a pit of fire crying "I thought all paths lead to god!". Or depicts homosexuals as fat hairy dandies who love to fuck toddlers. A favorite of mine concerns a wealthy muslim who is very charitable and leads a very spiritual and moral life. He pays for a hundred people to go on a Haj to Mecca but the plane does down and they all die. Despite being an upstanding guy who goes to hell for rejecting Jesus Christ and worshiping a pagan snake god in disguise as Allah.
Sadly though this was the most boring tract I have ever read. It was filled with 20 pages with my least favorite argument for god. It goes like this. Because you are not currently being raped and murdered there must be a loving god protecting you. It irrationally defines a wide spectrum of human behavior as sin but then shows that god must love you because he will forgive you if you repent for doing this normal bit of behavior.
Ya know, if more godly people would hand out lemonade instead of absurdities the world would be a much finer place. But then, I suppose that is why there were tons of people in front of (e:Drew)'s church and people were avoiding the two on Bidwell like plagued rats.
But the trip back was determined to take a turn for the religious. And what happier sign of it than (e:Drew) standing out in front of his church handing out lemonade.
But by the time I got to Bidwell park the happy god who loves lemonade turned into another, darker deity.
A man and a woman with disquieting smiles on their face were handing out literature about their little church. I passed the gentleman's but my eyes widened when I saw the woman's. YES! She had a Jack Chick track!
I smiled and asked excitedly "Is that a Chick's tract?!" as I happily grabbed one. "I love him, he is absolutely disgusting!" Jack draws and writes these little comic strips in which Buddhists burn in a pit of fire crying "I thought all paths lead to god!". Or depicts homosexuals as fat hairy dandies who love to fuck toddlers. A favorite of mine concerns a wealthy muslim who is very charitable and leads a very spiritual and moral life. He pays for a hundred people to go on a Haj to Mecca but the plane does down and they all die. Despite being an upstanding guy who goes to hell for rejecting Jesus Christ and worshiping a pagan snake god in disguise as Allah.
Sadly though this was the most boring tract I have ever read. It was filled with 20 pages with my least favorite argument for god. It goes like this. Because you are not currently being raped and murdered there must be a loving god protecting you. It irrationally defines a wide spectrum of human behavior as sin but then shows that god must love you because he will forgive you if you repent for doing this normal bit of behavior.
Ya know, if more godly people would hand out lemonade instead of absurdities the world would be a much finer place. But then, I suppose that is why there were tons of people in front of (e:Drew)'s church and people were avoiding the two on Bidwell like plagued rats.
fellyconnelly - 08/26/07 10:55
no way! um... drew makes his lemonade with a beef fat filler. and as a vegetarian i know you are strongly against that... hehe (is that worse than licking food to claim it?)
no way! um... drew makes his lemonade with a beef fat filler. and as a vegetarian i know you are strongly against that... hehe (is that worse than licking food to claim it?)
tinypliny - 08/26/07 07:15
Hmmm... you have competition Felly. I am going to rush in and grab all the lemony goodness. Heheh
Hmmm... you have competition Felly. I am going to rush in and grab all the lemony goodness. Heheh
fellyconnelly - 08/25/07 22:00
mmm lemonade...
mmm lemonade...
drew - 08/25/07 20:41
Felly, I'll save some lemonade for you.
And sadly, fear and bad logic works better than lemonade and kindness. Glad we could show you "happy God" though. (I'd be happy if I was God. It only makes sense, right?)
Felly, I'll save some lemonade for you.
And sadly, fear and bad logic works better than lemonade and kindness. Glad we could show you "happy God" though. (I'd be happy if I was God. It only makes sense, right?)
fellyconnelly - 08/25/07 17:20
haha those people crack me up... and sorry i missed everyone out there today - we will be out there tomorrow though!
but then drew won't have lemonade for me tomorrow will he...
haha those people crack me up... and sorry i missed everyone out there today - we will be out there tomorrow though!
but then drew won't have lemonade for me tomorrow will he...
08/24/2007 13:16 #40709
Electoral College MayhemI hate the Electoral College
Reading the Federalist Papers years ago, in which the original American argument for the College was put, after a dozen readings I still had no clue why we needed the damn thing. The phrase 'Tyranny of the Majority' comes to mind. However, a sort of Tyranny of the Minority has been the reality.
To illustrate this let's compare the most populace state and the least.
California is home to 33,871,648 people and has 55 electoral votes.
Wyoming is home to 1,689,591 people and has the minimum number of votes at 3.
Now, with some magical math we find that a fair system would give one vote per 563,197 people. But the reality is different. A unit of 563,197 voters should have a single vote. But these varry from state to state.
A single unit in California is equal to .91 votes. Where as in Wyoming a single unit is worth 3.42 votes. Making CA the most under-represented state and WY the most over-represented.
This sucks, but things get a whole lot suckier.
The GOP in CA is fighting for a referendum to drop the winner takes all electoral votes system, which most states use. Instead they want to award an electoral vote to who wins each district. This would give the GOP 20 electoral votes and 35 to the Dems.
This system would be pretty awesome if every state adopted it. Effectively circumventing the swing state morass national politics is in. But by splitting the vote only in CA that would mean it is virtually impossible to elect a Democrat president.
And there is popular support for this in CA! It is a fine idea. A few other states do it, though none are decisive states. But if a key state does it and others don't the result doesn't address any of the problems of the system. Voters are still under represented. Democrats make a majority of voters and they will be under-represented further.
Where do we turn for help! Why, to the moderate GOP Governor Arnold Schwartzeneger! He announced today that he would veto any move to split the electoral vote.
Sometimes help comes from the strangest of places.
Reading the Federalist Papers years ago, in which the original American argument for the College was put, after a dozen readings I still had no clue why we needed the damn thing. The phrase 'Tyranny of the Majority' comes to mind. However, a sort of Tyranny of the Minority has been the reality.
To illustrate this let's compare the most populace state and the least.
California is home to 33,871,648 people and has 55 electoral votes.
Wyoming is home to 1,689,591 people and has the minimum number of votes at 3.
Now, with some magical math we find that a fair system would give one vote per 563,197 people. But the reality is different. A unit of 563,197 voters should have a single vote. But these varry from state to state.
A single unit in California is equal to .91 votes. Where as in Wyoming a single unit is worth 3.42 votes. Making CA the most under-represented state and WY the most over-represented.
This sucks, but things get a whole lot suckier.
The GOP in CA is fighting for a referendum to drop the winner takes all electoral votes system, which most states use. Instead they want to award an electoral vote to who wins each district. This would give the GOP 20 electoral votes and 35 to the Dems.
This system would be pretty awesome if every state adopted it. Effectively circumventing the swing state morass national politics is in. But by splitting the vote only in CA that would mean it is virtually impossible to elect a Democrat president.
And there is popular support for this in CA! It is a fine idea. A few other states do it, though none are decisive states. But if a key state does it and others don't the result doesn't address any of the problems of the system. Voters are still under represented. Democrats make a majority of voters and they will be under-represented further.
Where do we turn for help! Why, to the moderate GOP Governor Arnold Schwartzeneger! He announced today that he would veto any move to split the electoral vote.
Sometimes help comes from the strangest of places.
tinypliny - 08/24/07 22:19
Picking up on (e:Joshua)'s ridiculous tangent, what a nice man! Isn't he buried at Forest Lawn?
Picking up on (e:Joshua)'s ridiculous tangent, what a nice man! Isn't he buried at Forest Lawn?
james - 08/24/07 16:57
(e:Jason) What are your concerns over popular election?
(e:Joshua): HA! You will have to forgive me. I have only been in this town a few years and find that resources to understand the political scene are either the horrendous complainers or big-headed pundits. I can get by with either on the national scene because I have been following it since I got a subscription to Time magazine in 1991. Buffalo however... I am still in the dark. But since Dems are such an institution here I can see why a Republican would be a good change.... just as long as they leave Planned Parenthood alone ^_^
(e:Jason) What are your concerns over popular election?
(e:Joshua): HA! You will have to forgive me. I have only been in this town a few years and find that resources to understand the political scene are either the horrendous complainers or big-headed pundits. I can get by with either on the national scene because I have been following it since I got a subscription to Time magazine in 1991. Buffalo however... I am still in the dark. But since Dems are such an institution here I can see why a Republican would be a good change.... just as long as they leave Planned Parenthood alone ^_^
joshua - 08/24/07 15:36
I usually don't doubt my memory but you made me look it up James! Hehe. Tony Masiello was a Democrat, although in 2001 he did receive joint endorsement from both political parties. Having said what you said it made me think - when is the last time a true Republican was mayor of Buffalo? So, because everything on the internet is true, I looked it up on the internet.
So finally I found it. The last Republican to hold the Mayor's office was Chet Kowal, who was elected in 1961. In '77 though, Jimmy Griffin lost the Democratic nomination and ran (and won) with the support of the Conservative and Right to Life parties.
The interesting thing about the site I was looking at (The Buffalonian) was that President Grover Cleveland was not only Mayor of Buffalo but before that he was Sherriff of Erie County. This made him both a police officer and a lawyer... I'll spare the obvious jokes. Unbeknownst to him at the time he was nominated by the Democrats and decided to take the office of Mayor. A little over a year later, he was nominated to be Governor and two years after that he was President of the United States. This is where it all ties in - After his first term, he won the popular vote but lost the electoral college!
He is also the only President to have been married at the White House, and his bride is still the youngest First Lady ever (21 years old). Also when he was Sherriff of Erie County he conducted hangings himself because he did not want to put the responsibility for something like that on a subordinate.
Ok that was a ridiculous tangent, but whatever. I'm trying to kill time at work on a Friday.
I usually don't doubt my memory but you made me look it up James! Hehe. Tony Masiello was a Democrat, although in 2001 he did receive joint endorsement from both political parties. Having said what you said it made me think - when is the last time a true Republican was mayor of Buffalo? So, because everything on the internet is true, I looked it up on the internet.
So finally I found it. The last Republican to hold the Mayor's office was Chet Kowal, who was elected in 1961. In '77 though, Jimmy Griffin lost the Democratic nomination and ran (and won) with the support of the Conservative and Right to Life parties.
The interesting thing about the site I was looking at (The Buffalonian) was that President Grover Cleveland was not only Mayor of Buffalo but before that he was Sherriff of Erie County. This made him both a police officer and a lawyer... I'll spare the obvious jokes. Unbeknownst to him at the time he was nominated by the Democrats and decided to take the office of Mayor. A little over a year later, he was nominated to be Governor and two years after that he was President of the United States. This is where it all ties in - After his first term, he won the popular vote but lost the electoral college!
He is also the only President to have been married at the White House, and his bride is still the youngest First Lady ever (21 years old). Also when he was Sherriff of Erie County he conducted hangings himself because he did not want to put the responsibility for something like that on a subordinate.
Ok that was a ridiculous tangent, but whatever. I'm trying to kill time at work on a Friday.
jason - 08/24/07 14:39
Brilliant, we agree! The EC, I understand why they did it but I just don't think we've found the right method yet.
Brilliant, we agree! The EC, I understand why they did it but I just don't think we've found the right method yet.
james - 08/24/07 14:21
(e:Joshua): oh no, Arnold is my kind of GOP (as opposed to the Brownbacks and Lotts) I am just suprised that he is taking such a tough stance on the issue. I thought Dems were going to have to go on a major EC education campaign.
I agree with the importance of swing states. It is the same problem with the current primary system. Candidates now spend most of their time in Iowa, NH, and SC. After nominated it is off to OH, FL, PA, and a few others. It is just silly.
As far as Buffalo goes, I would remind you that our last mayor was a Republican. That aside, you are right. Buffalo politics is fucked.
(e:jason). Yes, marginalizing CA GOPers is bad. And I wouldn't be in favor of doing the same in Texas for the same reason. Though CA has gone to Republicans several times before. Since 1968 CA has gone for either party an equal number of times. The political bias of the College changes, but always alienates a large number of people.
(e:Joshua): oh no, Arnold is my kind of GOP (as opposed to the Brownbacks and Lotts) I am just suprised that he is taking such a tough stance on the issue. I thought Dems were going to have to go on a major EC education campaign.
I agree with the importance of swing states. It is the same problem with the current primary system. Candidates now spend most of their time in Iowa, NH, and SC. After nominated it is off to OH, FL, PA, and a few others. It is just silly.
As far as Buffalo goes, I would remind you that our last mayor was a Republican. That aside, you are right. Buffalo politics is fucked.
(e:jason). Yes, marginalizing CA GOPers is bad. And I wouldn't be in favor of doing the same in Texas for the same reason. Though CA has gone to Republicans several times before. Since 1968 CA has gone for either party an equal number of times. The political bias of the College changes, but always alienates a large number of people.
jason - 08/24/07 14:03
Wyoming is not infringing on California's right to make sure that Californian votes for Republicans are irrelevant until the end of time. Due to their small size they have basically zero muscle to flex.
I agree that the proportional system would be great if all states used it. Lots of people in those redneck, hayseed hick states voted for Kerry in 2004. Bush got, correct me if I'm wrong, 40 percent or so in New York State in 2004.
I haven't ever really bought the whole Tyranny of the Minority thing, and I probably never will.
Wyoming is not infringing on California's right to make sure that Californian votes for Republicans are irrelevant until the end of time. Due to their small size they have basically zero muscle to flex.
I agree that the proportional system would be great if all states used it. Lots of people in those redneck, hayseed hick states voted for Kerry in 2004. Bush got, correct me if I'm wrong, 40 percent or so in New York State in 2004.
I haven't ever really bought the whole Tyranny of the Minority thing, and I probably never will.
joshua - 08/24/07 13:55
You shouldn't be surprised w/the Governator - he's been accused of being a RINO many, many times. =P
I think the Electoral College is obsolete. Besides being patently unfair, it forces presidential candidates to concentrate on the states that are "important." The electoral college forces a method of conducting our politics in a way that I find distasteful. Where it does have some use, though, is in ensuring that all the states matter. I don't know if an open general election is appropriate either. I have to be honest, it would frighten me to know that essentially if you placated Californians and those in the east coast and paid no attention to the "flyover" states that someone could be a viable candidate.
Talk about votes that don't matter - in the city of Buffalo the politics have become so homogenous that candidates from parties other than the Democratic Party are almost completely unviable these days. In our city there are virtually no Democratic candidates that I would support, so how much does my vote matter in the big scheme of things? I am left in the position where I am voting for a sure loser as long as I do not vote for a Democrat.
You shouldn't be surprised w/the Governator - he's been accused of being a RINO many, many times. =P
I think the Electoral College is obsolete. Besides being patently unfair, it forces presidential candidates to concentrate on the states that are "important." The electoral college forces a method of conducting our politics in a way that I find distasteful. Where it does have some use, though, is in ensuring that all the states matter. I don't know if an open general election is appropriate either. I have to be honest, it would frighten me to know that essentially if you placated Californians and those in the east coast and paid no attention to the "flyover" states that someone could be a viable candidate.
Talk about votes that don't matter - in the city of Buffalo the politics have become so homogenous that candidates from parties other than the Democratic Party are almost completely unviable these days. In our city there are virtually no Democratic candidates that I would support, so how much does my vote matter in the big scheme of things? I am left in the position where I am voting for a sure loser as long as I do not vote for a Democrat.
08/22/2007 10:36 #40671
Fanboy: A Cautionary Tail There was a time I was convinced one could acheive a sort of spiritual transcendence from playing Quake 3: a first person shooter video game in which you spend most of the time listening for tell-tail sounds and shooting rockets at your enemies feet. So immersing was this game I was swept up in it's terror. The basement oil burner would switch on and suddenly I am reaching for my shotgun.
But then the fundamental flaw of Quake 3 was that it was not based in a dystopian Ayn Rand universe.
Really, the question about what makes a good game or not no longer has to do with a spiritual moment and a well aimed laser headshot. Rather the gaming industry has come to the point where it needs to break the dystopian Ayn Rand universe barrier. It was something I knew never to hope for in my lifetime, but perhaps my children's lifetime. Thankfully, I was wrong.
Bioshock was released today. And there was blood on the conjugal sheets: the dystopian Ayn Rand universe has been broken and the lovin' was sweet! Yes, the game is based in said universe and in an underwater city. It is a first person shooter. Cinimaticly it is film noir. Like the Maltise Falcon with a 50's sci-fi flair.
Of course, the next litmus for a genre changing game is a society which murders children.
Bioshock delivers in spadefulls! Yes, the populace of this world must kill children to survive! I am not sure how much kid-killing you do yourself, but it is like the fire department: you don't want to need it yourself but you are happy it is there.
Of course, murdering babes is a little too easy. Espetially when they help fuel your fantastical powers like shooting fire or electricity from your arm. Or turning that arm into a hornets nest. So, out there protecting these children are gents known as 'Big Daddy'

Ya, the deep sea diver motif nicely fits in with the under water city backdrop. And that drill looking thing? In the demo it went through some poor would be child-killer's hand and later gut.
And have I mentioned you can SHOOT HORNETS from your arm? The game play is much slower than Quake or Halo. But if you are aiming a nest of blood hungry hornets, you need to take your time to savor the spectacle. You do not wharf down a gourmet meal, and you do not shoot lightning quick rockets in a gourmet game.
Now, let me recap.
1) Dystopian Ayn Rand universe
2) Child-Murder
3) Hornet Shooting nest-arm.
I am king dork of shit mountain.
But then the fundamental flaw of Quake 3 was that it was not based in a dystopian Ayn Rand universe.
Really, the question about what makes a good game or not no longer has to do with a spiritual moment and a well aimed laser headshot. Rather the gaming industry has come to the point where it needs to break the dystopian Ayn Rand universe barrier. It was something I knew never to hope for in my lifetime, but perhaps my children's lifetime. Thankfully, I was wrong.
Bioshock was released today. And there was blood on the conjugal sheets: the dystopian Ayn Rand universe has been broken and the lovin' was sweet! Yes, the game is based in said universe and in an underwater city. It is a first person shooter. Cinimaticly it is film noir. Like the Maltise Falcon with a 50's sci-fi flair.
Of course, the next litmus for a genre changing game is a society which murders children.
Bioshock delivers in spadefulls! Yes, the populace of this world must kill children to survive! I am not sure how much kid-killing you do yourself, but it is like the fire department: you don't want to need it yourself but you are happy it is there.
Of course, murdering babes is a little too easy. Espetially when they help fuel your fantastical powers like shooting fire or electricity from your arm. Or turning that arm into a hornets nest. So, out there protecting these children are gents known as 'Big Daddy'

Ya, the deep sea diver motif nicely fits in with the under water city backdrop. And that drill looking thing? In the demo it went through some poor would be child-killer's hand and later gut.
And have I mentioned you can SHOOT HORNETS from your arm? The game play is much slower than Quake or Halo. But if you are aiming a nest of blood hungry hornets, you need to take your time to savor the spectacle. You do not wharf down a gourmet meal, and you do not shoot lightning quick rockets in a gourmet game.
Now, let me recap.
1) Dystopian Ayn Rand universe
2) Child-Murder
3) Hornet Shooting nest-arm.
I am king dork of shit mountain.
jason - 08/23/07 12:31
FIFA 08 is going to probably be my next game purchase.
Bioshock got a 9.0 review on Gamespot. Not bad.
FIFA 08 is going to probably be my next game purchase.
Bioshock got a 9.0 review on Gamespot. Not bad.
james - 08/22/07 20:16
Felly: Once I was good at these games. But now I am a grown ass adult and can't spend a dozen hours a day playing. There is a great dignity in sucking.
Carolinian: I had fun with their bible fight game when it came out. This one is now loading. I love orphan meat.
Felly: Once I was good at these games. But now I am a grown ass adult and can't spend a dozen hours a day playing. There is a great dignity in sucking.
Carolinian: I had fun with their bible fight game when it came out. This one is now loading. I love orphan meat.
fellyconnelly - 08/22/07 18:01
i am jealous of your world. i just recently managed to convince lauren to play grand theft auto. and she gets annoyed with me when i just drive around shooting people.
one day i shall play such exciting games. and boy will i suck!
i am jealous of your world. i just recently managed to convince lauren to play grand theft auto. and she gets annoyed with me when i just drive around shooting people.
one day i shall play such exciting games. and boy will i suck!
james - 08/22/07 16:16
Liz: It is the second highest raited game of all time according to a comprehensive list of game rating sites. Pretty awesome.
Ms.Croft: There are super heroes who shoot flames from their hands, or Sith Lords who shoot electricity. That is very cool and all and I totally can't wait to decimate swaths of the the city with both. But launching hornets just does something to me indescribable. It is like making eye contact with the person you know you were meant to love for the rest of your life.
I do have to commend you for adding a touch of cannibalism in it though. Everything is sweeter with human meat dumplings. ^_^
Liz: It is the second highest raited game of all time according to a comprehensive list of game rating sites. Pretty awesome.
Ms.Croft: There are super heroes who shoot flames from their hands, or Sith Lords who shoot electricity. That is very cool and all and I totally can't wait to decimate swaths of the the city with both. But launching hornets just does something to me indescribable. It is like making eye contact with the person you know you were meant to love for the rest of your life.
I do have to commend you for adding a touch of cannibalism in it though. Everything is sweeter with human meat dumplings. ^_^
ladycroft - 08/22/07 15:16
yah, the hornets thing was pretty exciting, though i am a super big fan of setting people on fire with my hand. actually, if you set them on fire and they jump in the water, use your other super fly hand to electrify the water and have fried dumplin's for dinner. *evil grin*
yah, the hornets thing was pretty exciting, though i am a super big fan of setting people on fire with my hand. actually, if you set them on fire and they jump in the water, use your other super fly hand to electrify the water and have fried dumplin's for dinner. *evil grin*
lizabeth - 08/22/07 14:26
I am not a gamer, really, but everything I've read about BioShock sounds intriguing.
I am not a gamer, really, but everything I've read about BioShock sounds intriguing.
08/21/2007 17:53 #40661
The Gym Saga ContinuesCategory: gym
Well, as my JCC membership expires next week I am going to have to say goodbye to all the decrepit men littering the locker rooms talking about the housing market. Goodbye to the trainers with biceps larger than cantaloupe. Goodbye to the ritzy small-assed women who they train. Goodbye to the locker room that smells like sweaty feat and urine. And an especially goodbye to the ever growing patch of black mold in the shower room.
Oh, and while I am here. The steam room at the JCC is the weirdest I have ever seen. It isn't the super cool Nordic one with the wood planks and the box of volcanic rock you pour water on. No, it is all tile and wet and dank. I went into it once. It was uncomfortable because a towel does nothing to protect you from the bacteria left on the bench behind from the previous guys ass. No, the whole thing is sopping wet. The odds of getting an infection in that place are equal to a bareback orgy. The odd thing about it though is that to keep the steam up a sprinkler system goes off shooting hot water everywhere. It scared the hell out of me when it did and I ran away, dreaming of Sweden and their sanitary saunas.
Well, apparently (e:Jim) and (e:Enknot) have been plotting to get me to go to the Buff. State facility and be Tony's workout buddy. I don't know how I feel about being a workout buddy. So much responsibility. Damn it! If I want to skip two reps from my last set I am going to! Scrawniness be damned! So, I biked over there and gave the place a look over. Who should I see but (e:Libertad). This must be the cool kids gym.
I was talking to this guy while I was volunteering at the Pride Center about Alentown Athletix. They have a nice facility but it is the 'gay gym' and I want no part of that. I have no problem with working out around gay guys and the occasional check out of another's butt. I just don't want someone reaching out unsolicited to give a hand job while on the stair master.
Well, he told me that Buff State was a tough gym to go to because it was littered with young hot buff guys. He couldn't go there any more, it was too much of a distraction. That is why everyone should watch freaky porn. It is really tough to get aroused from an every day situation if you are into furries and carrot sticks.
I am sure I can handle a distraction or two. This isn't some 80's movie where I (the nerdy guy) sees her (the unattainable beauty). She shakes the sweat from her hair as a sparkly filter is put on the camera and some synth laden rock song with the word 'magic' in it's title plays. Enraptured I forget I have a kagillion pounds of wait and the smith machine falls like a guillotine and John Cusack hilarity ensues. No, I am not that guy.
Oh, and while I am here. The steam room at the JCC is the weirdest I have ever seen. It isn't the super cool Nordic one with the wood planks and the box of volcanic rock you pour water on. No, it is all tile and wet and dank. I went into it once. It was uncomfortable because a towel does nothing to protect you from the bacteria left on the bench behind from the previous guys ass. No, the whole thing is sopping wet. The odds of getting an infection in that place are equal to a bareback orgy. The odd thing about it though is that to keep the steam up a sprinkler system goes off shooting hot water everywhere. It scared the hell out of me when it did and I ran away, dreaming of Sweden and their sanitary saunas.
Well, apparently (e:Jim) and (e:Enknot) have been plotting to get me to go to the Buff. State facility and be Tony's workout buddy. I don't know how I feel about being a workout buddy. So much responsibility. Damn it! If I want to skip two reps from my last set I am going to! Scrawniness be damned! So, I biked over there and gave the place a look over. Who should I see but (e:Libertad). This must be the cool kids gym.
I was talking to this guy while I was volunteering at the Pride Center about Alentown Athletix. They have a nice facility but it is the 'gay gym' and I want no part of that. I have no problem with working out around gay guys and the occasional check out of another's butt. I just don't want someone reaching out unsolicited to give a hand job while on the stair master.
Well, he told me that Buff State was a tough gym to go to because it was littered with young hot buff guys. He couldn't go there any more, it was too much of a distraction. That is why everyone should watch freaky porn. It is really tough to get aroused from an every day situation if you are into furries and carrot sticks.
I am sure I can handle a distraction or two. This isn't some 80's movie where I (the nerdy guy) sees her (the unattainable beauty). She shakes the sweat from her hair as a sparkly filter is put on the camera and some synth laden rock song with the word 'magic' in it's title plays. Enraptured I forget I have a kagillion pounds of wait and the smith machine falls like a guillotine and John Cusack hilarity ensues. No, I am not that guy.
drew - 08/22/07 10:05
The relationships between organized religion and organized exercising. That's a post waiting to happen. I hope I get some free time this afternoon.
The relationships between organized religion and organized exercising. That's a post waiting to happen. I hope I get some free time this afternoon.
james - 08/22/07 09:50
Considering my feelings on religion I very well may have to quite going and be an apostate.
And yes, I am talking about the 'bestest' JCC on Summer and Delaware. I can't speak for the women's locker, but I find that women can be equily pigish as men so I wont blaim the horrendous mold and smells in the men's on gender. It is an inexpensive gym, and it would be great for a lot of people. They offer yoga, pilaties, kick boxing, and fitness classes for free; I don't know of any gym that does that. So it could be a really nice place for someone.
Considering my feelings on religion I very well may have to quite going and be an apostate.
And yes, I am talking about the 'bestest' JCC on Summer and Delaware. I can't speak for the women's locker, but I find that women can be equily pigish as men so I wont blaim the horrendous mold and smells in the men's on gender. It is an inexpensive gym, and it would be great for a lot of people. They offer yoga, pilaties, kick boxing, and fitness classes for free; I don't know of any gym that does that. So it could be a really nice place for someone.
tinypliny - 08/22/07 04:02
I'd much rather eat chocolate *and* not exercise. :) It's just not worth it facing infection, lust, envy, pain, disgust, guilt, self-loathing, inadequacy and unpleasantness just to chase after the promise of feeling good later... which I don't.
I am not anti-exercise, just anti-organized-exercise. It's almost like organized religion. Same little evils attached. :)
I'd much rather eat chocolate *and* not exercise. :) It's just not worth it facing infection, lust, envy, pain, disgust, guilt, self-loathing, inadequacy and unpleasantness just to chase after the promise of feeling good later... which I don't.
I am not anti-exercise, just anti-organized-exercise. It's almost like organized religion. Same little evils attached. :)
tinypliny - 08/22/07 03:52
Ohhh. The bulb just flickered on. By JCC, do you mean the self-appointed "bestest" gym in town - at the corner of Summer and Delaware?
Ohhh. The bulb just flickered on. By JCC, do you mean the self-appointed "bestest" gym in town - at the corner of Summer and Delaware?
james - 08/21/07 20:09
Mike: I guess some nice sceanery is a good reason to keep going for some then ^_^
Felly: That is the whole reason to go: to eat more chocolate... and more alcohol too, but it is tough to life weights to build up ones liver.
LIbertad: It was a pleasure running into you as well. And yes, (e:enknot) has a very hardcore workout. He bench presses volcanos and does lunges in their lava.
Mike: I guess some nice sceanery is a good reason to keep going for some then ^_^
Felly: That is the whole reason to go: to eat more chocolate... and more alcohol too, but it is tough to life weights to build up ones liver.
LIbertad: It was a pleasure running into you as well. And yes, (e:enknot) has a very hardcore workout. He bench presses volcanos and does lunges in their lava.
libertad - 08/21/07 18:57
You have no idea how excited I was to see you. I get so bored working out and don't talk to anyone all that often. I haven't had too much of a problem with distractions. I'm mostly just getting bored of all the same faces.
There is this guy that is like 50 and always does these weird pec flexes like constantly in the mirror. That is kind of amusing.
I'm pretty sure that (e:Enknot) works out much earlier than I do. Hopefully someday i'll run into him. I bet he has a very hardcore workout!
You have no idea how excited I was to see you. I get so bored working out and don't talk to anyone all that often. I haven't had too much of a problem with distractions. I'm mostly just getting bored of all the same faces.
There is this guy that is like 50 and always does these weird pec flexes like constantly in the mirror. That is kind of amusing.
I'm pretty sure that (e:Enknot) works out much earlier than I do. Hopefully someday i'll run into him. I bet he has a very hardcore workout!
fellyconnelly - 08/21/07 18:32
wow. all this gym talk is making me want to go back into the kitchen for something chocolatey.
wow. all this gym talk is making me want to go back into the kitchen for something chocolatey.
mike - 08/21/07 17:57
i have always heard good things about the Buff State gym from (e:libertad) and (e:beast) used to love it when she went there. I myself only have went to the BAC downtown and liked it fine except that I don't actually like to exercise and so I only wnet like 10 times tops and quit.
i have always heard good things about the Buff State gym from (e:libertad) and (e:beast) used to love it when she went there. I myself only have went to the BAC downtown and liked it fine except that I don't actually like to exercise and so I only wnet like 10 times tops and quit.
Albedo is the amount of sunlight the earth reflects. Science rules!
And I don't blame you for being weak in social studies, I blame social studies for being so boring.
Yeah, you would have hated me if I were in your class. I not only not know who this Alberto bloke is, I don't have even the faintest idea as to why it is funny.
Don't blame me! I was always weak in Social Studies.
Felly: This is why I always bring a change of pants with me during election season.
Jason: I am sure it will pass. I am, in all fairness, a pretty weird guy so the damage to my street cred isn't bad at all.
And ya, Fredo was just plain silly. Watching him before the Senate Judiciary committee was sad. Thankfully Chuck Schumer and Arlen Specter are hilarious to watch.
Maybe they didn't take it as personally? Maybe it threw them off guard? Who knows. Anyway I'm glad the guy's out. I don't think I've ever heard of a *good* Attorney General, but this guy was straight up incompetent.
wow... that was quite the first day of classes. at least you didn't pee yourself though, right?
today is also lauren's first day!
i hope she doesn't pee herself. maybe i shouldn't text her about alberto for risk of a similar incident....