I like the opthamologist whom my fat cat visits.
I don't like the fact that my fat cat requires opthamological treatment for a condition (e:Drew) refers to as "MUCKY EYE".
But I do like the opthamologist.
She looks just like Kirsten Dunst when she was in Spider Man.
She even talks like Kirsten Dunst.
I think Kirsten Dunst is really cute; so I therefore find my cat's opthamologist to be really cute.
The fat cat likes the opthamologist because she provides a never ending pile of treats for the fat cat and then giggles at the greediness of the fat cat as she snoops around the office for more treats.
The treats sure enough aren't helping the fat cat's fat issue though.
Janelle's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/23/2007 08:39 #40691
My cats opthamologist looks like a star!Category: pets
08/21/2007 09:16 #40649
BlahCategory: life
It bites that the weather is unseasonably cold.
It bites when you're parents get divorced.
Even when you're 28 years old.
Even when you're living on your own.
Even when you have your own family.
It still sucks.
I guess there is never a good time in life for parents to get divorced.
Think happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts .....*

Ahh...much better.
It bites when you're parents get divorced.
Even when you're 28 years old.
Even when you're living on your own.
Even when you have your own family.
It still sucks.
I guess there is never a good time in life for parents to get divorced.
Think happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts .....*

Ahh...much better.
theecarey - 08/22/07 20:26
I will be first in line for WWLD? paraphernalia hahahaha thats great!
Kittens and Gilmore Girls-- happy happy happy stuff for sure.
I will be first in line for WWLD? paraphernalia hahahaha thats great!
Kittens and Gilmore Girls-- happy happy happy stuff for sure.
- hug*
tinypliny - 08/22/07 04:51
OOOOOH! Is that your kitten?
OOOOOH! Is that your kitten?
tinypliny - 08/22/07 04:50
:( Yeah. Parents are meant to be together, forever. I wouldn't know how to cope with it either and I am edging towards 28.
:( Yeah. Parents are meant to be together, forever. I wouldn't know how to cope with it either and I am edging towards 28.
museumchick - 08/22/07 00:29
It definitely bites about your parents... *hug* I do agree that Gilmore Girls is awesome.
It definitely bites about your parents... *hug* I do agree that Gilmore Girls is awesome.
mike - 08/21/07 17:48
that stinks, but skittles and Gilmore Girls I think can help someone through any situation.
that stinks, but skittles and Gilmore Girls I think can help someone through any situation.
ladycroft - 08/21/07 15:03
No matter what age you are, you don't want to see 'that' fairytale shatter. (hug)
No matter what age you are, you don't want to see 'that' fairytale shatter. (hug)
janelle - 08/21/07 12:04
Sure...let's go. I'm ready to quit my job to take up Gilmore Girls paraphanelia production and distribution =)
Sure...let's go. I'm ready to quit my job to take up Gilmore Girls paraphanelia production and distribution =)
leetee - 08/21/07 11:55
Speaking of Gilmore Girls, i had a thought...
What Would Lorelai Do (WWLD).
I'll do the t-shirts, you do the bracelets!
Speaking of Gilmore Girls, i had a thought...
What Would Lorelai Do (WWLD).
I'll do the t-shirts, you do the bracelets!
leetee - 08/21/07 11:53
You're right, there is never a good time.
((((( Janelle )))))
Gilmore Girls rocks!
and here (hopefully it pastes up in here ok) is a cute kitten for you.
You're right, there is never a good time.
((((( Janelle )))))
Gilmore Girls rocks!
and here (hopefully it pastes up in here ok) is a cute kitten for you.
08/20/2007 17:39 #40641
How could it happen to me?Category: home
So we were told that it would be inevitable. Our time would come regardless of what precautions we took...
So it finally happened. This morning I discovered the remnants of an attempt to steal our car stereo. Apparently we made it easy to get into the car so they were able to start taking apart the console around the stereo, but the ingenuity of our vehicle beat them and they were unable to finish the job. Our 10 yr old beat up Acura Integra is made so even stereo installation people struggle to install a new stereo into the vehicle let alone a thug who's trying to steal the stereo on the fly...
So it's a bummer that someone was messing with our car. I feel like an idiot for not being more careful about locking my car doors. I was really angry, but that diminished pretty quickly...Overall, I'm glad we still have our car stereo. And if that's the worst that happens to us, we're doing pretty good.
So it finally happened. This morning I discovered the remnants of an attempt to steal our car stereo. Apparently we made it easy to get into the car so they were able to start taking apart the console around the stereo, but the ingenuity of our vehicle beat them and they were unable to finish the job. Our 10 yr old beat up Acura Integra is made so even stereo installation people struggle to install a new stereo into the vehicle let alone a thug who's trying to steal the stereo on the fly...
So it's a bummer that someone was messing with our car. I feel like an idiot for not being more careful about locking my car doors. I was really angry, but that diminished pretty quickly...Overall, I'm glad we still have our car stereo. And if that's the worst that happens to us, we're doing pretty good.
jbeatty - 08/21/07 11:12
That really bites. Im glad I also have a complicated dashboard. Im the only one out of my siblings that has not had their car stolen. Im hoping to keep it that way.
That really bites. Im glad I also have a complicated dashboard. Im the only one out of my siblings that has not had their car stolen. Im hoping to keep it that way.
jenks - 08/21/07 11:05
that sucks. I've had no problems here, but was broken into (more than once) in DC, and aside from financial loss the worst part was that I just felt... violated and it freaked me out.
Seriously... I mean how can anyone think it's ok to damage people's property and steal their stuff?! I just don't get that brain mis-wiring. :(
that sucks. I've had no problems here, but was broken into (more than once) in DC, and aside from financial loss the worst part was that I just felt... violated and it freaked me out.
Seriously... I mean how can anyone think it's ok to damage people's property and steal their stuff?! I just don't get that brain mis-wiring. :(
tinypliny - 08/20/07 21:33
You never know how many potential thieves are checking out your blog, so I think it's time to start locking your truck cab too.
You never know how many potential thieves are checking out your blog, so I think it's time to start locking your truck cab too.
janelle - 08/20/07 19:11
We live on Lexington. Most of our neighbors have had their cars broken into at some point and have warned us to be careful about leaving valuables in our vehicles. I try to remember to lock the car, but sometimes I forget. We don't lock the cab on our truck so that anyone can open it up and take a look and see that there's nothing good to steal...all without having to smash the cab windows in...
We live on Lexington. Most of our neighbors have had their cars broken into at some point and have warned us to be careful about leaving valuables in our vehicles. I try to remember to lock the car, but sometimes I forget. We don't lock the cab on our truck so that anyone can open it up and take a look and see that there's nothing good to steal...all without having to smash the cab windows in...
tinypliny - 08/20/07 18:50
It's one of those correction-fluid days. I meant "when my bike was stolen"
It's one of those correction-fluid days. I meant "when my bike was stolen"
tinypliny - 08/20/07 18:48
Yikes, I hate seeing break-in attempts. :/ The last time I saw it was my bike got stolen - that attempt was successful though.
Glad nothing was stolen. Maybe this is a good reminder to lock your car doors no matter what.
Yikes, I hate seeing break-in attempts. :/ The last time I saw it was my bike got stolen - that attempt was successful though.
Glad nothing was stolen. Maybe this is a good reminder to lock your car doors no matter what.
james - 08/20/07 18:45
I can't recall where your home is, but I have never had trouble with people breaking into or messing with my car. Granted, the last car was so shitty a homeless guy wouldn't pee on it, but... well, I am sorry for the trouble. Batman has been alerted.
I can't recall where your home is, but I have never had trouble with people breaking into or messing with my car. Granted, the last car was so shitty a homeless guy wouldn't pee on it, but... well, I am sorry for the trouble. Batman has been alerted.
08/17/2007 08:41 #40589
Blueberry bonanzaCategory: food
I just finished off another slice of rich, crumbly, satisfying blueberry banana bread with a cup of strong coffee and I am feeling very pleased with myself.
Three weekends ago, (e:Drew) and I went blueberry picking. I got to down to business and was a blueberry picking machine filling my pail almost to the brim. (e:Drew) protested, demanding that I stop. But I ran up and down the aisles of blueberry bushes picking blueberries and throwing them into my bucket as fast as I could before (e:Drew) caught me. He forced me out of the blueberry fields while I grabbed handfuls of blueberries and shoved them into my mouth.
The results of my persistence.....11 pounds of blueberries for the price of $14.00 (and free blueberries in my tummy) from which I have made a tasty blueberry crisp and satisfying blueberry-banana bread. I still have blueberry pies and cobblers to look forward to as well as more blueberry banana bread. I think I'll make bueberry crisp for this weekend. None for (e:Drew)...he tried to stop me in my picking venture. He can watch from afar while I eat my blueberry crisp with my friends warm and bubbling straight out of the oven with thick, fresh whipped cream. You guys can come over and have some too!
Three weekends ago, (e:Drew) and I went blueberry picking. I got to down to business and was a blueberry picking machine filling my pail almost to the brim. (e:Drew) protested, demanding that I stop. But I ran up and down the aisles of blueberry bushes picking blueberries and throwing them into my bucket as fast as I could before (e:Drew) caught me. He forced me out of the blueberry fields while I grabbed handfuls of blueberries and shoved them into my mouth.
The results of my persistence.....11 pounds of blueberries for the price of $14.00 (and free blueberries in my tummy) from which I have made a tasty blueberry crisp and satisfying blueberry-banana bread. I still have blueberry pies and cobblers to look forward to as well as more blueberry banana bread. I think I'll make bueberry crisp for this weekend. None for (e:Drew)...he tried to stop me in my picking venture. He can watch from afar while I eat my blueberry crisp with my friends warm and bubbling straight out of the oven with thick, fresh whipped cream. You guys can come over and have some too!
tinypliny - 08/18/07 19:54
Where is this farm and is it NFTA-connected for car-less souls? :)
Where is this farm and is it NFTA-connected for car-less souls? :)
fellyconnelly - 08/17/07 13:56
you guys are too cute and funny.
you guys are too cute and funny.
lilho - 08/17/07 13:08
i hate cats, but your profile pic is so damn cute!!!!
i hate cats, but your profile pic is so damn cute!!!!
drew - 08/17/07 12:54
thanks, and thanks for always referring to me as sexy--although maybe you should stop. After all, my pic is in my profile so I don't think you are fooling anybody.
thanks, and thanks for always referring to me as sexy--although maybe you should stop. After all, my pic is in my profile so I don't think you are fooling anybody.
janelle - 08/17/07 12:33
Good advice. I promise to share my blueberry treats with my sexy man.
This is the second time you've saved Drew and I's marriage from a rapid downward spiral...
Maybe you should be a marriage counselor =)
Good advice. I promise to share my blueberry treats with my sexy man.
This is the second time you've saved Drew and I's marriage from a rapid downward spiral...
Maybe you should be a marriage counselor =)
lauren - 08/17/07 12:29
No no, although I think that might require you sharing with Drew to avoid such a catastrophe :)
No no, although I think that might require you sharing with Drew to avoid such a catastrophe :)
janelle - 08/17/07 12:19
Oh, no...Lauren, does that mean I'm greedy like Violet?
Oh, no...Lauren, does that mean I'm greedy like Violet?
lauren - 08/17/07 12:15
All I can think of is Violet from Willy Wonka...
All I can think of is Violet from Willy Wonka...
leetee - 08/17/07 10:31
mm....... blueberry banana bread! Sounds uber yum.
Wanna share the recipe?
Funny, i don't ike blueberries, but i love them in things -- pancakes, waffles, breads, muffins.
mm....... blueberry banana bread! Sounds uber yum.
Wanna share the recipe?
Funny, i don't ike blueberries, but i love them in things -- pancakes, waffles, breads, muffins.
jbeatty - 08/17/07 10:18
Blueberries are quite possibly the most perfect fruit ever created! Not too many edible things in nature are naturally blue.
Blueberries are quite possibly the most perfect fruit ever created! Not too many edible things in nature are naturally blue.
drew - 08/17/07 10:00
I only stopped her AFTER we had 11 lbs. And I picked a lot of blueberries, too.
I only stopped her AFTER we had 11 lbs. And I picked a lot of blueberries, too.
mrmike - 08/17/07 09:47
I am a sucker for good blueberry pie - Got to love Becker Farms for stuff like that
I am a sucker for good blueberry pie - Got to love Becker Farms for stuff like that
08/16/2007 08:46 #40572
Weekend GuestsCategory: mr/dd
I'm really excited for this weekend. We have four of my developmentally disabled friends and two of their staff visiting from Pittsburgh. They live/work at one of the many community homes that I used to run. The guys absolutely love wings, so I'm taking them to the Anchor Bar Friday night and then we'll chill out at the house afterwards with a movie I think.
Saturday we are going to the zoo for the day. We have free tickets for everyone thanks to a local foundation. If anyone works with/has relatives with disabilities and you want to go to the zoo, I'll get you the info! After the zoo we'll cook out sausages on the grill. Then off to the requisite visit to the Niagara falls to see them lit up at night. I'm a little leary of taking them into Canada, so we're sticking to the American side.
Sunday we'll go to church and have some lunch afterwards then they'll be off to Pittsburgh.
I'm hoping that I picked activities that they'll enjoy. I'm worried that I'll slip into my old role as the "Boss, Sir"** and run the show instead of just relaxing and having a good time. I'm a little scared that I'll screw up the logistics of hosting 6 people in the house and making sure they stay well fed and comfortable. And I'm really wary of 8 people in a house with one bathroom!
Saturday we are going to the zoo for the day. We have free tickets for everyone thanks to a local foundation. If anyone works with/has relatives with disabilities and you want to go to the zoo, I'll get you the info! After the zoo we'll cook out sausages on the grill. Then off to the requisite visit to the Niagara falls to see them lit up at night. I'm a little leary of taking them into Canada, so we're sticking to the American side.
Sunday we'll go to church and have some lunch afterwards then they'll be off to Pittsburgh.
I'm hoping that I picked activities that they'll enjoy. I'm worried that I'll slip into my old role as the "Boss, Sir"** and run the show instead of just relaxing and having a good time. I'm a little scared that I'll screw up the logistics of hosting 6 people in the house and making sure they stay well fed and comfortable. And I'm really wary of 8 people in a house with one bathroom!
- On a funny side note, a lot of the staff in my homes were immigrants from Africa and many of them refused to call me Janelle and instead called me "Boss, sir". I had to just give up on telling them to call me Janelle and just enjoyed the ego trip that came with being called, Boss, Sir!
mrmike - 08/16/07 09:17
Sounds good, Boss Sir.
For the trip at night at the falls, you actually see them a little better on the Canadian side, which you can walk to across the rainbow bridge. The strolling customs folks are actually pretty cool in that regard since you're not bringing a car into the country.
Sounds good, Boss Sir.
For the trip at night at the falls, you actually see them a little better on the Canadian side, which you can walk to across the rainbow bridge. The strolling customs folks are actually pretty cool in that regard since you're not bringing a car into the country.
we have two cats.
one of which is a fat fatty fat fat.
Hmph.. I've always found her and her ugly visage downright offensive to the eyes, but hey -- that's just me.
Ohhhh...Kirsten Dunst IS cute, especially if she likes fat kitties!
Kirsten Dunst is about as cute as I am Chinese (note: I am not Chinese). Sorry, but I just had to chime in with that.
I love Kirsten Dunst!!!! and if I had to like a cat it would be a fat one prolly though I generally do not like cats!
Hey. I'm not sure if I told you I have something tonight, but I do. I'll be home for dinner though. Call me,