Tonight 2 of my co-workers and I are going to see Transformers at the City Centre. It's a complex that houses 14 theatres, a bowling alley, enormous grocery store, restaurants, and an ice skating rink. Who knew!? Then hopefully when our movie is finished our bags will have finally arrived and we can pick them up from the airport.
We got these serious looking phones installed in our offices today. The guy gave us a 5 minute lesson how to use them but I'm pretty sure I didn't make it passed 'press the envelope for voicemail'. I've got plenty of time to figure it out. I don't even know how they want us to answer them.
We have a 'tea boy' in our office that checks in on you as soon as you arrive and periodically throughout the day. Today I had a glass of mango juice. I took a picture, which you'll get to see at a later time when my camera cable arrives. We've already been joking about all our 'historical moments' together, so I have somehow become the group photographer. Guess it's a good trait to have a camera attached to your hand eh?
I learned something about Islamic burials last night. Mohammed had pointed out a cemetery. I told him I would like to see it in daylight. I have a thing for cemeteries. I think they are peaceful, I like taking photos and drawing them, I like to think about my life and remind myself to LIVE in the short time we're given. Mohammed was explaining to me that they bury people very quickly here because it is a greater honor to the deceased. Also they feel you should leave the world the way you entered, naked. So they have a special person to wash the body, then they simply cover it with a white sheet. This is how they present it for viewing. Then a narrow hole is dug with another hole inside of it. I'll try to draw to explain:

They place the body in the smaller hole, then cover it with earth bricks, then fill in the main hole with dirt.
Also, they don't mark the graves with names because you don't visit cemeteries to mourn. You may mark it so you know where one is but you would not go there to 'talk' to that person. You would go to a cemetery to think about your life and how you want to live it and to talk to God. I thought this was very similar and interesting.
I'm reminding myself to tell you the story of the red car. Mohammed told me today and I couldn't stop laughing. Some things just get lost in translation you know :)
Just think of a the burials like in Biblical days. The lay the body in the small hole and seal it with a stone door. I guess they just fill in the hole because it was easier that creating cattacombs?
Ooh! I need to check that out! Thanks jenks. :)
(e:ladycroft), I don't quite get it. Why would make a second hole; is it like a family crypt? The big hole is the primary and there are multiple secondary small holes for everyone related?
well it's a bit of a hike from roswell, but forest lawn is a GORGEOUS cemetary. Good for a jog, bike ride, etc- too.
I love cemetaries too. :) I miss the one at Rochester - The Mt. Hope Cemetary. I used to live about 3 blocks away and used to go there for walking around all the time. It had the most beautiful stone markers and architecture from all over the world. *sigh* One thing I wish I had here -- a cemetary within walking distance.
i want a tea boy!!!