I found the smallest cans of coke on the planet. I think it takes 3 sips but all you really need. I'm not going through Dr. Pepper withdrawal mostly because it's not around to tempt me.
I've been invited to yet another party this thursday. What shall a girl do? Alone in a foreign land for 1 week and already a crowded social calendar? Well, I'm not complaining. I'd rather have too many invites and not enough time than other way round!
Trying to wash every piece of my clothing yesterday turned into a fiasco of flooding washers and wet clothes hanging all over my apartment. Ciao!
Ladycroft's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/24/2007 11:58 #40234
tiny coke cansCategory: potpourri
07/21/2007 15:47 #40194
240 voltz!Category: about doha

I do not have a death wish although this photo contradicts this statement. The current runs at 240 over here. It will toast you. For reasons unknown to me, not all plugs are designed for the outlets. In these instances you have to stick a small spoon or key in the 3rd receptor in order to plug in your appliance! I was scared. I honestly thought I might get zapped and die.
To answer the question, "liquor license, for a private person!?"......
Yes. Islam does not allow drinking alcohol. In order to preserve this tradition amidst the 80% foreign population here the government established liquor licenses. You have to pay something like $400 to get one, with permission from your employer, proof of your pay, and statement of your religion. Only the licensee can purchase the alcohol with it. However you can buy individual beverages at a hotel bar without one.
Additionally I got my luggage today. I was very busy buying groceries and running around all afternoon so I was able to peek in just now. Everything is WET and smells like SEWER! What the hell did these people do with my bag!? It's so gross. I'm going to have to wash every last bit of clothing tomorrow. Luckily our bosses have only just arrived back in the country so they don't want to meet with us until early afternoon. I have all morning to wash. Cheers!
james - 07/24/07 15:23
This different plug nonsense has to stop. Not only do you adapters for all your equipment, but you also need a spoon. Just like the railroad was standardized to one grade of track so too must outlets be standardized!
And the liquor license nonsense is crazy, CRAZY! I think it is the duty of every estrip-er to put a bottle of something aside for your return.
This different plug nonsense has to stop. Not only do you adapters for all your equipment, but you also need a spoon. Just like the railroad was standardized to one grade of track so too must outlets be standardized!
And the liquor license nonsense is crazy, CRAZY! I think it is the duty of every estrip-er to put a bottle of something aside for your return.
libertad - 07/24/07 15:19
That seems insane to stick a spoon into an electrical outlet! I looked at your pics. Is the sprayer hose above the toilet an ass washer or used for some other purpose?
That seems insane to stick a spoon into an electrical outlet! I looked at your pics. Is the sprayer hose above the toilet an ass washer or used for some other purpose?
metalpeter - 07/22/07 11:03
First of all nice pictures, and I glad you finaly got your bag and stuff. When you have time you will see that I said that i liked the cloud pictures. What I didn't comment on is Ponderosa. I don't know if we even have any in Buffalo any more and I kinda miss them, yeah the food was kinda unhelathy but you could eat enough for 3 days in there and it was all good quality. Is it just me or does there money remind anyone else of Candaian money. Granted it isn't the same but it looks like the same style of money. I do have one question those two tall buildings they look like there is some curve in them is the curve really there or is that an effect from the camera?
First of all nice pictures, and I glad you finaly got your bag and stuff. When you have time you will see that I said that i liked the cloud pictures. What I didn't comment on is Ponderosa. I don't know if we even have any in Buffalo any more and I kinda miss them, yeah the food was kinda unhelathy but you could eat enough for 3 days in there and it was all good quality. Is it just me or does there money remind anyone else of Candaian money. Granted it isn't the same but it looks like the same style of money. I do have one question those two tall buildings they look like there is some curve in them is the curve really there or is that an effect from the camera?
ladycroft - 07/22/07 05:31
not that kind of problem paul. this comp is brand spankin new and i have wifi. it has something to do with IT blocking it once I try to publish more than one photo. i'm going to try to figure it out later. for now you'll just have to visit my pics page.
not that kind of problem paul. this comp is brand spankin new and i have wifi. it has something to do with IT blocking it once I try to publish more than one photo. i'm going to try to figure it out later. for now you'll just have to visit my pics page.
boxerboi - 07/21/07 21:26
It sounds like you are having an amazing time there. That is so cool! Are you able to spend a lot of time outside or is it too hot? Are you on a campus type setting or like a regular neighborhood?
It sounds like you are having an amazing time there. That is so cool! Are you able to spend a lot of time outside or is it too hot? Are you on a campus type setting or like a regular neighborhood?
paul - 07/21/07 16:12
If your computer can't handle the normal version, use the mobile version of the site to public. Just click on the word mobile at the top left of the site and publish from there. You do not need any javascript or flash to publish multiple images from that version of the site.
If your computer can't handle the normal version, use the mobile version of the site to public. Just click on the word mobile at the top left of the site and publish from there. You do not need any javascript or flash to publish multiple images from that version of the site.
07/21/2007 01:48 #40188
SCUBACategory: potpourri
local time: 8:50am
I got the happy news this morning; they found my luggage! Now I have clothes to wear to work tomorrow!
I found a place to get my SCUBA certification. I'm so excited I'm getting ahead of myself with all the additional courses I want to take. I've already done an experiential dive in the Red Sea so I'm ready to just start with Open Water certification. The others I'm interested in are Ocean Buoyancy (because I had some issues with hitting the floor everytime I breathed out), Fish Identification (they have some kind of conservation project going on), Underwater Navigation (seems like a natural thing to want to know), Underwater Photography (bet you can't wait for these photos!), and Wreck Diving (which first requires Advanced Open Water certification).
That's all for now. My day has only just begun and I'm sure some new adventure awaits. OH - and I got invited to my first house party last night, yay! He has a liquor license too, so I'll finally get a beer! Ciao.
I got the happy news this morning; they found my luggage! Now I have clothes to wear to work tomorrow!
I found a place to get my SCUBA certification. I'm so excited I'm getting ahead of myself with all the additional courses I want to take. I've already done an experiential dive in the Red Sea so I'm ready to just start with Open Water certification. The others I'm interested in are Ocean Buoyancy (because I had some issues with hitting the floor everytime I breathed out), Fish Identification (they have some kind of conservation project going on), Underwater Navigation (seems like a natural thing to want to know), Underwater Photography (bet you can't wait for these photos!), and Wreck Diving (which first requires Advanced Open Water certification).
That's all for now. My day has only just begun and I'm sure some new adventure awaits. OH - and I got invited to my first house party last night, yay! He has a liquor license too, so I'll finally get a beer! Ciao.
jenks - 07/21/07 11:30
liquor license, for a private person??
Go for scuba, totally. I think I'd skip the buoyancy class- it will come with experience. And the test for advanced open water includes a night dive, a deep dive, a wreck dive, a navigation dive, so you could get a taste on those. Wrecks are cool. Night dives are a little scarier than I expected.
But yay- it's fun!
Glad your luggage made it. What a relief.
liquor license, for a private person??
Go for scuba, totally. I think I'd skip the buoyancy class- it will come with experience. And the test for advanced open water includes a night dive, a deep dive, a wreck dive, a navigation dive, so you could get a taste on those. Wrecks are cool. Night dives are a little scarier than I expected.
But yay- it's fun!
Glad your luggage made it. What a relief.
libertad - 07/21/07 09:49
I'm curious. Is there a gay scene in Qatar? Take your time with this one.
I'm curious. Is there a gay scene in Qatar? Take your time with this one.
07/20/2007 08:46 #40171
lost luggage....againCategory: potpourri
local time: 3.33pm
temp: 111 degrees
I just woke up which is a very bad thing. I wanted to sleep in today but I certainly didn't mean to sleep this long! It's not helping the jet lag. Today is 'Saturday' for me. Their weekend is one off from ours. Friday is the holy day.
I was grabbing some very expensive sunscreen at the store last night when I noticed...they sell Playstation2 and Wii at the grocery store! You can just take it off the shelf along with the games, no locks. The Wii cost 1,599 rys and the PS2 cost 529 rys. So that's $445 and $147 respectively. Pretty much the same. Score :)
I'd love to give you a tour of my home and surroundings however my camera cord is in my luggage. My luggage which is missing. They don't even know what country it's in. They tried to track it and it literally says, "unknown location, tracking continues". I just moved here and 98% of the clothes I own are in that bag. I think they give it 10 days before they finally say 'we lost your bag'. Qatar Airways said they wouldn't give you anything for delayed bags if you live in the country. I don't' know what BA's policy is, hopefully I'll hear something soon.
Meanwhile I just bought a headset so I can use Skype to make internet phone calls. If you want to talk to me for free, you can do the same :) The only thing we'll have to consider is the time zone.
Oh, I did get to see Transformers last night, which I enjoyed. I thought it was especially sweet when the opening scene said "Qatar-the middle east" and people in the theatre started clapping. Movie theatres here are relatively the same. With the exception that people don't really make lines to purchase so it's a little chaotic. Also a screen shows the seats and you actually choose them. They are assigned seats! They were big and red and super-duper comfy!
Ciao for now.
temp: 111 degrees
I just woke up which is a very bad thing. I wanted to sleep in today but I certainly didn't mean to sleep this long! It's not helping the jet lag. Today is 'Saturday' for me. Their weekend is one off from ours. Friday is the holy day.
I was grabbing some very expensive sunscreen at the store last night when I noticed...they sell Playstation2 and Wii at the grocery store! You can just take it off the shelf along with the games, no locks. The Wii cost 1,599 rys and the PS2 cost 529 rys. So that's $445 and $147 respectively. Pretty much the same. Score :)
I'd love to give you a tour of my home and surroundings however my camera cord is in my luggage. My luggage which is missing. They don't even know what country it's in. They tried to track it and it literally says, "unknown location, tracking continues". I just moved here and 98% of the clothes I own are in that bag. I think they give it 10 days before they finally say 'we lost your bag'. Qatar Airways said they wouldn't give you anything for delayed bags if you live in the country. I don't' know what BA's policy is, hopefully I'll hear something soon.
Meanwhile I just bought a headset so I can use Skype to make internet phone calls. If you want to talk to me for free, you can do the same :) The only thing we'll have to consider is the time zone.
Oh, I did get to see Transformers last night, which I enjoyed. I thought it was especially sweet when the opening scene said "Qatar-the middle east" and people in the theatre started clapping. Movie theatres here are relatively the same. With the exception that people don't really make lines to purchase so it's a little chaotic. Also a screen shows the seats and you actually choose them. They are assigned seats! They were big and red and super-duper comfy!
Ciao for now.
lilho - 07/20/07 10:05
yikes!!!! qatar is the way of the future!!! i can totally relate with the whole weather thing, as it the same here! i think it was like 115 yesterday!!! do you guys have monsoon season there???? and, if they lost my luggage i'd be fucking pissed, and i'm pissed becasue i want to see pictures!!!!
yikes!!!! qatar is the way of the future!!! i can totally relate with the whole weather thing, as it the same here! i think it was like 115 yesterday!!! do you guys have monsoon season there???? and, if they lost my luggage i'd be fucking pissed, and i'm pissed becasue i want to see pictures!!!!
07/19/2007 10:00 #40165
i have a tea boy!Category: about doha
Today we attempted to clear more HR paperwork but things run a little slow around here. I submited my medical papers, filed for an employee badge and handed over my passport to process my visa. The latter makes me a bit nervous. I don't like being without my passport.
Tonight 2 of my co-workers and I are going to see Transformers at the City Centre. It's a complex that houses 14 theatres, a bowling alley, enormous grocery store, restaurants, and an ice skating rink. Who knew!? Then hopefully when our movie is finished our bags will have finally arrived and we can pick them up from the airport.
We got these serious looking phones installed in our offices today. The guy gave us a 5 minute lesson how to use them but I'm pretty sure I didn't make it passed 'press the envelope for voicemail'. I've got plenty of time to figure it out. I don't even know how they want us to answer them.
We have a 'tea boy' in our office that checks in on you as soon as you arrive and periodically throughout the day. Today I had a glass of mango juice. I took a picture, which you'll get to see at a later time when my camera cable arrives. We've already been joking about all our 'historical moments' together, so I have somehow become the group photographer. Guess it's a good trait to have a camera attached to your hand eh?
I learned something about Islamic burials last night. Mohammed had pointed out a cemetery. I told him I would like to see it in daylight. I have a thing for cemeteries. I think they are peaceful, I like taking photos and drawing them, I like to think about my life and remind myself to LIVE in the short time we're given. Mohammed was explaining to me that they bury people very quickly here because it is a greater honor to the deceased. Also they feel you should leave the world the way you entered, naked. So they have a special person to wash the body, then they simply cover it with a white sheet. This is how they present it for viewing. Then a narrow hole is dug with another hole inside of it. I'll try to draw to explain:

They place the body in the smaller hole, then cover it with earth bricks, then fill in the main hole with dirt.
Also, they don't mark the graves with names because you don't visit cemeteries to mourn. You may mark it so you know where one is but you would not go there to 'talk' to that person. You would go to a cemetery to think about your life and how you want to live it and to talk to God. I thought this was very similar and interesting.
I'm reminding myself to tell you the story of the red car. Mohammed told me today and I couldn't stop laughing. Some things just get lost in translation you know :)
Tonight 2 of my co-workers and I are going to see Transformers at the City Centre. It's a complex that houses 14 theatres, a bowling alley, enormous grocery store, restaurants, and an ice skating rink. Who knew!? Then hopefully when our movie is finished our bags will have finally arrived and we can pick them up from the airport.
We got these serious looking phones installed in our offices today. The guy gave us a 5 minute lesson how to use them but I'm pretty sure I didn't make it passed 'press the envelope for voicemail'. I've got plenty of time to figure it out. I don't even know how they want us to answer them.
We have a 'tea boy' in our office that checks in on you as soon as you arrive and periodically throughout the day. Today I had a glass of mango juice. I took a picture, which you'll get to see at a later time when my camera cable arrives. We've already been joking about all our 'historical moments' together, so I have somehow become the group photographer. Guess it's a good trait to have a camera attached to your hand eh?
I learned something about Islamic burials last night. Mohammed had pointed out a cemetery. I told him I would like to see it in daylight. I have a thing for cemeteries. I think they are peaceful, I like taking photos and drawing them, I like to think about my life and remind myself to LIVE in the short time we're given. Mohammed was explaining to me that they bury people very quickly here because it is a greater honor to the deceased. Also they feel you should leave the world the way you entered, naked. So they have a special person to wash the body, then they simply cover it with a white sheet. This is how they present it for viewing. Then a narrow hole is dug with another hole inside of it. I'll try to draw to explain:

They place the body in the smaller hole, then cover it with earth bricks, then fill in the main hole with dirt.
Also, they don't mark the graves with names because you don't visit cemeteries to mourn. You may mark it so you know where one is but you would not go there to 'talk' to that person. You would go to a cemetery to think about your life and how you want to live it and to talk to God. I thought this was very similar and interesting.
I'm reminding myself to tell you the story of the red car. Mohammed told me today and I couldn't stop laughing. Some things just get lost in translation you know :)
ladycroft - 07/20/07 08:28
Just think of a the burials like in Biblical days. The lay the body in the small hole and seal it with a stone door. I guess they just fill in the hole because it was easier that creating cattacombs?
Just think of a the burials like in Biblical days. The lay the body in the small hole and seal it with a stone door. I guess they just fill in the hole because it was easier that creating cattacombs?
tinypliny - 07/19/07 19:29
Ooh! I need to check that out! Thanks jenks. :)
(e:ladycroft), I don't quite get it. Why would make a second hole; is it like a family crypt? The big hole is the primary and there are multiple secondary small holes for everyone related?
Ooh! I need to check that out! Thanks jenks. :)
(e:ladycroft), I don't quite get it. Why would make a second hole; is it like a family crypt? The big hole is the primary and there are multiple secondary small holes for everyone related?
jenks - 07/19/07 19:02
well it's a bit of a hike from roswell, but forest lawn is a GORGEOUS cemetary. Good for a jog, bike ride, etc- too.
well it's a bit of a hike from roswell, but forest lawn is a GORGEOUS cemetary. Good for a jog, bike ride, etc- too.
tinypliny - 07/19/07 18:42
I love cemetaries too. :) I miss the one at Rochester - The Mt. Hope Cemetary. I used to live about 3 blocks away and used to go there for walking around all the time. It had the most beautiful stone markers and architecture from all over the world. *sigh* One thing I wish I had here -- a cemetary within walking distance.
I love cemetaries too. :) I miss the one at Rochester - The Mt. Hope Cemetary. I used to live about 3 blocks away and used to go there for walking around all the time. It had the most beautiful stone markers and architecture from all over the world. *sigh* One thing I wish I had here -- a cemetary within walking distance.
lilho - 07/19/07 11:25
i want a tea boy!!!
i want a tea boy!!!
I think I may have a disoriented scaling perception. I just can't visualize the size of the cans. To me, they look like regular cans. I know you have posted a picture of them next to an orange, but oranges can be huge. What is their height in say, inches?
Those are the smallest cans I've ever seen. In Japan, they had small glass bottles of Coke all over the place. Bet it's empty in one gulp?