And.... HELLS YEAH....we got administrator rights today! Woot!
I'm working on all the ice-breakers, warm-ups and other games for CDA training which starts this week. It makes me really miss my internship at Project Adventure.
Trying to catch up on past questions and comments:
Q- What's the difference between British and US version of Harry Potter books?
A- The cover for one. Also the language.
Q- What's the gay scene like here in Doha?
A- Believe it or not, it exists. Not among Qataris of course but there seems to be a community of Philippino men.
C- There are plenty of restaurants where I can eat veggie. Though I have learned through trial and error that even if you order a dish that is just veggies, they like to toss meat on it, haha. So I have to order with specific 'no meat' instructions. My search was for grocery items so that I can cook at home. I am missing my Quorn 'chicken nuggets' and Boca 'beef crumbles'.
Lastly, I was stoked to find litchi juice - and it's dirt cheap. I only paid 55 cents for liter carton!
(e:ajay), do you work for yahoo? Just wondering...
Glad to hear you discovered Litchi juice.
Now let me tell you something: it pales in comparison to eating the real, sweet, juicy litchis. When I was a kid, we'd sneak into a litchi garden and steal litchis till the watchman chased us away.
(and a tip 'o the hat to (e:libertad) for using Yahoo Search :::link::: :) )
I just found some info under a yahoo search about persecution of gays there. Prison and even lashings and the Philipinos were specifically mentioned. Maybe its best not to talk about it? Apparently they may even plant drugs on homosexual men to avoid the international condemnation that follows with human rights abuses.
Did you get your physical address yet?
AAh! Got it. :)
Ooooooh. Litchi juice!! I want some!