I was raised a Catholic in as much as a wining, pretentious, sophomoric gasbag of a child can be. But, somewhere in this deeply secular heart (anatomically correct, for science) beats a little boy love for that church. I mean, the pomp, the robes, the half naked savior dangling from the walls; it is a drag queens apartment writ large. There is a bit of comfort in repeating the occult rituals, much like the pleasures of waking up, brushing your teeth, and urinating.
But who the hell is the Ratzinger cat?
I suppose there is something to be said for the workings of the worlds oldest, uninterrupted monarchy. But, being a winning, pretentious, sophomoric gasbag of an adult, I feel damn responsible to do so. So here it goes.
Pope Ratzy has issued a decree on July 7th allowing for much broader use of the traditional Tridentine mass. This isn't just a mass in Latin, it is so much more. You might not be aware of it if, like most sensible people in the world, you are not fluent in Latin. But you and your buddies pray that the Jews may 'crawl out of darkness' and presumably into the incandescent light of the one true momma church.
Why do this? To bring a smattering of super conservative Bishops who reject the Vatican Council II (that council in the early 20th century that gave the church a much needed updating thanks to the complaints of the Protestant Reformation just a few years prior beginning in 1517). Wonderful, nothing like a little anti-semitism to crash through the gates of 21st century ideals (enlightenment ideas more specifically, 1600's-1804).
Ya, but picking on those darkness dwelling Jews is an old routine, a song and dance we are tired of. Can we get back to some more of that hot Christian on Christian violence?
oh yes we can!
In another decree the pope has declared that all Christians who are not catholics are not fully christian. That their Eucharistic celebration is false, and that their church is a fatally flawed and wounded church. I am paraphrasing, but it was pretty strongly worded.
So much for religious toleration. Wait.. this is worse than that, so much for inter-faith dialogue. How do you work with someone who claims such superiority over you? All in a ploy to bring back the middle ages loving Catholics.
I can't wait for a reconstruction religion like Druidism to go back to wicker man burnings. If only we could be so keenly focused on the distant past.
as per (e:libertad)

Well (e:Jason) and (e:Mike)
Doubtlessly in the vested halls of ones own religion, yes, you are convinced 100% that your religion is the only religion and all others are a bit silly. But in recent years, in an attempt to not seem like a hatemongering dinosaur there has been inter-faith dialogue and this hippy feel good atmosphere of 'all religions are a path to god' sort of thing.
So this turning away from cooperation (Ratzinger was actually just reaserting a document from 2000 I found out later) is very poisonous to the whole process, and does no one any favors.
About the Jews. Ya, Spain and Britain both kicked all their Jews out at some point, and Italy and the Netherlands are famous for their Ghettos, and I don't think I even need to go into what Germany and Russia did, but the spirit in Europe recently has been one of deep regret. They have come a long way... with the exception of Russia. They wont get on the 'Jews are OK' bandwagon for another 600 years.
Ok, my only comment on this is, doesn't really every religion belive they are the best and one true way. I don't think it is that crazy. I mean how could a religion be a religion if they didn't believe that. If a leader of a religion believed any religion was equally good then really what is the point of any religion. Which is fine. You cna think no religion has a point and I could see that. But as a leader of anything you have to believe yours is the best and one true one. That's your job kinda. Doesn't every religion believe that? Doesn't even people who belive in no religion believe only there rleigiousless way is the only and best way?
Benedict does look evil. JP2, not so much. I've always been uncomfortable with Cardinal Ratzinger's countenance. Somethin ain't raaaght about that boy.
"Sheep" as a metaphor is without question the most intellectually lazy argument to make concerning the religious, which is why it is put into use so frequently. They're Catholics. Of course they think their way is the right way. Islam and Judaism believe their way, respectively, is the right way. And, for that matter, secular humanists/atheists believe their way is the right way, the only way.
In this light I really don't see what is new or controversial about a Catholic Pope reinforcing their primacy. JP2 was a special guy, and there are very few people like him in the world nowadays, if any.
Europe is famous for its anti-semitism. It is as European as socialism, football, and fisting videos. When they weren't out and out frying the Joos, they were busy persecuting them and kicking their asses from one corner of the continent to the other, from Spain to Mother Russia, over the course of many centuries.
But, (e:James), your point is well taken, it's sad that the new Pope has that in his makeup. Backwards instead of forwards indeed.
I thought Pope John Paul on the right was cool-ish. I mean, he fought against Communist rule and helped start a revolution in Poland. That is pretty awesome.
But Pope Ratzinger on the left... barf.
how could anyone look at that photo and tell me that neither of those two don't look evil as hell? i mean look at the guy on the left!!
and it continues to blow my mind that people still blindly follow this man as though he alone decides the their fate. it kind of just made an interesting correlation in my head between the constant use of sheep as a metaphor for the 'christians' which of course by all means could only mean 'catholics'. ugh.
Come on Drew, every single catholic feels exactly as the pope does. They are all of one mind, like the borg or something.... ya, I know, it is just sad to have someone from Mars as the pope. They way to a relevant church isn't backwards, but focusing on the present and future.
Oh, there is nothing wrong with a nice little robe. But man, no one lays it on like the Catholics. Dozens of robes in every imaginable shade, matching hats, accessories. It is the over the top zany pomp that makes me think campy drag queen, not the robe and vestments in of themselves.
But, if you find yourself unable to get the drag image out of your head maybe a little Diana Ross in the service might set the mood. ^_^
yeah. Bad move pope. Sadly, this isn't new.
But not all Catholics follow him lock-step, thankfully. And he won't be Pope forever.
As for the drag-queen apartment remark--I never thought of it that way. I may never wear my robe the same way again.