The crushing weight of social awkwardness which keeps me up at night pondering if it was rude to say hello to a neighbor two houses down while on his porch. Is there some sort of neighborly veil that separates the world of men and the world of porch dwellers? But at dinner parties. I can hold a glass and make a joke about Sri Lankin foreign policy in poetic form.
So, last night we had our landlords up for dinner. Not quite enough to make it a dinner party. Which reminds me, having my computer and only speakers in the office does no good for dinner music three rooms away. A good time was had by all.
I wanted to document a few things I was cooking. Most of the pictures I have taken lately are odd little abstractions, and I honestly needed the practice of... you know, making sure my subject was in focus. It is a lot easier to take an arty picture when no one has any idea what the heck it is you are photographing.
But, it must have been a sign from above that I am to continue snapping away the schmaltz I love so because our guests arived early. So I had to put the camera down and get all hard core kitchen wife on dinner.
The braised onions would have looked really cool. But they are all eaten now. The pork roast was a giant hunk of meat with rosemary and bit of garlic poking out of a crevice, so it wasn't that photogenic (it did look a bit like my uncle Pete though, no offense uncle, just after dropping it on the floor it had a mustache and a sexist joke).
So, here are a couple money shots of the asparagus before it was roasted.

Today on Dinner Party with James we will be talking about Iran's Machmud Abdinijhad's nuclear policy...
I don't even know what I just said, let's look at some baby goats!
Like heroin that preceded it, I am hooked on Cute with Chris now. I mean, come on! "Remember, kill your inner-child before it kills you" brilliant stuff.
note to james: if ever i am involved in a dinner party with you please don't make jokes to me about sri lankan foreign policy. i think my brain would explode in trying to figure out which part of it is the joke...
lets talk about puppies and kittens instead. that i'm good at.