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07/03/2007 21:31 #39902
For Your Patriotic Consideration07/02/2007 18:11 #39889
Health Insurance, eat my balls.Category: insurance
Apparently New York state health insurance sucks!
They covered my hospital trip minus $50 no problem. But the ambulance ride which cost more than the ER and resulted in a mis-diagnoses is not covered by it. Ya, apparently the unconscious diabetic with low blood sugar is having a bit of a drug overdose... When there are no drugs to be found.
What annoys me is that the insurance is for low income people, such as myself. I guess if taking the bus to work is good enough so is taking it to the hospital for a gun shot wound.
My medicine costs less than my monthly bill. The total I will spend this year on medicine, doctors visits, and my one hospitalization will all cost less than what I pay them, and I am an expensive guy to insure. So, well, I guess they would loose too much money paying for ambulance services. After all, if they are still making money off someone expensive like me imagine how much they are pulling in on perfectly healthy specimens.
I feel like I am paying a mob boss protection money. Only, he isn't threatening to break my legs. He is letting me know that on the off chance that I do break my leg, saw off a finger, get hit by a car, I am shit out of luck if I don't pay him.
Well, to put it as succinctly and poignantly as possible, fuck you.
They covered my hospital trip minus $50 no problem. But the ambulance ride which cost more than the ER and resulted in a mis-diagnoses is not covered by it. Ya, apparently the unconscious diabetic with low blood sugar is having a bit of a drug overdose... When there are no drugs to be found.
What annoys me is that the insurance is for low income people, such as myself. I guess if taking the bus to work is good enough so is taking it to the hospital for a gun shot wound.
My medicine costs less than my monthly bill. The total I will spend this year on medicine, doctors visits, and my one hospitalization will all cost less than what I pay them, and I am an expensive guy to insure. So, well, I guess they would loose too much money paying for ambulance services. After all, if they are still making money off someone expensive like me imagine how much they are pulling in on perfectly healthy specimens.
I feel like I am paying a mob boss protection money. Only, he isn't threatening to break my legs. He is letting me know that on the off chance that I do break my leg, saw off a finger, get hit by a car, I am shit out of luck if I don't pay him.
Well, to put it as succinctly and poignantly as possible, fuck you.
jason - 07/03/07 12:50
It's government health care. What do you expect, quality?
It's government health care. What do you expect, quality?
metalpeter - 07/02/07 18:55
I haven't seen it yet but this sounds like a story from "sicko" the new Micheal More movie playing at the Amherest Theatre I belive. Sometimes an abulance isn't paid for before it isn't life or death or sometimes they have to be preaproved. Insurance is all about the money when it should be about the people and then making money but often times it is backwards of how it should be. I'm not saying they shouldn't make a profit but they don't have to be greddy and put them getting a bigger check before the patients they are supposed to be serving.
I haven't seen it yet but this sounds like a story from "sicko" the new Micheal More movie playing at the Amherest Theatre I belive. Sometimes an abulance isn't paid for before it isn't life or death or sometimes they have to be preaproved. Insurance is all about the money when it should be about the people and then making money but often times it is backwards of how it should be. I'm not saying they shouldn't make a profit but they don't have to be greddy and put them getting a bigger check before the patients they are supposed to be serving.
07/01/2007 22:02 #39883
Dinner with the LandlordsI love dinner parties.
The crushing weight of social awkwardness which keeps me up at night pondering if it was rude to say hello to a neighbor two houses down while on his porch. Is there some sort of neighborly veil that separates the world of men and the world of porch dwellers? But at dinner parties. I can hold a glass and make a joke about Sri Lankin foreign policy in poetic form.
So, last night we had our landlords up for dinner. Not quite enough to make it a dinner party. Which reminds me, having my computer and only speakers in the office does no good for dinner music three rooms away. A good time was had by all.
I wanted to document a few things I was cooking. Most of the pictures I have taken lately are odd little abstractions, and I honestly needed the practice of... you know, making sure my subject was in focus. It is a lot easier to take an arty picture when no one has any idea what the heck it is you are photographing.
But, it must have been a sign from above that I am to continue snapping away the schmaltz I love so because our guests arived early. So I had to put the camera down and get all hard core kitchen wife on dinner.
The braised onions would have looked really cool. But they are all eaten now. The pork roast was a giant hunk of meat with rosemary and bit of garlic poking out of a crevice, so it wasn't that photogenic (it did look a bit like my uncle Pete though, no offense uncle, just after dropping it on the floor it had a mustache and a sexist joke).
So, here are a couple money shots of the asparagus before it was roasted.

The crushing weight of social awkwardness which keeps me up at night pondering if it was rude to say hello to a neighbor two houses down while on his porch. Is there some sort of neighborly veil that separates the world of men and the world of porch dwellers? But at dinner parties. I can hold a glass and make a joke about Sri Lankin foreign policy in poetic form.
So, last night we had our landlords up for dinner. Not quite enough to make it a dinner party. Which reminds me, having my computer and only speakers in the office does no good for dinner music three rooms away. A good time was had by all.
I wanted to document a few things I was cooking. Most of the pictures I have taken lately are odd little abstractions, and I honestly needed the practice of... you know, making sure my subject was in focus. It is a lot easier to take an arty picture when no one has any idea what the heck it is you are photographing.
But, it must have been a sign from above that I am to continue snapping away the schmaltz I love so because our guests arived early. So I had to put the camera down and get all hard core kitchen wife on dinner.
The braised onions would have looked really cool. But they are all eaten now. The pork roast was a giant hunk of meat with rosemary and bit of garlic poking out of a crevice, so it wasn't that photogenic (it did look a bit like my uncle Pete though, no offense uncle, just after dropping it on the floor it had a mustache and a sexist joke).
So, here are a couple money shots of the asparagus before it was roasted.

james - 07/02/07 08:32
Today on Dinner Party with James we will be talking about Iran's Machmud Abdinijhad's nuclear policy...
I don't even know what I just said, let's look at some baby goats!
Like heroin that preceded it, I am hooked on Cute with Chris now. I mean, come on! "Remember, kill your inner-child before it kills you" brilliant stuff.
Today on Dinner Party with James we will be talking about Iran's Machmud Abdinijhad's nuclear policy...
I don't even know what I just said, let's look at some baby goats!
Like heroin that preceded it, I am hooked on Cute with Chris now. I mean, come on! "Remember, kill your inner-child before it kills you" brilliant stuff.
fellyconnelly - 07/02/07 00:35
note to james: if ever i am involved in a dinner party with you please don't make jokes to me about sri lankan foreign policy. i think my brain would explode in trying to figure out which part of it is the joke...
lets talk about puppies and kittens instead. that i'm good at.
note to james: if ever i am involved in a dinner party with you please don't make jokes to me about sri lankan foreign policy. i think my brain would explode in trying to figure out which part of it is the joke...
lets talk about puppies and kittens instead. that i'm good at.
06/26/2007 15:06 #39814
More ThereminCategory: theremin
I was planning on editing my Theremin post down to just facts, after all it was just a crudely constructed fiction around little snippets of vaguely related fact. And then I found this video.
Enjoy children
I was planning on editing my Theremin post down to just facts, after all it was just a crudely constructed fiction around little snippets of vaguely related fact. And then I found this video.
Enjoy children
fellyconnelly - 06/27/07 11:30
james - i come from a one stop light town myself... cracker all the way. But in referring to the urban dictionary i can offer you a few definitions including
1. a term used to refer to a gangsta
2. A prefix given to a person who is held in extremely high regard. They are a g and they are money.
or the ever popular
3. verb - to take a wad of dollar bills and bitchslap someone across the face
james - i come from a one stop light town myself... cracker all the way. But in referring to the urban dictionary i can offer you a few definitions including
1. a term used to refer to a gangsta
2. A prefix given to a person who is held in extremely high regard. They are a g and they are money.
or the ever popular
3. verb - to take a wad of dollar bills and bitchslap someone across the face
james - 06/26/07 21:14
Felly: I am so white. So very square. I am from the suburbs, and these years of city living have no made me any more capable of understanding what a 'g money' is. Please pardon me.
Drew: You have me sir. I am capable of uttering a few hip phrases like a parrot: without substance or understanding. So, you lost me on something about a far out acid trip or another.
And did you say Fishbone? Bonin' in the Boneyard is one of my favorite songs, for reasons I don't want to get into.
Paul: I do not doubt (e:terry). But I have no idea what would make a person excel at the Theremin or not. Other than a good ear and a steady hand I am not sure what the qualifications are. You should check out ebay, there are always Theremin kits on there... hm... I know what I am doing when my tax refund finally gets here!
Felly: I am so white. So very square. I am from the suburbs, and these years of city living have no made me any more capable of understanding what a 'g money' is. Please pardon me.
Drew: You have me sir. I am capable of uttering a few hip phrases like a parrot: without substance or understanding. So, you lost me on something about a far out acid trip or another.
And did you say Fishbone? Bonin' in the Boneyard is one of my favorite songs, for reasons I don't want to get into.
Paul: I do not doubt (e:terry). But I have no idea what would make a person excel at the Theremin or not. Other than a good ear and a steady hand I am not sure what the qualifications are. You should check out ebay, there are always Theremin kits on there... hm... I know what I am doing when my tax refund finally gets here!
paul - 06/26/07 21:06
I really want to get one for (e:terry) - it seems like something he would be excellent at.
I really want to get one for (e:terry) - it seems like something he would be excellent at.
drew - 06/26/07 17:28
tru dat on da mad crazy yo trip.
tru dat fo sho.
Gonna look fo some Fishbone Theramin online. Seem to remember thier use of said instrument at a show.
thank you for making my day.
tru dat on da mad crazy yo trip.
tru dat fo sho.
Gonna look fo some Fishbone Theramin online. Seem to remember thier use of said instrument at a show.
thank you for making my day.
james - 06/26/07 16:30
Felly: it is an understatement, that shit was mad crazy yo.
Zobar: I hear it used a lot by various musicians, but the Theremin sound is almost always made electronically on a synthesizer now.
And the odd thing about it is that the great Theremin players are like the successors to Mohammed. There are only one or two and they probably have followers that hate each other. But I hear of concerts and recordings all over the place of bright young theremin stars. It is like film. A few original people who demand to be referred to as Herr Doctor and a thousnad other people more talented than them.
Felly: it is an understatement, that shit was mad crazy yo.
Zobar: I hear it used a lot by various musicians, but the Theremin sound is almost always made electronically on a synthesizer now.
And the odd thing about it is that the great Theremin players are like the successors to Mohammed. There are only one or two and they probably have followers that hate each other. But I hear of concerts and recordings all over the place of bright young theremin stars. It is like film. A few original people who demand to be referred to as Herr Doctor and a thousnad other people more talented than them.
zobar - 06/26/07 16:13
I've never heard a lead theremin in pop music before, unless you count the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion [he's not very good and it's not really a theremin].
I have "The Art of the Theremin," which is a collection of classical theremin/piano duets Clara Rockmore recorded with her sister. It was a widely held belief that Rockmore was the only person who would ever be able to play anything resembling music on a theremin [Leon Theremin included]. This, however, is TOTALLY FUCKING INSANE. I am going to go spooge all over this video now.
- Z
I've never heard a lead theremin in pop music before, unless you count the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion [he's not very good and it's not really a theremin].
I have "The Art of the Theremin," which is a collection of classical theremin/piano duets Clara Rockmore recorded with her sister. It was a widely held belief that Rockmore was the only person who would ever be able to play anything resembling music on a theremin [Leon Theremin included]. This, however, is TOTALLY FUCKING INSANE. I am going to go spooge all over this video now.
- Z
fellyconnelly - 06/26/07 15:47
wow... that thing is crazy... or is that redundant?
wow... that thing is crazy... or is that redundant?
06/26/2007 13:36 #39813
NPR: Why must you suck?Category: npr
I have to giggle,
When the National Review, the conservative magazine who gave a national voice to conservatives back when it was considered a social disease, sells out its founder William F Buckley, jr. you just know it is going to be a fun day for the media. (And for those who have opinions on such things, how awesome would a Bill Buckley/Gore Vidal fighting video game be?)
But chiming throughout the news of the hour on NPR this morning was talk of Al Quada. Not the warm fluffy Al Quada who is hiding meekly in caves licking their wounds, no, but the scary let's-take-Iraq-from-these-Democracy-lovers Al Quada.
You see, the term used by everyone until recently was insurgents. Insurgents. A nice term. A neutral term upon which we can afix our own private fears and expectations. But, as the war becomes less popular than a Three's Company spin off it is necessary to wag the dog in a different sort of way, a handjob from your grandmother that is so good you have to pretend it isn't your grandmother sort of way.
So bam, suddenly the insurgents are all gone and the White House has been using the term Al Quada to replace it. Just like magic. It is such a bold faced lie, so factless that surly respected media outlets wouldn't use it, right?
No... please back away from the kool-aid
But hey, to make it up to me they ran a story about how an evangelical Christian magically turned himself from gay to straight. As if he found the philosophers stone and poosh! Went from glitter to gold.
That isn't news folks. Any more than it would be if I convinced myself I was no longer human but unicorn.
Well, if your childhood was as reclusive and dull as mine was you probably know that unicorns have the ability to sense virgins (no, really). And NPR, your doe-eyed wonder today indicates you are in a painful need to get your cherry obliterated. May I suggest Sylvia Pajolie and Nina Totenberg in a rub full of My*T*Fine pudding?
No, Vanilla would do nicely, but thank you NPR for the suggestion.
When the National Review, the conservative magazine who gave a national voice to conservatives back when it was considered a social disease, sells out its founder William F Buckley, jr. you just know it is going to be a fun day for the media. (And for those who have opinions on such things, how awesome would a Bill Buckley/Gore Vidal fighting video game be?)
But chiming throughout the news of the hour on NPR this morning was talk of Al Quada. Not the warm fluffy Al Quada who is hiding meekly in caves licking their wounds, no, but the scary let's-take-Iraq-from-these-Democracy-lovers Al Quada.
You see, the term used by everyone until recently was insurgents. Insurgents. A nice term. A neutral term upon which we can afix our own private fears and expectations. But, as the war becomes less popular than a Three's Company spin off it is necessary to wag the dog in a different sort of way, a handjob from your grandmother that is so good you have to pretend it isn't your grandmother sort of way.
So bam, suddenly the insurgents are all gone and the White House has been using the term Al Quada to replace it. Just like magic. It is such a bold faced lie, so factless that surly respected media outlets wouldn't use it, right?
No... please back away from the kool-aid
But hey, to make it up to me they ran a story about how an evangelical Christian magically turned himself from gay to straight. As if he found the philosophers stone and poosh! Went from glitter to gold.
That isn't news folks. Any more than it would be if I convinced myself I was no longer human but unicorn.
Well, if your childhood was as reclusive and dull as mine was you probably know that unicorns have the ability to sense virgins (no, really). And NPR, your doe-eyed wonder today indicates you are in a painful need to get your cherry obliterated. May I suggest Sylvia Pajolie and Nina Totenberg in a rub full of My*T*Fine pudding?
No, Vanilla would do nicely, but thank you NPR for the suggestion.
drew - 06/26/07 17:22
yeah, that was nasty enough for me to do a double take. How does one get to that point?
Bummer about NPR. still the best thing on the air though.
yeah, that was nasty enough for me to do a double take. How does one get to that point?
Bummer about NPR. still the best thing on the air though.
james - 06/26/07 16:23
Much like Dante who caused a stir in the medeival literary world for writing not in latin but in the vernacular Italian of his day, so too do you revive an elderly and dying art by using words like shit. So, rock on Felly! Give it to em Dante style.
Ya, I forget what I write sometimes, so... I am a little barfy myself now.
Much like Dante who caused a stir in the medeival literary world for writing not in latin but in the vernacular Italian of his day, so too do you revive an elderly and dying art by using words like shit. So, rock on Felly! Give it to em Dante style.
Ya, I forget what I write sometimes, so... I am a little barfy myself now.
fellyconnelly - 06/26/07 15:52
oh and the bit about grandmothers and hand jobs made me a bit queasy...
oh and the bit about grandmothers and hand jobs made me a bit queasy...
fellyconnelly - 06/26/07 15:51
planet unicorn HEY! (i really wish that song would leave me forever so i could actually have intellegant meaningful conversation instead of that damn evil song)
NPR has been in decline for a long time now. It just floors me the number of people who actually beleive all this shit. (yeah i used a naughty word.. thats just how serious i am!)
planet unicorn HEY! (i really wish that song would leave me forever so i could actually have intellegant meaningful conversation instead of that damn evil song)
NPR has been in decline for a long time now. It just floors me the number of people who actually beleive all this shit. (yeah i used a naughty word.. thats just how serious i am!)
james - 06/26/07 14:56
Tip O The Hat goes out to Jason for his eagle like editor's eyes.
Tip O The Hat goes out to Jason for his eagle like editor's eyes.
jason - 06/26/07 13:44
Hold on there mate, The Nation is an uber-lib rag. The National Review is Buckley's rag.
Hold on there mate, The Nation is an uber-lib rag. The National Review is Buckley's rag.
thats like Posh Nosh. Ever see that show on PBS?
Posh Nosh, its probably on youtube or something
hey thats how i cook!