What to do, what to do.
The owners of most of the homes on my block live on those homes. They aren't sleazy slum lords who live on Long Island and rent until the house burns down in a bong-bloomed blaze. There are just a couple of houses filled with obnoxious college students.
Now, I may not be a spring chicken (I am an human worm android infact) but I remember those college days of carefree parties and a foolhardy sense of immortality. Loud parties with Jock-Jams soundtracks are understandable. They are the very stuff of youthful indiscretions we laugh at when older and wiser.
But for the love of dog anus, must you break beer bottles all over the place?
I don't know? Who cleans up broken glass infront of your house. Well, it is close to the curb so the garbage men must pick it up, right? Maybe our slumlords who last visited Buffalo when steel plants were open and 'talkies' were the wonder of motion pictures.
I mean, do you notice that your frat paradise is right next door to a home full of children? Too bad little billy fell off his skateboard and shredded his face on your sidewalk.
Well, accidents happen. They do. But clean it up.
Soon, very soon. There will come a time when I will pick up glass and beer bottles. And it will go to a place you never knew you loved so dearly.
James's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/05/2007 22:46 #39936
Beer Bottles: My name is fear!07/04/2007 21:15 #39916
Independence Day, not the bad movie.Category: 4th of july
You know what I find super cool about our Independence day?
Other nations celebrate their independence with the day they stormed a Bastille, or lopped off some head, or won some battle. But here in America, it is the day we signed a document a year after the fighting had begun.
Our independence is linked not to the comings and goings of power and the nation state, rather it is indelibly linked to a set of ideas. Ideas that even the founding generations found contentious and are even debated to this day. Women, for example, are not constitutionally made equal to men and an amendment to such has been debated in congress nearly every session since the 1920's. In a sense, this revolution is still going on. Not being made of armies and generals there is not point of 'mission accomplished'.
In terms of how we recognize our nationhood we are a nation of ideas; other nations are those of wars.
So why in the name of fuck's ugly grand daughter are drunken men throwing little colorful explosives in the air?
Or, more importantly, why are they doing it before it is dark out? You can hardly see them and are scaring the neighbors dog.
Have a few more beers, wait a few more hours, and when your alcohol thined blood is dripping on the floor of the local emergency room remember, those bullets fired and lives sacrificed do not make our nation. But the freedom to blow up your beer bottle in your hand does.
Good night, and Hern bless America.
Other nations celebrate their independence with the day they stormed a Bastille, or lopped off some head, or won some battle. But here in America, it is the day we signed a document a year after the fighting had begun.
Our independence is linked not to the comings and goings of power and the nation state, rather it is indelibly linked to a set of ideas. Ideas that even the founding generations found contentious and are even debated to this day. Women, for example, are not constitutionally made equal to men and an amendment to such has been debated in congress nearly every session since the 1920's. In a sense, this revolution is still going on. Not being made of armies and generals there is not point of 'mission accomplished'.
In terms of how we recognize our nationhood we are a nation of ideas; other nations are those of wars.
So why in the name of fuck's ugly grand daughter are drunken men throwing little colorful explosives in the air?
Or, more importantly, why are they doing it before it is dark out? You can hardly see them and are scaring the neighbors dog.
Have a few more beers, wait a few more hours, and when your alcohol thined blood is dripping on the floor of the local emergency room remember, those bullets fired and lives sacrificed do not make our nation. But the freedom to blow up your beer bottle in your hand does.
Good night, and Hern bless America.
fellyconnelly - 07/06/07 11:47
as far as i'm concerned, independance day is about summer, barbeques and beer. that is all...
as far as i'm concerned, independance day is about summer, barbeques and beer. that is all...
museumchick - 07/05/07 14:38
I agree that our independence is intrinsically linked to ideas. I think part of why we have lasted so long was the fact that there was no "universal ideas". It was more of a dialectic of ideas (federalist and antifederalist)that somehow met at the same point through compromise. The founding fathers seemed to be conscious of the need for the government to grow and change.
I agree that our independence is intrinsically linked to ideas. I think part of why we have lasted so long was the fact that there was no "universal ideas". It was more of a dialectic of ideas (federalist and antifederalist)that somehow met at the same point through compromise. The founding fathers seemed to be conscious of the need for the government to grow and change.
libertad - 07/05/07 11:10
Speaking of fireworks and the 4th, I have mixed feelings. I like fireworks, but at the same time they are disturbing and scary. Some people equate the 4th of July with troops fighting in Iraq, and that without them we wouldn't be able to celebrate Independence Day. Ok fine, if that is what you believe fine, but we are going to honor them by setting off explosives triggering PTSD panic? I could think of nothing more cruel or unusual.
Speaking of fireworks and the 4th, I have mixed feelings. I like fireworks, but at the same time they are disturbing and scary. Some people equate the 4th of July with troops fighting in Iraq, and that without them we wouldn't be able to celebrate Independence Day. Ok fine, if that is what you believe fine, but we are going to honor them by setting off explosives triggering PTSD panic? I could think of nothing more cruel or unusual.
james - 07/05/07 11:06
de Tocqueville FTW!!!1!
I have had to read his work for a few classes but ended up reading Democracy in America in its entirety because the excerpts were so damn good.
It always irritated me when people apply 21st century ideals to older thinkers. Dead people make such easy targets. Besides, America's impoverished class is made up mostly of those minorities that couldn't assimilate all those years ago. So, not much is different now than it was then, even the then first class penal system he came to America to study.
so, here here good sir.
de Tocqueville FTW!!!1!
I have had to read his work for a few classes but ended up reading Democracy in America in its entirety because the excerpts were so damn good.
It always irritated me when people apply 21st century ideals to older thinkers. Dead people make such easy targets. Besides, America's impoverished class is made up mostly of those minorities that couldn't assimilate all those years ago. So, not much is different now than it was then, even the then first class penal system he came to America to study.
so, here here good sir.
joshua - 07/05/07 09:50
This is an admirable way of looking at things and I agree in principle that what sets us apart from other countries is our obsession with "the American experiment" and how it is continually evolving.
Alexis de Tocqueville, who was traveling through the US in the early-mid 1830's, was one who ended up writing what I think is a truly brilliant analysis of American democracy, and although we're 170 years or so removed from the times much of what he wrote seemed almost prophetic. The ideals were correct, although some of what he wrote was fairly racist, which he gets criticized for I think unfairly since in the context of times I don't think ANYBODY felt that black folks or native Americans could assimilate into American society. That sort of line of thinking has proven to be wrong but his writings on American society are startling.
This is an admirable way of looking at things and I agree in principle that what sets us apart from other countries is our obsession with "the American experiment" and how it is continually evolving.
Alexis de Tocqueville, who was traveling through the US in the early-mid 1830's, was one who ended up writing what I think is a truly brilliant analysis of American democracy, and although we're 170 years or so removed from the times much of what he wrote seemed almost prophetic. The ideals were correct, although some of what he wrote was fairly racist, which he gets criticized for I think unfairly since in the context of times I don't think ANYBODY felt that black folks or native Americans could assimilate into American society. That sort of line of thinking has proven to be wrong but his writings on American society are startling.
07/03/2007 21:31 #39902
For Your Patriotic ConsiderationA clip from the movie Groove Tube
kookcity2000 - 07/04/07 11:04
thats like Posh Nosh. Ever see that show on PBS?
Posh Nosh, its probably on youtube or something
thats like Posh Nosh. Ever see that show on PBS?
Posh Nosh, its probably on youtube or something
fellyconnelly - 07/04/07 10:52
hey thats how i cook!
hey thats how i cook!
07/02/2007 18:11 #39889
Health Insurance, eat my balls.Category: insurance
Apparently New York state health insurance sucks!
They covered my hospital trip minus $50 no problem. But the ambulance ride which cost more than the ER and resulted in a mis-diagnoses is not covered by it. Ya, apparently the unconscious diabetic with low blood sugar is having a bit of a drug overdose... When there are no drugs to be found.
What annoys me is that the insurance is for low income people, such as myself. I guess if taking the bus to work is good enough so is taking it to the hospital for a gun shot wound.
My medicine costs less than my monthly bill. The total I will spend this year on medicine, doctors visits, and my one hospitalization will all cost less than what I pay them, and I am an expensive guy to insure. So, well, I guess they would loose too much money paying for ambulance services. After all, if they are still making money off someone expensive like me imagine how much they are pulling in on perfectly healthy specimens.
I feel like I am paying a mob boss protection money. Only, he isn't threatening to break my legs. He is letting me know that on the off chance that I do break my leg, saw off a finger, get hit by a car, I am shit out of luck if I don't pay him.
Well, to put it as succinctly and poignantly as possible, fuck you.
They covered my hospital trip minus $50 no problem. But the ambulance ride which cost more than the ER and resulted in a mis-diagnoses is not covered by it. Ya, apparently the unconscious diabetic with low blood sugar is having a bit of a drug overdose... When there are no drugs to be found.
What annoys me is that the insurance is for low income people, such as myself. I guess if taking the bus to work is good enough so is taking it to the hospital for a gun shot wound.
My medicine costs less than my monthly bill. The total I will spend this year on medicine, doctors visits, and my one hospitalization will all cost less than what I pay them, and I am an expensive guy to insure. So, well, I guess they would loose too much money paying for ambulance services. After all, if they are still making money off someone expensive like me imagine how much they are pulling in on perfectly healthy specimens.
I feel like I am paying a mob boss protection money. Only, he isn't threatening to break my legs. He is letting me know that on the off chance that I do break my leg, saw off a finger, get hit by a car, I am shit out of luck if I don't pay him.
Well, to put it as succinctly and poignantly as possible, fuck you.
jason - 07/03/07 12:50
It's government health care. What do you expect, quality?
It's government health care. What do you expect, quality?
metalpeter - 07/02/07 18:55
I haven't seen it yet but this sounds like a story from "sicko" the new Micheal More movie playing at the Amherest Theatre I belive. Sometimes an abulance isn't paid for before it isn't life or death or sometimes they have to be preaproved. Insurance is all about the money when it should be about the people and then making money but often times it is backwards of how it should be. I'm not saying they shouldn't make a profit but they don't have to be greddy and put them getting a bigger check before the patients they are supposed to be serving.
I haven't seen it yet but this sounds like a story from "sicko" the new Micheal More movie playing at the Amherest Theatre I belive. Sometimes an abulance isn't paid for before it isn't life or death or sometimes they have to be preaproved. Insurance is all about the money when it should be about the people and then making money but often times it is backwards of how it should be. I'm not saying they shouldn't make a profit but they don't have to be greddy and put them getting a bigger check before the patients they are supposed to be serving.
07/01/2007 22:02 #39883
Dinner with the LandlordsI love dinner parties.
The crushing weight of social awkwardness which keeps me up at night pondering if it was rude to say hello to a neighbor two houses down while on his porch. Is there some sort of neighborly veil that separates the world of men and the world of porch dwellers? But at dinner parties. I can hold a glass and make a joke about Sri Lankin foreign policy in poetic form.
So, last night we had our landlords up for dinner. Not quite enough to make it a dinner party. Which reminds me, having my computer and only speakers in the office does no good for dinner music three rooms away. A good time was had by all.
I wanted to document a few things I was cooking. Most of the pictures I have taken lately are odd little abstractions, and I honestly needed the practice of... you know, making sure my subject was in focus. It is a lot easier to take an arty picture when no one has any idea what the heck it is you are photographing.
But, it must have been a sign from above that I am to continue snapping away the schmaltz I love so because our guests arived early. So I had to put the camera down and get all hard core kitchen wife on dinner.
The braised onions would have looked really cool. But they are all eaten now. The pork roast was a giant hunk of meat with rosemary and bit of garlic poking out of a crevice, so it wasn't that photogenic (it did look a bit like my uncle Pete though, no offense uncle, just after dropping it on the floor it had a mustache and a sexist joke).
So, here are a couple money shots of the asparagus before it was roasted.

The crushing weight of social awkwardness which keeps me up at night pondering if it was rude to say hello to a neighbor two houses down while on his porch. Is there some sort of neighborly veil that separates the world of men and the world of porch dwellers? But at dinner parties. I can hold a glass and make a joke about Sri Lankin foreign policy in poetic form.
So, last night we had our landlords up for dinner. Not quite enough to make it a dinner party. Which reminds me, having my computer and only speakers in the office does no good for dinner music three rooms away. A good time was had by all.
I wanted to document a few things I was cooking. Most of the pictures I have taken lately are odd little abstractions, and I honestly needed the practice of... you know, making sure my subject was in focus. It is a lot easier to take an arty picture when no one has any idea what the heck it is you are photographing.
But, it must have been a sign from above that I am to continue snapping away the schmaltz I love so because our guests arived early. So I had to put the camera down and get all hard core kitchen wife on dinner.
The braised onions would have looked really cool. But they are all eaten now. The pork roast was a giant hunk of meat with rosemary and bit of garlic poking out of a crevice, so it wasn't that photogenic (it did look a bit like my uncle Pete though, no offense uncle, just after dropping it on the floor it had a mustache and a sexist joke).
So, here are a couple money shots of the asparagus before it was roasted.

james - 07/02/07 08:32
Today on Dinner Party with James we will be talking about Iran's Machmud Abdinijhad's nuclear policy...
I don't even know what I just said, let's look at some baby goats!
Like heroin that preceded it, I am hooked on Cute with Chris now. I mean, come on! "Remember, kill your inner-child before it kills you" brilliant stuff.
Today on Dinner Party with James we will be talking about Iran's Machmud Abdinijhad's nuclear policy...
I don't even know what I just said, let's look at some baby goats!
Like heroin that preceded it, I am hooked on Cute with Chris now. I mean, come on! "Remember, kill your inner-child before it kills you" brilliant stuff.
fellyconnelly - 07/02/07 00:35
note to james: if ever i am involved in a dinner party with you please don't make jokes to me about sri lankan foreign policy. i think my brain would explode in trying to figure out which part of it is the joke...
lets talk about puppies and kittens instead. that i'm good at.
note to james: if ever i am involved in a dinner party with you please don't make jokes to me about sri lankan foreign policy. i think my brain would explode in trying to figure out which part of it is the joke...
lets talk about puppies and kittens instead. that i'm good at.
how about a note in said frat house's mail box.
"I do not have a problem with your parties, but if you do not start cleaning up your beer bottles and broken glass after your parties, i will call the police every time i hear any type of gathering at your house"
or something of the like. if they won't be considerate, threaten them. they love that.
yes, it is very unfortunate. Maybe its just me but i have really been noticing the lack of consideration amongst people in general, all across the board. It amazes me, the number of problems that could be solved, and the accidents that could be prevented, if people only started being more considerate towards others.