"GPL-licensed software can't be sold for profit; you can only charge enough to cover "reasonable" distribution costs." -- (e:ajay)
Can't vs Won't
Ya, if people fucking admit to using it. I can't tell you how much stuff I have seen other graphic designers and web programmer's rip off of true open source projects and projects where the source was just laying around, re-package and sell for ridiculous amounts of money.
Clients do not know the difference between open source code and not open source code, that is why they are hiring a web programmer. To freelancing web programmers, time is money and to them there is no higher authority who has to evaluate the legitimacy of their code. Simply put, people take the open source code, put a new look on it an resell it for commercial purposes. If you are a web programmer and don't believe this is happening you are crazy or in denial.
Opensourcing Tools
I am totally for open source on many things I do. Especially tools. In fact I regularly contribute useful sourcecode to other groups of programmers.
Most of the client side magic is done with my surebert flash/javascript toolkit and that is opensource.

I feel that a web programmer should make those things on their own, as I did with estrip or use something way easy like all the yahoo community building stuff - which by the way is great. Taking the tools I created surebert and surebert framework and the tools someone else created e.g. PHP, javascript, etc. it is a simple step to create estrip.
It has little to do with security as it did when I wrote that so long ago and much more to do with I don't want anyone else to use surebert journals (which estrip is an instance of). It takes like 30 seconds to create a new instance of estrip for another place and that is quick enough to be commercially useful. Back in 2004 we tried this with

I don't want anyone to make any commercial anything out of the estrip system ever. I created as a response to all the commercial systems out there. Not to mention that the fact that it was my master's thesis at UB means that they probably would claim rights on it anyways, if it ever became anything.
Like Chicken Wings
To make it a Buffalo analogy. Call me pretentious but I feel like me giving away estrip as a single, installable source package is akin to the Anchor Bar giving away their famous chicken wing sauce recipe. Then everyone would just use it and be the original Buffalo Chicken Wings and worse yet they could make it commercial. Even if I tell them they have to put a note on it saying I made it, and not use it for anything commercial, who is to stop them from putting their own label on it and just ignoring that. I basically don't have time to taste every sauce and see if it's my flavor.
Not Just Commercial Derivatives
Frankly, it's not just commercial projects, I just don't want any derivative works created even if they were non-commercial. I hate the thought of creating publication software that can be used for communities I don't want to help. I mean what if someone made an anti-gay community using my software. I just don't even want to go there.
In fact, I really don't want it to be used for similar communities in other places. I feel it is part of what makes it unique is that it is not just another vBulletin, yahoo group, myspace friend clique, livejournal group, instance of the same thing that everyone else has.
I know people can make things exactly the same or better, and I encourage them to, but they will have to put the time and effort into that.
At Work
When roswell asked me for a similar system

While estrip took me several years to fully develop it took me only a month to build yRoswell because I am a much better programmer and because surebert toolkit and the surebert framework were already there. Not to mention that PHP is just so much better now than it was in version 3 and 4. Bye, bye procedural madness.
Need New Features
However, if you have feature requests feel free to email me and I can see what can be done about it. Can't promise they will be done tomorrow or ever, but at least they end up in the list.
ya, it's :::link::: still there. you typed a slash instead of a dot.
I thought of that thing you talked about a few months back with surebert and work.
You are not pretentious, man. To be honest if I were in your shoes I don't think I'd handle it any differently. There is a difference between "your baby" and contributing freely to open source projects that are meant specifically for community cooperation and development.
Maybe I will change my mind later.