(e:lilho) helped me paint and cut the bushes at the rental property so I promised her I would go dress shopping to get her party dress for our party this Friday - everyone is invited
(e:lilho,39406) .
At the same time I promised
(e:terry) I would pick him up from work. And
(e:terry) promised
(e:matthew) we would go out to eat. So seeing as
(e:terry) works near the galleria, we decided to try the Cheesecake Factory - big freakin' mistake. I was definitely the worst dining experience of my life and the other patrons around us.
But first the other stuff.
Did anyone hear the implosion conducted by

Dykon this morning of the Kaleida Building on 50 High Street - about a block away from us. If I hadn't gotten a warning email from Roswell, I would have probably had a heart attack this morning at 6:00am when the implosion went off. It was everything I imagined an earthquake would be.
Here is a better pic of the Wegman's Gellato. It tastes even better than it looks and it is very inexpensive compared to the place on Hertel. The kiddie size is plenty for me and it costs only $1.79.
And onto ants? Is this an ant, maybe a queen ant? It was trolling around in our front lawn the other day. I wanted to change the film speed so I could get a better pic but it was moving so fast I had no time.
At the Mall
I ate apple gum balls outside the apple store. They were yummy but ine dropped on the floor and some Police laughed at me. I hope
(e:Carolinian) is right about the macbook pro upgrade at the WWDC, I cannot wait to own a new one.
The mall is so freaking full of gay porn looking advertisements. I was drawn up this guys short legs and into Hollister.
(e:Terry) got a cowboy shirt. So I guess it worked.
(e:lilho) got a dress at a store called "Forever Under 21", they had these crazy plastic shoes.
I had a conversation with someone (can't remember who) last week about seashell balls and they didn't know what I was talking about - this is what I meant whoever you are.
Back to the Cheesecake Factory in the Galleria
First of all it's not worth it to go to an expensive restaurant that serves like 300 people. There are so many expensive restaurants that can give you really great food and service and that is bound to suffer when trying to serve so many people. I hated it so much there are no pictures of the food!
I also don't like how close you have to sit to other people. I felt like I was in a cafeteria, even though it was visually pleasing to look at.
Waiting to Order
But still I think our waitress was probably the slowest, deafest, rudest, most incompetent waitress I have ever had. When we first got there, the girls next to us ordered cheesecake. After waiting what seemed like an eternity they got the wrong flavor. I thought, okay no big deal but after another 20 minutes went by with no water or drinks I was getting really irritated.
The menus
Then came the menus. Now you all know how I feel about advertising but this is sent me over the edge. At a place where a meal costs ~$20 per plate, it is outrageously tacky to have every other page of the menu be a full page color advertisement. Now lets pretend for a second they were advertisements for other restaurants owned by the same people or even food, or even the mall - but they were not. There was an advertisement for plastic surgery and cruises. Plastic fucking surgery. Who is like, "yes I would like a double order of chocolate fudge pie - and honey maybe we can schedule me an appointment for a face life tomorrow?"
The people on the other side
As we go over the menu, the couple next to us freaks out because the guy ordered pork and it was raw in the middle. Raw, I saw it, it was raw - it was pork. I think we learned in home economics in middle school that pork should never be raw because of trichinosis.
The girl's brocolli was also not cooked. At least that is safe. The manager comes over they get comped.
The Appetziers
They were delicious at least something worked. At this point
(e:terry) order a second beer ($6.50 each)
The food
So the food arrives and all the pasta is really overcooked. Like so overcooked it is a ball of dough again.
(E:lilho)'s was definately the worst. I mean if you paid like $5 for it you could overlook it. But when you paid $19.50 for a pasta meal and it is disgusting, that is actionable. So
(e:lilho) requeste dthe waitress who requested the manager. He gave us this whole spiel about how at the cheesecake factory everything is of utmost quality, blah blah. Then he offers
(e:lilho) a new meal. She agress but says, just don't have them spit in it. At that point he goes into disaster recovery mode and kneels down to tell us about ho there are camera everywhere and that could never happen. She is like, it happens everywhere and he leaves to go get her a new meal.
The Water
Finally, the water comes. I am almost done with my meal at this point. She also says to
(e:terry) - "let me check and see if that beer is ready." As if it had to brew.
So she brings us the fucking advertisment leaflet again to see if we want any dessert at this point. Seeing we are at the cheesecake factory, eLilho wants cheesecake but the waitress never coes back for so long that
(e:lilho) just went up and ordered it for herself at the dessert counter.
The Waitress
So the waitress finally comes back with the bill and get this. The beer
(e:terry) ordered before the meal came. But what made that even more fun was that the beer was on the bill 4 times. Yes 4x $6.50 even though he only had two and one had just arrived after the bill. When he questioned the woman, she says - I at least brought you three. We were indeed very angry at this point, so the manager came back and the waitress left crying and with a $5 tip on $120 meal - and that is with
(e:lilho) getting her meal comped and the 2 beers being removed - and minus the cheesecake which was paid separately.
I a never eating in a chain restaurant like that again. If I want to drop that kind of cash on a meal, I will most certainly choose Left Bank, The ChopHouse, Hutches, frankly anywhere else.

They can't even bother to have their website set up.
Saeed, Amir
5520 west 190th St # 210
Torrance, CA 90503
i love the title of this...
Well, they were right on one account
1) you rock
other than that...