I have been so busy this week. We are almost ready for the launch of the new young adult health care blogging site. I will save all the details for the launch but it is a technical advance from estrip. I hope to integrate stuff back downstream soon.
Today is Wednesday, October 2nd 1985
Dear mike,
We are learning to round off a nubber. Find the place look next door. If the neghbor is five or more, raise the place. 659->700. The buffalo bills have a new coach. DO ou think the bills will win now maby he will be beter maby not. I'm not sure but I'll find out britty soon.
Apparently, the old coach of the bills sucked because an overwhelming majority voted it would improve with the new coach. I mean only 1 voted no.
Today is Thursday, October 3rd
Dear Mike,
We took a poll through or journals. The question was, "Do you think the bills will win now that they have a new coach?" (Coach Bulough) There were 16 replies, We made a graph. The results were: 12 yes, 1 no, 3 wait and see.
Attach Graph!
Today is Friday, October 4th 1985
Dear Mike,
We took another poll. Now all the students have voted. So we have another graph!. Will the bill win now that they have a new coach, bullough?
12 said yes ************
3 said no ***
8 said wait and see ********
We I think the turtle pet idea stuck. Maybe because I am allergic to all other animals. I have had like 6 turtle and the current tortoise is supposed to last the rest of my life.
Today is Monday, October 7th, 1985
Over the weekend I wacht muppet babies I went too my cousoun Jenny and chistina. I played vityo games. It was fun I went t imy grandparents house we went to the contery and got applesidder It was good I had a really good time I really like turtle. I ite buy one at pet lovers paradise they are $2.95
Random Day
Today is eating in the room day. If I am an "all star" for behavior and Work, I not only eat in the room, but I also get my nae on the weekly star board, get a good grade and become a helper to miself, the class and mrs c.p.s. Everyone gets at least one turn to eat in the class room
You are an all-star!
We are having a corn kernle contest. We guess how many thousand, hundred, tens and ones. The students who guess the closes to the real nubber wins. I think there are 2485. Last night I did my siens project is all the water suppost to sink all the way down.
That depends. The sand soaks up more water than the clay soil.
I was clearly programmed to say this. There are so many writings about school taxes in my box.
Today is October 15, 1985
School taxes are due. I think School taxes...are ok cause because I don't have to pay. We need them so the school can go on. They are not fun to pay at all. I wonder wat what my parents think of it, taxes at any rate at all ?
Good thinking, write an edited copy of it.
I really stopped writing the dates on a lot of these. I like my software blog just does it for me now.
Random Date In october 1985
Over the week end I went to my grandmother's house I had a good tie we cleaned he cuberds I was fun got a soda maker I'm going to make it today IT will be fun I will make a shake with these flaver's banna cookei vento choclet and milk. There are such interesting things in grandmas cupboards, Yummy!
I wish cooking was really as easy as reading. Now I think attention span is equally important to reading the instructions. It is one thing to put something in a frying pan to fry, it is another thing to remember you put it there and take it out before it burns.
All this sport talk. I know fro a later journal that I never played sports so who is feeding me all the sports info. It surely was no my dad. I don't ever remember talking about baseball with him.
October 16th, 1985
Dear Mike,
MSpiners Reading Groop made MRs. Birdies bread for the class. First they read over the entire recipe to get the idea of what you do. Then they fowlolowed the direcshones step by step. If you can read, you can cook. I like the smell of the bread but best of all I like the tast.
The results of the corn kernel contest are in. Would you belive there are 8,435 kernels. Now we have two more jar's of kernnales. That's about 8,000+ 8,000 + 8,000 = 24,000 kernales. We are going to estimate WOW!
The world series is here. It begins Saturday. The Kansas City Royales laegue will play the St Louis Cardinails fromt he National league. Both teams are from Missourri. I a cheering... for the Cardinails.
Wow, this one is a long one. I was really impressed with this trip to the forest. I can still remember it now. I think it is what got me interested in hiking and camping as a life long hobby. Weird how certain things can have such an impact.
Today is October 21st, 1985
Over the weekend I wacted tv on saterday I wacked muppet babyes and I wacted wastes and I wachted a lot more and on sonday I went so far I went past Bosten, NY. We went 5 towns past Boston NY we went up a hill it went kervey up it then it went up down up down about ten times. then we saw a house it had a guesebow in a the back and a brige over a lake the house locked like a manchen my mom wanted it every there looked rich then we saw a forest we went in it we got pretty leafs and a few plants I brought them to school today and on the way back we bought gum and a litle candy at a tops in the middle of nowhere! It was fun on the way home we saw a lot of forests and me and my littel brother ate all the candy the we got home and I read about math in my dad book. It was funny. The math was like this w- B+1xB3=w34 then I looked at knots It was fun I did the balaknot I did it with rop and the square know and all sorts of other knots then I wacht Murder She Rote a guy named dammanded money and another guy kild him then I read about the atomic bom and a forest fire kovred the sun for two days in 1953 I played a gae of scavenger hunt and I won It is a fun game my dad alwease says he will win but I allwease do he never wins he never makes it home it is a bord game and on friday my grandparent's cae over I went to the gymnastics now I can do a front hand spring and a front walk over and a front limber and a back limber and now I can do a somersalt on the hi bar. The Bills won their first game of the season 21 to 9. The saint louis cardinals have won two games of the world best of 7 wins.
P.S. Well acksally my brother gobbled up all the candy.
OKAY THIS ONE IS THE WINNER - Who taught me about inflated candy prices ALso dodes anyone else remember M5 gym. It was so sweet. They would play 80s music and set up all these fun jungle gym stations, etc then you would have liek a minute at each station to complete it. I think I liked it because it was not a competitive sport.
Today is October 22 1985
Dear Mike,
Yesterday we played candy store and used play money to buy candy at inflated prices (like in europe) We still have football gumball to buy but for that we need work cents, when we complete our work for the week, we get it? M5 gym was a lot of fun.
Utilities included? Hell, I'd move over
wow... $575 for a 3 bedroom is a pretty good deal! of course i'm coming from the land of $700 rooms in a house...
Maybe when winter was over the pulled down the plastic then realised people could see in so they covered the windows quickly. I know somepeople will use the paper as a way to cover windows so people don't see in. Not that I'm looking for a place but would I be correct to assume that even though you only talked about your one bad tenets that the other ones are good, Or is it all one house and not to apartments?
maybe they're painting on the inside now?