It seems after years of daily dedication to my journal I am at some weird point in my life where I have nothing to say. Okay that is not true as I am still writing. I used to write in my journal multiple time every day for years but really who wants to see more pictures of inside roswell or at my house. Don't worry there are pictures at the end of this.
The truth is I never go anywhere or do anything interesting much anymore. I don't barely leave the 5 minute radius around my house. As soon as the weather gets warmer I am sure things will change so drastically. I remember what it was like occupying my life with housing building tasks. There is lots of stripping and building to do. I am sure I can occupy much of my time with making my house sweeter.
In the mean time everything exciting seems kind of at a standstill. I think I just might have settled or something. I have everything I ever wanted now and I am bored with it a bit. Who complains about that? I should really look on the bright side. Maybe it is just season disorder or the fact that I worked way too many hours this week. Maybe if I owned a projector. That's what I keep telling myself. I really need a projector to expand my horizons.
On the programming front I am bored too. I think I am burned out with content management. I am more interested in data mining, social networking and visualization. I am tired of other people making web design/programming decisions based on bullshit. Someone actually, I am not joking, asked me for a website with a scrolling marquee today. It felt so 1997.
I hope I am not at one of the moments where I change career paths again. I doubt it only because I am so comfortable and complacent doing what I do, I am well compensated and I have little interest in leaving the city.
Unlike everyone else, I am definately not trying to escape to a bigger city with more to do. I mean even if there were more exciting things to do, like in another larger, warmer city - I would not do them. I don't even like going out much. I frankly, just want to feel like I am part of something slightly more exiciting content management, even if it is for a good cause. I suppose working with
(e:enknot) makes content management seem fun.
So here are some things going on.
1. I miss twisted. I just wish we lived together. think I might be going back to San Francisco in march for another conference. Let's hope that works out. Next time it is her turn to come here. PErhaps on the way back from italy?
2. I love linux. I am never going back to windows ever on my personal computers and seeing as they will be on vista for the next 20 years or so, it won't be that hard to just say no, if I make it past this month.
3. Tomorrow, Josephine Anstey and some students are coming by to talk about web programming and online pervasive games. This is something I am very interested in. Sometimes I am still angry that I did not become a professor. I guess there is always the future and there are many other careers I would rather have.
4. Speaking of which I miss jesse, jesse. What ever happend to him. Did he get eaten by China? Maybe Josephine will know.
5. On closing, here are some pictures from my phone, I was cleaning it out in hopes of starting to take new pictures and going back to journaling.
Mike getting hammered, lol
Eating haddock today at Roswell. I have eaten so much fish recently, this one almost killed me. I had three isnatnces of almsot swalling a bone followed by one really sharp one stabbing through my gums. That is a really unpleasant feeling. I wonder if the fish are trying to just say no.
Here is one left over pic from the ice storm. It is not the pretty kindwith the fancy camera but the low res kind with the cell phone. It still was pretty neat.
The mice that were makign us all crazy and doing things like this seems to be gone. The "humane" traps worked really good to trap them so we could kill them. Ironic as it may be, it beats having to spray or put poison everywhere. I would rather die from the mice and the poison.
Like at this place on elmwood. Are they going to knock it down soon. It seems liek such a health hazzard and it is on some of the most prime real estate in the city. I just don't get how it exists there empty and abondoned.
Salmon tastes really good. I like it.
The wig is still out there. I saw it the other day.
Got a comment today about this: "Found your blog when looking for a map explicitly outlining the city limits of Buffalo and I feel I should let you know: you aren't even close. That outlined area is nothing but downtown Buffalo, one of the smaller neighborhoods of the city. I've lived in South Buffalo for 16 years and know city limits go as far south as Dorrance Ave. bordering Lackawanna, as far east as Harlem Rd. bordering Cheektowaga and West Seneca, as far north as the Scajaquada Expressway bordering Kenmore, and is bordered on the west by Lake Erie and the Niagara River. You missed the whole neighborhoods of South Buffalo, Kaisertown, Love Joy, East Buffalo, North Buffalo and various other subdivisions (Cazenovia, Allentown, Black Rock, University Heights). Inner City Buffalo is not within that red circle at all, in fact, that circled area is probably the nicest neighborhood in the city. East Buffalo would be inner city, anything within a few mile radius of the intersection of Walden and Bailey. And as any Buffalonian must know, East Buffalo is not a nice place at all."
Yes, but imagine how terrible's roswell's web/intranet structure was back when you use to talk about inner cities.
As a side note it is interesting that I used to talk much more about stuff other than what I ate for lunch or who parked in my driveway. It seems like now my life is consumed by programming which is not very interesting to talk about.
The cost here is nothing compared to the same space in any more affluent city. Imagine the cost of an Avant style loft in NYC or SF.
Heh, I was looking up the term "inner city", and wondering what it was in the context of Buffalo. Trust google to find one of your ponderings on the subject. When I think of inner city, I think of the meshwork of streets right inside downtown. Buffalo's "inner city", according to me is definitely growing more affluent by the year.
Look at the price of flats in buildings such as Avant. They match prices of houses in California! I would very much like to live in a high rise flat with window-walls such as Avant - even if for a few months, because I just love cityscapes. But this is impossible in Buffalo, because the rents are so atrociously high. Of course, I can't even dream of getting into a mortgage for one of them.
In Delhi, "Inner city" is probably one of the most fashionable places in the city, but then Delhi is so vast that there are many many "inner cities". What would you say is "inner city" in NYC?
(e:zobar) 's link to the UB Buffalo city map is really good... I remember using that map to learn names of neighborhoods before moving to B-lo last year.
'Inner city' will never be more than a euphemism for 'where black people smoke crack and shoot each other,' even though in Buffalo that area actually borders the suburbs and runs most of the length of the city. I think even the term 'East Side' is so loaded around here, that when the rich white people eventually do move back they'll make up something hokey to call it like 'The Cobblestone District.'
Your circle also missed Riverside, Black Rock, North Buffalo, University, and Kensington. UB has a map of Buffalo split up into neighborhoods that's really good reference. :::link::: Unlike most, they actually acknowledge that the East Side is made up of smaller, diverse neighborhoods.
- Z