Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/31/2007 01:21 #37936
Harry Potter is HotterCategory: pop culture
01/30/2007 14:14 #37922
The Beast Costs MoneyCategory: downtown
I am at Spot on Delaware for lunch at I saw the Beast is now $2. Will anyone pay that for the Beast?

jenks - 01/31/07 19:46
Seriously. $2??!! fifty cents- maybe. but 2 bucks? I wouldn't pay that much for a sunday NYT.
Seriously. $2??!! fifty cents- maybe. but 2 bucks? I wouldn't pay that much for a sunday NYT.
libertad - 01/30/07 22:38
If the Beast had a coupon insert, I might buy it for two dollars. Otherwise, I wouldn't buy any local paper including the buffalo news and Artvoice for two dollars without being promised at least two dollars in usable coupons. I wonder just how many die hard beast fans there are? Actually maybe if I saw a good cover I would buy it for that. They have had some good ones.
If the Beast had a coupon insert, I might buy it for two dollars. Otherwise, I wouldn't buy any local paper including the buffalo news and Artvoice for two dollars without being promised at least two dollars in usable coupons. I wonder just how many die hard beast fans there are? Actually maybe if I saw a good cover I would buy it for that. They have had some good ones.
zobar - 01/30/07 17:01
I've always maintained that in a market of our [small but respectable] size, there is only room for so many alt. weeklies. Even though Buffalo Rising is going after us, it's the Beast that's getting squeezed out.
Whether people will pay for it when they can get it online for free largely depends on whether their editorial gets any better.
- Z
I've always maintained that in a market of our [small but respectable] size, there is only room for so many alt. weeklies. Even though Buffalo Rising is going after us, it's the Beast that's getting squeezed out.
Whether people will pay for it when they can get it online for free largely depends on whether their editorial gets any better.
- Z
uncutsaniflush - 01/30/07 16:57
For anyone that actually wants to read the Beast without paying for it, the lastest issue is available at :::link::: in pdf format. It also looks like most of the content is available in html format at :::link:::
For anyone that actually wants to read the Beast without paying for it, the lastest issue is available at :::link::: in pdf format. It also looks like most of the content is available in html format at :::link:::
vycious - 01/30/07 16:34
ahh, the death rattle of yet another independent buffalo rag....
ahh, the death rattle of yet another independent buffalo rag....
joshua - 01/30/07 14:19
After some considerable thought (aka a split second) I've decided that I won't be paying for The Beast.
My dad, on the other hand, is going to be heartbroken... whenever he visits us he walks over to New World to get copies of Artvoice and The Beast for him and his friends. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't pay for it.
After some considerable thought (aka a split second) I've decided that I won't be paying for The Beast.
My dad, on the other hand, is going to be heartbroken... whenever he visits us he walks over to New World to get copies of Artvoice and The Beast for him and his friends. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't pay for it.
01/27/2007 17:47 #37892
Whoever sent this to imk2Category: fuck off
tried joining this site and it has more bugs than my garden ... keeps saying "invalid user" u prolly wont get this as the site is weak
Go fuck yourself. Don't bother joining the site, in fact do me a favor a stab yourself to death (thank you pan's labyrinth for you inspirational violence.)
I have spent years work on the site as a purely non-profit side project. It generally works amazingly considering the amount of stuff it does and the fact that there is not one employee who is paid to run it. It runs on mac, windows, and linux, plus on cell phone both in wap and xhtml flavor.
I have spent thousands of hours dealing with the server and the people on the site, their emotional problems, the server problems, the nasty swarms of attack bots, the server hackers, arranging its hosting, progamming new features and helping people who don't know how to use computers very well. You have no idea how much behind the scene work goes on, beyond the programming and server upkeep. I am the server tech, the customer service team, the networking guy, the designer, the database admin, the public relations team. I also work 40-50 hours a week at my real job.
Please give me the address of the site you run so I can have ample opportunity to rip your project the fuck apart.
Fuck you,
Paul Visco
joshua - 01/29/07 15:45
This was magnificent. Bravo!
No project is perfect by any means, but this person didn't have to be so dull about things.
This was magnificent. Bravo!
No project is perfect by any means, but this person didn't have to be so dull about things.
shawnr - 01/28/07 10:40
That eye-talian fire makes me smile... I miss Buffalo...
That eye-talian fire makes me smile... I miss Buffalo...
deeglam - 01/27/07 22:32
Paul- the work you do for this site is not unappreciated! You do a wonderful job and if anyone wants to say shit about it, then fuck 'em. Less shit you have to deal with, right??? Cheers to you!
Paul- the work you do for this site is not unappreciated! You do a wonderful job and if anyone wants to say shit about it, then fuck 'em. Less shit you have to deal with, right??? Cheers to you!
paul - 01/27/07 20:12
So I went ahead and signed up for the site using my gmail address and it worked no problem.
So I went ahead and signed up for the site using my gmail address and it worked no problem.
paul - 01/27/07 20:03
Hi Paul - "You could have asked me or anyone else for help in joining the site" ... I did .. Imk2
and I got "go fuck yourself"
You did not ask for help. You simply criticized the site when I was very tired from dealing with a server attack. I guess I could have been nicer but you could have too.
Hi Paul - "You could have asked me or anyone else for help in joining the site" ... I did .. Imk2
and I got "go fuck yourself"
You did not ask for help. You simply criticized the site when I was very tired from dealing with a server attack. I guess I could have been nicer but you could have too.
paul - 01/27/07 20:00
"Hi again Paul
Didn't see an admin contact, my mistake.
I simply tried any thing that worked to contact something/one. Its fine, feel free to curse at me anytime due to my inabiltiy to overcome technical issues; again my mistake. Good luck with the site."
Once again, I don't really care. You see you did not ask her for help. You specifically said, "This site has more bugs than my garden .. it is weak." An appropriate message would have said ..
Hi, my name is blah and I am having trouble signing up for the site. I am not sure what is wrong, but maybe there is a bug with the site preventing me from signing up. My contact information is ...
Had you done that I would have helped you gladly. In fact I generally am very helpful.
"Hi again Paul
Didn't see an admin contact, my mistake.
I simply tried any thing that worked to contact something/one. Its fine, feel free to curse at me anytime due to my inabiltiy to overcome technical issues; again my mistake. Good luck with the site."
Once again, I don't really care. You see you did not ask her for help. You specifically said, "This site has more bugs than my garden .. it is weak." An appropriate message would have said ..
Hi, my name is blah and I am having trouble signing up for the site. I am not sure what is wrong, but maybe there is a bug with the site preventing me from signing up. My contact information is ...
Had you done that I would have helped you gladly. In fact I generally am very helpful.
paul - 01/27/07 18:53
"hello paul
u seem a bit overly emotional ... I've actually viewed the site a hundered times over the past few months ...with mixed results. It was down late nite, came back,and I thought I would join today. After 30 minutes of no luck I got frustrated. The "go fuck yourself" message linked to my unmasked ip was a surpise, but if thats how the site operates I guess its my mistake for wanting to get involved. cheers!"
I am so glad you made that decision. I could care less if you or anyone else joins the site. You could have asked me or anyone else for help in joining the site, or reported the bug to the site admin - myself - instead of messaging imk2. I spent the evening and early morning dealing with an attack on the server. It is rarely down. In fact in the last four years it has been down less than two days.
"hello paul
u seem a bit overly emotional ... I've actually viewed the site a hundered times over the past few months ...with mixed results. It was down late nite, came back,and I thought I would join today. After 30 minutes of no luck I got frustrated. The "go fuck yourself" message linked to my unmasked ip was a surpise, but if thats how the site operates I guess its my mistake for wanting to get involved. cheers!"
I am so glad you made that decision. I could care less if you or anyone else joins the site. You could have asked me or anyone else for help in joining the site, or reported the bug to the site admin - myself - instead of messaging imk2. I spent the evening and early morning dealing with an attack on the server. It is rarely down. In fact in the last four years it has been down less than two days.
01/25/2007 23:46 #37872
Taking an eternityCategory: mac
01/25/2007 23:38 #37871
Uranium For SaleI was reading about some enriched uranium that was smuggled by a fish and sausage trader out of russia and into georgia (the country) Apparently, it was 90% enriched and enough to build a nuclear bomb. 100g goes for about $1 million dollars.
I never really though about what uranium looks like. I realized that it was mined and that it had to be enriched but I never really considered what the susbtsance would be like in quantity enough to make a nuclear bomb. I somehow thought it would be fancier or liek in rods.
Here it is, simply in plastic bags, The smuggler had it under his jacket. I bet he gets a nasty case of cancer.

I never really though about what uranium looks like. I realized that it was mined and that it had to be enriched but I never really considered what the susbtsance would be like in quantity enough to make a nuclear bomb. I somehow thought it would be fancier or liek in rods.
Here it is, simply in plastic bags, The smuggler had it under his jacket. I bet he gets a nasty case of cancer.

Well All I will say is that to bad all Those girls who had the vibrating witchs brooms still don't have them they could really have fun now. but what I wonder is if he and a horse are naked unless they are doing something dirty why would you notice him and not the horse when if it is male I'm guessing it is about the size of his arm. On a side note I'm sure it can't be as bad as that scene in Jackass 2.
Well, it's better than lusting after him at 14. :-x
In all seriousness, why would anyone's parents be upset? Is it because he is all "nekkid" as they might say in the South. Or is it because he is nekkid with horse?
Or is he hung like a horse and millions of little girls lust will be broken when their future husbands don't measure?
wow, i feel reeeeeely, reeeely dirty right now.
gasp! daniel radcliffe is growing up!
thanks, this was my first post viewing of the day
so hot. fuck harry potter.