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02/09/2007 00:36 #38080

Apple Obsessed and Infrared
Category: obsessions
I really hated macs before. I mean I had so many of them and had to work on them for years. The last one I owned was a Powerbook Titanium that (e:terry) spilled a 40oz of beer into. It was a tragic end to my mac ownership.

Today, however, one of my co-workers had a macbook pro that not only dual booted windows and os x, but also could run windows and windows apps natively within os x using something called parallel

Now, just like (e:enknot,79) I am totally obsessed with it.


I am sold now. It would be the best of all worlds because I think I could run OSX, mac, and linux all on the one laptop. Seems like a web developers dream machine. Plus it has a 256MB graphics card so I could still do 3d modeling. I have been wanting to make new icons for my applications for a while, but the 3D workstation is unfortunately now the estrip server at artvoice.

The only thing about it, is that it is certainly very hot and certainly heavy. It also comes with an ati graphics card and I really preferred Nvidia. The last two laptops had ati and I find nvidia ones are just better.

Infrared -
I am also obsessed with infrared cameras. Did you know that if you take traditional camera film and develop it without taking pictures, you can use it afterwards as a filter to filter out regular light but allow infrared through. The ends of developed film also are the same kind of black filter material.

I am really considering purchasing a thermal imaging camera but they are so damn expensive. I think if I buy one I could always sell it on ebay.

paul - 02/09/07 19:47
There is nothing in that weight class with a better video card. Trust me I watch the laptop market like a madman.

I had a dell M60 with 128MB nvidia quadro and it was pretty sweet. I love their real time shaders. The 256MB on the mac is not that bad. I just don't like ATI as much. Really you wouldn't want much more in a laptop unles syou are willing to carry around 8lbs and have a 1 hour battery life. The new Sony SZ series which I was eyeing before this had both a 128MB nvidia card and an inbuilt intel graphics card so that you could switch between the two. In built when you wanted longer battery life and were just typing or surfing the web and then switch the stronger card when playing games. I wish the mac had that.

The thing that really makes me crazy is I know they are the cusp of releasing LCD based screen which have longer battery lives and crisper colors.

If work would pay for it, I would be very happy with the mac now though.
jenks - 02/09/07 19:04
I don't think I even know what a video card actually does- is the difference really noticeable? But yeah, I think the desktops use nvidia, and I *think* on some of them you get a choice (for a price.)

Boot camp is cool. It's free from the apple website. But it's a beta. And you have to reboot to switch between the mac/win.

Parallels is even cooler (but not free)- it lets you run BOTH OSs at the same time and flip between them almost instantly.

I'm itching for an upgrade myself, but can't really justify it. Especially since I didn't get a stupid refund.

Oh, and all the new intel macs can do 802.11n. Not sure how much of a difference it makes, though.
jason - 02/09/07 16:29
Addendum to my comments - apparently Apple offers nVidia cards for their regular Macs, not their laptops.
jason - 02/09/07 16:15
I've seen the Win/Mac Dual boot also, using Boot Camp, and I thought it was pretty cool. I'm thinking the new Macs are amazing as well, but to get the good stuff you have to pay far more money.

You mentioned their video card, an ATI, and I also prefer nVidia. Not too sure if nVidia even makes Mac hardware, but also consider this - the video card Apple is offering on their "new" Mac is not even close to being the top ATI card.

You're looking at what is essentially a very, VERY pedestrian $100 card, similar to the one I bought for my PC years ago. WTF? Dell treats you better in this respect. Not to be too picky but if the Mac is supposed to be a media machine, and if they were married to ATI they could at least give us the option to try their wannabe SLI technology, if not an option to order a beefier video card.

That's pretty much my only major bone to pick with Apple. They have good stuff, but their model for building and selling personal computers will prevent them from being more than a minnow. Not that it matters, they sell a shit ton of everything else.
enknot - 02/09/07 07:52
I told you I told you I toooooold yooooou! The mac lappy must happen soon!
vycious - 02/09/07 06:19
if you buy that camera, we HAVE to go ghost hunting!
kookcity2000 - 02/09/07 04:34
kookcity2000 - 02/09/07 04:32
dude you can rent those cameras. They are pretty steep, we pay someone to do a survey of our switchrooms at the plant every year to check for hotspots & bad connections with one of those.

there are these articles about DIY IR & UV lenses for cameras that are pretty sweet. You can make your own UV filter (according to the internet) if you cut a piece of glass out of a black light bulb.

I'm trying that when I get out of work on Sunday.

02/07/2007 22:52 #38062

When you are going to san francisco
Category: san francisco
Wow, so I am really am going to San Francisco for another conference. I got the confirmation email about it today.

I am going to hang out with (e:twisted) and (e:hodown) is going to meet me there. I tried to get (e:matthew) and (e:terry) to go but terry couldn't get the time off and matthew wouldn't go without him. I was going to fly back with twisted on her way to Italy and stay in New York with (e:hodown) but she hadn't been to San Francisco so we made the plans for her to go there.

It sounds like it could be fun and the conference itself sounds much more promising than the last one. I promise myself not to eat only sushi while I am there.

metalpeter - 02/08/07 18:11
First of all I hope you have a great time. Maybe one day I will get out there. I assume that work pays for everything so that is preaty awesome. I hope you are able to have a great time and take and share great pictures for yourself and us (e:peeps).
jacob - 02/08/07 13:42
I love SF! When are you going?
hodown - 02/08/07 10:30
Im so excited BFF vacation!!
lilho - 02/08/07 08:53
wah. leaving the baby home to fend for herself? unfair. i better get some sweet stuff. and, who will go to the gym with me? so ronery...

02/06/2007 19:23 #38043

I formed an opinion
Category: work
I am working on this employee evaluation web application at work. It is my least favorite project since I have been here because I do not have control over the database ;( I mean it has some fun parts but a lot of it is trying to figure out what these 26, 3-4 page paper forms intended in the first place.

I don't like that no one normalized any of the data on the paper forms. Lots of the stuff on the forms is redundant or doesn't make sense anymore when the system is moved to an online one.

I really think it would have been much better if someone in Human Resources had written these forms from the perspective that they are no longer on paper.

Examine the following instructions:

Select the rating which most accurately describes the employee's performance on each factor, and check the appropriate box. If the employee's performance is not exactly described by one of the definitions under a factor, select from all ratings, the one which best describes the employee's performance.

In this case the user is only provided with 5 check boxes (Outstanding->Needs Improvement) on both the paper and electronic form versions. So "select the rating" and "check the appropriate box" are kind of redundant. Then sentence two basically re-iterates sentence one.
paul - 08/05/11 00:53
Coming to a close, lol - I was just working on this system today. Now I do control the database and the system is much more streamlined.
tinypliny - 08/04/11 21:55
man. you were dealing with very similar issues back in the day. I feel for you.
mrdeadlier - 02/06/07 20:43
Well at least this thing is drawing to a close...

02/03/2007 17:47 #37988

Where is Buffalo's Inner City?
Category: buffalo
This is my 4th journal in 24 hours. Sorry but I am trying to make up for last week. My journal gave me a guilt trip. It is so nice sitting by the fire on a cold day and just playing with my internet.

First of all I really wanted to touch on why "inner city" is used like a swear word. I heard someone refer to inner city youth yesterday but I don't think they meant from the inner city, they just meant poor with a not so good education system.

What about the east coast cities makes the inner city such a bad place? Okay, I know the answer to that but can you even refer to inner city in a newer city like phoenix? Is the inner city a bad place in older cities like Paris? Have people just adopted the term inner city to refer to anything ghetto? Where is the inner city of Buffalo? The map below is all the city of Buffalo. I am even missing some fringe areas.


I thought the red part was the city before. It is the area from Niagara st to the 33 on an east to west plane, and from downtown to Kenmore on a North to south plane. When I asked (e:terry) to point out Buffalo on the map he also said, the area in the ring. In fact I never even realized it continued past their until we really looked at it at a party at (e:lilho) 's house last year when someone who was from south buffalo commented that my view of the city was missing all of south buffalo and most of the east side. I guess I should have known as my Dad grew up in Love Joy but I always though Love Joy was more like Kenmore, not in culture but in the fact I thought it was an independently governed area.

It seems like if Buffalo is really that whole map, then if you were to pick out the inner city you would pick out the part in the ring. But that area doesn't really live up to the term 'inner city'. In fact, most of the wealthiest parts of the city are right in the center of that.

So at some point was saying you are from the inner city a good thing to day. Or maybe what I think of as the inner city was the country back then. Where is the inner city of buffalo?

Imagine if everything changed and all the middle class fled the suburbs and moved into the entire city. Do you think the term inner city could ever be something positive to say about a place, or does it have to much baggage. Will anyone move on up to Buffalo's inner city of the future.
paul - 08/15/12 21:54
Got a comment today about this: "Found your blog when looking for a map explicitly outlining the city limits of Buffalo and I feel I should let you know: you aren't even close. That outlined area is nothing but downtown Buffalo, one of the smaller neighborhoods of the city. I've lived in South Buffalo for 16 years and know city limits go as far south as Dorrance Ave. bordering Lackawanna, as far east as Harlem Rd. bordering Cheektowaga and West Seneca, as far north as the Scajaquada Expressway bordering Kenmore, and is bordered on the west by Lake Erie and the Niagara River. You missed the whole neighborhoods of South Buffalo, Kaisertown, Love Joy, East Buffalo, North Buffalo and various other subdivisions (Cazenovia, Allentown, Black Rock, University Heights). Inner City Buffalo is not within that red circle at all, in fact, that circled area is probably the nicest neighborhood in the city. East Buffalo would be inner city, anything within a few mile radius of the intersection of Walden and Bailey. And as any Buffalonian must know, East Buffalo is not a nice place at all."
tinypliny - 08/21/10 13:24
Yes, but imagine how terrible's roswell's web/intranet structure was back when you use to talk about inner cities.
paul - 08/21/10 12:56
As a side note it is interesting that I used to talk much more about stuff other than what I ate for lunch or who parked in my driveway. It seems like now my life is consumed by programming which is not very interesting to talk about.
paul - 08/21/10 12:55
The cost here is nothing compared to the same space in any more affluent city. Imagine the cost of an Avant style loft in NYC or SF.
tinypliny - 08/21/10 12:04
Heh, I was looking up the term "inner city", and wondering what it was in the context of Buffalo. Trust google to find one of your ponderings on the subject. When I think of inner city, I think of the meshwork of streets right inside downtown. Buffalo's "inner city", according to me is definitely growing more affluent by the year.

Look at the price of flats in buildings such as Avant. They match prices of houses in California! I would very much like to live in a high rise flat with window-walls such as Avant - even if for a few months, because I just love cityscapes. But this is impossible in Buffalo, because the rents are so atrociously high. Of course, I can't even dream of getting into a mortgage for one of them.

In Delhi, "Inner city" is probably one of the most fashionable places in the city, but then Delhi is so vast that there are many many "inner cities". What would you say is "inner city" in NYC?
chico - 02/06/07 21:52
(e:zobar) 's link to the UB Buffalo city map is really good... I remember using that map to learn names of neighborhoods before moving to B-lo last year.
zobar - 02/03/07 21:40
'Inner city' will never be more than a euphemism for 'where black people smoke crack and shoot each other,' even though in Buffalo that area actually borders the suburbs and runs most of the length of the city. I think even the term 'East Side' is so loaded around here, that when the rich white people eventually do move back they'll make up something hokey to call it like 'The Cobblestone District.'

Your circle also missed Riverside, Black Rock, North Buffalo, University, and Kensington. UB has a map of Buffalo split up into neighborhoods that's really good reference. :::link::: Unlike most, they actually acknowledge that the East Side is made up of smaller, diverse neighborhoods.

- Z

02/03/2007 16:47 #37984

Breasts, Penis and Mice
Category: body
I have decided to start journaling obsessively again. I have nothing better to do with my time.

First breasts: Today Nameless Bitch and (e:lilho) went to go get their breasts measured so that they get proper sized bras. Nameless Bitch said she thinks she may have never had the right size.

Namesless Bitch: 12:45 lets get drunk and get measured!

I was thinking about how weird it would be if me and any of my guy friends went to go our junk measured to wear the proper sized underwear. It just seems like something you should know. I could be tottaly wrong about this. I mean I guess there is more to a bra, but is there?

Well according to size I just google "penis size measurement" it seems there is an exact science to this. That is lots of good information here - like, "Is the size of a flaccid penis a good indicator of erection size." Here are the results of the survery At the bottom of the page there is a scrolling marquee. Is this a theme in my life.

As for the mice, their population has been severely reduced. You can tell because there is no mice damage and residuals have gone away. There are a few momma-less baby straglers. They are so slow and baby like that you can catch them with your hands. So two more micecycles in the chamber of death. I am really considering buying a snake. Does anyone have one and want some mice if I catch anymore?
metalpeter - 02/04/07 12:05
well it really dosn't say anything about me, wish it did. It just for what ever reason the leg part is either cut short or the martial maybe makes them crumble. They are the only pair that are like that. They are fine to be worn underclothes but lounging around the house (if anyone else was there) wouldn't work. Oh one last thing on boob size before I watch the pregame (ok 2). I would assume that shape might be a factor to in selecting a size. I have seen pictures in playboy where they have the bra size and I have seen people with the same size and cup and there boobs didn't look like they where the same size.
paul - 02/03/07 19:04
metalpeter, I never had a pair of boxers where the legs were to short but maybe that says something about you, lol.
leetee - 02/03/07 18:53
Bras sizing is complicated... and stupid. Different countries are different. My bra size in Canada is different than it is here.

And, every manufacturer has a different variable, despite what they all say. Even if i shop in the same store that has its own brand, each style has a different fit and a different size!!

On top of that, if you will pardon the pun, there is higher math involved in figuring out a bra size. Measuring around the rib cage, add i can't remember how many inches to get the band size. Why not just make the band size the inches measured?? Then, measure the largest part of the breasts and the difference between them is the cup size? What if i measure wearing a push up bra or a reducing bra? And if i do it braless, the math will be vastly different from that.... but i so don't want to go there!!!

Fucking ridiculous... yeah, i tried on a couple of bras today... and i left the store agrivated.

Grumble grumble grumble...
imk2 - 02/03/07 17:25
see the problem with boobs is that they change size if you gain or lose any weight. so each time you drop 10-15lbs, your boobs get smaller and you need a new bra. if you gain that weight, your boobs start falling out of your bra, and love handles start forming around it and you look like a bulging sausage. so, just as girls have fat and skinny clothes, they probably need fat and skinny bras.
metalpeter - 02/03/07 17:14
I buddy of mine for some reason when he would talk about his GF would always mention the size of her boobs. I don't know if he measured them or just went by bra size or was just full of or maybe he judged the sizw himself who knows. But I did hear somewhare a good percentage either 1/3 or 2/3 of women wear the wrong size bra. Other then that I have no knowledge. In terms of us guys I would say that there is a good percentage of us who have measured our selves; for what reason who knows we are kinda wacky sometimes. But in terms of the right size undwear size dosn't really matter most of the time. Waist size is how underwear size is determined. boxers usaly have plenty of room (sometimes the legs can be to short) and briefs usaly have so stretch to them so, us guys are ok.