Last night I had the craziest dream that we had bought this beach front property in California where there was the shambles of some brick house and a concrete foundation and a lot of overgrowth. We decided to have a party and invite our hundred of friends who all showed up but most of the guests I didn't know - which isn't too weird for my life.
Somehow it turned into some crazy drug party where everyone was on some crazy new drug that I had nothing to do with and they all started having sex outside. This was weird because for some reason I didn't know anyone anymore, and well it was outside at my new house. I was a little embarrassed so I decided to wander over around the neighbors house and see if they were okay with the scene.
The neighbor turned out to be a hot a mechanic who wasn't wearing any pants but was covered in mud. I assumed by his appearance that he had already been at the party and didn't care so I started to go toward the other neighbors house. The other neighbor was a rapper having a rap party. I know that sounds stupid but I swear that is how it went. The girls from the rapper party started having sex with my nerdy friends.
I also noticed the people at my party had made some sort of weird letter m shape on the brick wall of the house. It looked like this. SIDENOTE: Why does no one else draw diagrams on their journal. Its so easy just click the draw button in your publish box.

After drawing it now I realized that the shape was kind of like the word "me" although in the dream the e part was a little smaller. The people at the rap party asked me if I could get any dabs. I was like what the fuck are dabs and this really hot black girl but with bad skin opened my hand and dropped a bunch of tiny powdery brown microdot sized pills in my hand. The only other thing she said was "A little dab will do you."
So I run through the mounds of people fucking on the lawn in order to go inside and tell matt and terry about the dabs at the same time trying to not break them up in my sweaty hands. I was afraid I would not be able to measure out doses if they all broke down. At this point everyone was on dabs accept me and my friends. I held all like 20 of them in my hand but when I got to the shambles of house, (e:matthew) and (e:terry) had redone the kitchen and matt discovered this old fashioned iron cooking stove behind a wall. He wouldn't stop talking about how great the stove was. He was so happy with it, but I realized when I opened it that it was all made of crumbling asbestos tiles on the inside. I had accidentally started a fire with it trying to cover up the asbestos with fabric and the asbestos started crumbling all over. I still had the dabs in my hand but they were also starting to crumble. I wanted to just throw them out at that point because I was sure they were contaminated with asbestos but everyone appeared to be having so much fun. Before I could decide either way I woke up in real life grinding my teeth so hard. Weird.
HAHAHAHA. this was hilarious!
That is the weirdest dream ever. I hope the shambles of a brick house isn't my house. Which reminds me -- I got a 30 day notice to fix my sidewalk or else. So you may want to think twice about staying here since at this rate my house could be condemned by then, haha. Just kidding. I think.
p.s. - could you introduce me to that hot mechanic with no pants?