There was something crazy going on around chippewa. There were police everywhere blocking all of the streets. It wasn't even just chippewa.
This image shows all the police lights although you cannot really see anythign but the light but it is pretty.

They were blocking parts of Washington and franklin too. There was nothing about it on the news website today or in the paper.
The video shows more details.
Check out this sad empty dance floor at underground. Fo rme that place died when the moved the couches to near the outside door about 2 years ago.
Has anyone ever watched House Capades on FOX on sundays. They guarantee that if they show your house on the show they will sell it or buy it theseleves with 30 days. That is a pretty amazing offer. Anyhow, their web site is quite confusing and I have no idea how to browse more info about the houses they showed so I wrote to them. I hope it helps them out.
I got your contact info from the contact information link on I visited the housecapades website today after the airing of your show on Fox 29 in Buffalo. I found the navigation a bit confusing but what was more confusing was how to find information about the houses that I saw on the show.
When I click the Featured Homes LinkI am presented with a form requiring my contact inforation and asking which house I am interested in. Unfortunately, the on air segent which gives information at the end of a house showing did not appear to present any sort of identification number that I recollected.
As a professional web design analyst and programmer, I believe this is a fatal flaw in the design of your site and probably turns away people who may otherwise be interested. It also prevents people who missed the on air show from being able to browse the houses at a more convenient time.
I would suggest at least a photo gallery /stats list recapping each of the houses that you have shown on the last on air segment and perhaps even a mapping utility to visually search through the listings. Both technologies are trivial to maintain as they can be fully automated.
Thank you for your time,
Paul Visco
Lol ... I remember going to Underground and getting hit on by Andre DeAndre(sp?), the "hair dresser to the stars" ... I thought it was nice that someone was hitting on me, so what if he was gay and I was not? I definitely liked the attention ... :-D