Today I played with my new wifi compatible camera. It seems pretty cool but at the same time I am not convinced about the quality of the images yet. It says it takes pictures at 7.2 megapixels but I have been taking most picture at 640x480 for my journal and the pics are not that great at that resolution.
It does great with video
Here are the pics of zoar valley. We went there with Anika. Basically, it was late so we just walked out on point peter and climbed down the cliff and then back up before retiring. It was a real workout.
Along the edge I found this footprint way on the edge of like a 150 foot dropoff. I wonder if it was someones last footprint. I mean a bunch of poeple have died here.

I know... it's probably some horrible global warming thing signifying the end of the world, but SHH don't tell, I like it.
do i always smush my face when taking a picture?!? I never noticed. That's a crawfish, not a lobster. It was 60 degrees yesterday! That is incredibly warm for this time of year, the rest of this week will be in the upper 50's! Buffalo winter, where d'ya go?
they have lobsters in zoar valley!?!?!?
Oh man! I've been to that point so many times! I love that tree with its roots sticking out.
But where's the snow??