I had a much better day programming today. At work I met with the Human Resources guy who I am working for and we were able to clarify a lot of questions I had about the employee evaluation system. I still had to wait to make some changes because the database guy had the day off today and I do not have privileges to change anything.
Almost no one was at work today. It felt weird being there alone in the evening but it was pretty productive. I got a lot of programming done and the system seems promising after all.
I also came home and added a whole lot of new features to surebert

including multi file upload via the mini surebert flash file but exposed as a javascript service. I wish I had bothered doing that before. I should be done with the new version this weekend and then I will add it to estrip. Soon you will no longer need to upload one file at a time, thank god.
I am also excited because tomorrow I am getting my new Wifi camera that will speak to my journal. It is the Nikon s7c

I love the idea of high resolution wifi communication between my new fancy camera and my journal.
The woman with the crown---the police broke in her house looking for drugs. She opened fire on them and they shot her. She was 80 something i think. I wonder if she was sitting on that throne when it happened?